
Exciting Life in DXD

A boy is killed by a god by mistake, and the said God gives him a chance to live a second life in an anime world of choice with three wishes, in a try to hide his mistake of killing an innocent from his wife. The Book Cover is not mine, I am just using it, the original creators or someone else posted it on Pinterest.

Moon_Light_1126 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: Meeting with Devil

Chapter 8: Meeting with Devil

"Thank you very much for inviting me for dinner Mrs. Shidou, dinner was very delicious," I said with a bow to the Shidou family.

"Oh oh thanks for the praise Iekami-kun," said Mrs. Shidou with a smile on her face, then she added, "Please come again tomorrow, Irina will also be happy to play with you."

"Hm, Yes Mrs. Shidou, I will come tomorrow to play with Irina if she agrees," I said with a smile on my face.

"Of course, Iekami-kun, let's play tomorrow," said Irina with cute expressions.

Touji and Grace looked at our interaction with smiles on their faces when I left after wishing them good night.

At my house, just as I entered Ray comes out of my shadow and informs me, "Master one of the assassins have found that devil pamphlet you were asking for.'' Then she takes out a pamphlet from her apron pocket and shows it to me.

Looking at the pamphlet I nodded and said "Good job Ray, please inform the assassins that I said thanks to them for their hard work."

On hearing my praise a small smile appears on Ray's stern face and I also feel her happiness from our connection.

Then I went into my room where Ray took off my clothes from my body, and for your knowledge, it was Ray who forced me to do this saying 'it's a maid's job to change her master's clothes' and I allowed it as I enjoy myself.

After Ray took off every piece of clothing from my body I changed into my older form using [Shape Shifting] and became a handsome man with a height of 190cm with an athletic body with no excess muscle and 8 packs.

Seeing my body in its full glory, Ray has a slight blush on her face as her eyes wander around the area of my 10-inch long third member and I feel that she likes what she is seeing.

After that Ray dressed me in clothes of my new body size while caressing my body everywhere.

After I am dressed in blue pants and a white t-shirt with a blue shirt I said to Ray "Ray teleport us to that place."

"Yes Master," said Ray, and then I took hold of her right hand that made her blush as our shadow suddenly came to life and enveloped us in it and then banished us from that place.

[In a two-story house in the outskirts of Kuoh]

Just like how we disappear from my house, we appear in an empty two-story house that I bought in the name of Danish Holmes, the name of my fake older identity.

We appear in the living room of the house by teleporting through the shadow Dimension with help of Ray as I need more practice to do that.

"Here Master, I wish you good luck," said Ray as she handed me the devil pamphlet, and then she entered my shadow.

Then I take a seat on one of the sofas in the room and start reading the instructions to activate the magic circle on the paper and summon the devil.

After reading it all I activate the circle by the method that is written on it and it is to wish for a devil to fulfill my wishes.

With that the magic circle on the pamphlet started glowing and then it fall from my hand and landed on clear ground and transformed into a large magic circle and it started to pulse and with every pulse, it started to glow even more, and finally, it let out a blinding light and I have to shut my eyes.

When I opened my eyes I saw a woman in her early twenties with gray hair and sapphire blue eyes just like mine, standing in the same place where the magic circle was a second ago.

My heart suddenly started beating fast as I looked at her, and I also felt the little darkness present in the aura she is giving.

As she was looking at me with interest I stood from my place after calming down my heart and said with a smile on my face "Hello, It's a pleasure to meet a beautiful lady, may I know your name." as I offered her my hand for a handshake which she accepted with a smile of her own.

"Pleasure is all mine. It's not every day that I am called by a handsome man like you. By the way, my name is Cleria Belial, a devil from the underworld. I am here to fulfill the wish of the one who summoned me so I assume you are the one, right?." She said with an innocent smile on her face on seeing my heart start beating fast again.

"Yes, I am the one who summoned you. Please have a seat first.' I said while gesturing towards the sofa.

After sitting down I asked her "Well, You see I already knew about the supernaturals and that this town is under the supervision of the Shinto Faction, and as a citizen of this town I like to know why suddenly Devils and exorcists from church came to this town."

After a bit of thinking, she said "I can tell you but it will cost you a price as it is related to our faction. Is it okay with you?"

"Yes, I am okay with it. Please tell me." I said

"Okay, it starts with the peace treaty between devils and the Shinto faction 4 years ago. And as a symbol of this treaty, an agreement is made between two factions according to which we allow a youkai race to live in the underworld, and in exchange, devils are allowed to act as supervisors over some towns in Japan.

This town is one of them and on seeing interactions between devils and the Shinto faction, the angels also decided to arrange things with the Shinto faction and get this town to supervise them.

You understand?" asked Cleria.

"Yes, thanks for telling me all this." I said, "can you tell me more about the relationship between the three biblical factions."

Cleria agreed and told me about the relationship between the three factions starting from the birth of devils after the fall of Lucifer to the three-way war.

It took Cleria an hour to tell me all this, she also added her personal opinions on some events.

When it was time for her to go I gave her an antique wall clock from the 1950's that I got from a pawn shop in the broken state but I repaired it.

After Cleria left I arranged all the information I just got in my brain and from the talk just now I also found out that Claria's personality is just like described in the novel, a bubbly girl that really enjoys gossip and likes to uncover hidden secrets.

I also think about how my heart started beating fast when I first saw Cleria and I understand the feeling I felt at that time, the feeling of love at first sight. But I will decide on it after meeting her a few more times as this is real-world, not a novel.

After clearing my thoughts I went to the master bedroom of this house where Ray changed my clothes into some loose ones and just as she was about to go back into my shadow I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug and said in her ear "Ray, can you accompany me on the bed as we sleep."

"Of course, Master, it's the duty of a maid to ensure that her master has a good sleep." Said Ray in a happy tone, I asked her as I felt her feeling a little jealous when I was talking with Cleria.

Then she changed into lighter clothes. I could see her curvy body and then we lay down on the bed. Then I pulled her into a body hug as I enjoyed touching her body and then I fell asleep while hugging her.


[Word Count: 1352]

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