
Exciting Life in DXD

A boy is killed by a god by mistake, and the said God gives him a chance to live a second life in an anime world of choice with three wishes, in a try to hide his mistake of killing an innocent from his wife. The Book Cover is not mine, I am just using it, the original creators or someone else posted it on Pinterest.

Moon_Light_1126 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 7: Improvement & New Neighbors

Hello guys! I am here with a new Chapter

Writing has been fun lately when the reader interacts with me and asks me different questions about the plot and other things, I am very thankful for your corporation.

Please continue to support me in the future.

Oh! on the same note we have entered in less than 2,800 Ranking. Thank you to everyone who has donated their Power stones to me as for those who haven't please do Otherwise...

I will break into your house at night and will keep looking at your face until you wake up (0_0).

Those who want to read advanced chapter please check my p@treon at:

P atreon.com/Iekami_Sama_1126

Of course, with no space.

On the same note Special Thanks to my current p@treons and their names are:

1) ShadowXK

2) Rocky Hammack

3) Arthur Taborsky

Now BYE!. Enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 7: Improvement & New Neighbors

[4 Days Later]

"Huff huff…huff just one last kilometer," I said as I ran on the roads of Kuoh's doing my daily training.

It has been four days since I fought those two devils and gained two new skills called [All Material Creation Rank D] and [Shadow Army (unique Skill)] after fusing the [Blade Blacksmith] and [Shadow Army] that I got from those devils with my soul.

I have already started to take advantage of [Shadow Army (unique Skill)] by creating shadow servants with personalities of assassins, worriers, and a few maids from the past. Their body is but like that of a human as they have saliva and other body liquids that their body generates from the energy that they recover from the shadow dimension or me, they can only use Mana for now.

But unlike living beings, they don't have blood and have light gray skin while having their own will and consciousness and are very loyal to me and follow every order of mine with my favorite one being the head of the maids whom I have named Ray.

IT costs me a minimum of 1,200 units of energy to create one servant of level 2 with every being able to travel through a shadow dimension of their own, it can also be used to spy on others without their knowledge and can hide in the shadows of others not even gods can find them.

Due to this ability of theirs I have sent a group of 6 assassins to find some stray devils in nearby towns so that I can practice some fighting with them as the church and devils have already arrived in the town yesterday with the head of Church, Touji Shidou the head exorcist becoming my new neighbor with his family.

"Sigh* now I will be under surveillance of Church as I just live next door to the head of the church and can't use my adult form in my house otherwise someone might set their eyes on me, but it's a big relief that I have already arranged a new place where I can come in contact with devils as I want to know more about the general information about the supernatural world and compare my system standards with the power levels of this world," I mumble to myself as I keep running.

4 minutes later I reach in front of my house with heavy breaths as I am using gravity seals on my body, one on each limb with 5kg each.

As I was entering my house I felt someone staring at me from behind the window of the house on my right where the Shidou Family had shifted. Even after feeling the stare, I didn't stop in my tracks to show myself as a normal boy to them.

After taking a bath I was making hot water for a cup of tea for myself as I like to drink a cup to eat in the morning whereas coffee is always welcome.

As I was preparing a cup of ice tea for myself I heard the sound of a doorbell ringing.

"Ding Dong"

Hearing the doorbell I thought to myself 'who it might be?'.

"Ray, who is on the door?" I asked my favorite servant. Then a Shadow maid appears from my shadows in a proper maid costume with a long skirt and long-sleeve tight fit top and with a bow she says "Master, it's the Shido family that has just become our new neighbor yesterday."

"Thanks, Ray, you can go," I said thanks to her for telling me how is it as I still can't sense my surroundings so I have placed 3 maids at this place and 3 more at another one to keep them clean and inform me is someone comes to meet me at any of these places.

Now after knowing who is it I smiled as I really like Irina from the original series so I like to know her personality in this world if she is as bubbly as shown in the series then I will make sure that Issei will keep his distance from her and I will surely make her mine, with these thoughts I start walking towards the main door but not before putting my cup of tea into the fridge.

When I opened the door, I saw three people standing in front of me, one man in his late twenties, one woman around the same age as the man and a small girl who was around my age, on seeing the girl I quickly recognize her as Irina Shiduo because of her Light Brown hairs cut short as a boy with Violet eyes.

I didn't look at Irina for long as not to cause suspicion and directly looked at the man and asked, "how may I help you?"

The man looked at me and smiled and said, "good evening, my name is Touji Shidou and I and my family shifted here this afternoon so I thought of introducing ourselves to the neighbors."

Seeing her father introducing himself Irina also raised her hand and said, "nice to meet you my name is Irina Shidou"

I nodded with a small smile and said, "Nice to meet you as well. My name is Ethan lekami. I hope we can get along." I bowed a little while introducing myself.

Then I looked towards the only person who didn't introduce herself. As if getting what I was asking for, the lady bowed a little and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Grace Shidou. I am Irina's mother."

I then welcomed them inside my house and made them sit in the living room while I went to the kitchen and brought ice tea and some snacks for everyone.

When I came back Touji looked towards me and asked, "Iekami-kun where are your parents? I want to meet them as well. "

Without saying anything I placed the glasses and the snacks on the table sat back on the sofa silently looked towards him and said, "They are no more, I live alone."

Suddenly the environment in the room got heavy and Touji felt guilty for asking me about my parents whereas I myself felt a little guilty on seeing the guilt on man's face as my parents never existed in this world and it was all created by that god so there is no need for him to feel guilty but I can't tell him this,'

Due to thinking all this, my facial expressions changed into that of a little sad in which the atmosphere in the room became more awkward and Touji looked at me and said, "I am sorry," in order to change the atmosphere and I just waved my hands in return saying that it's all right.

Grace looked at me with pity and asked, "what about your other relatives where are they?"

I looked at her and said, "There is no other family member beside me, I am the last one of my family".

Hearing me, she also stopped asking questions. The atmosphere started to get tenser as I thought 'what with this tense atmosphere?' but it was broken by the sound of a growl from Irina's stomach.

Everyone looked at her, who was clutching her stomach and was blushing because of embarrassment. Seeing her like that everyone started chuckling.

Touji got up from his seat and asked, "Why don't you have dinner with us Iekami-kun? Grace's cooking is very delicious."

Irina also overcame her embarrassment and said, "yeah mom's cooking is very good you should join us.". She grasped my hands and looked at me with puppy eyes, the ultimate attack and it did its job.

I gave a defeated sigh and agreed with them. Seeing me like that both Touji and Grace smiled at our interaction and after reminding me again of the dinner, went to introduce themself to other neighbors.


[Word Count: 1327]

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