
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

What do I know?

"What... What, how should I know!" Mu Xin porcelain looked at the eyes handsome extraordinary face, skin hot hot.

"Morning." Leaf fan tip Mu heart porcelain.

The lashes of the Chinese lashes fluttered quickly.

The vivid images flashed into her mind immediately.

It made her face burn to the core.

"You... No colors!"

Ye Fan casually smiled: "How do I think the dirty person is you, did not expect the school flower so dirty!"

Mu Xin porcelain has been embarrassed by Ye Fan ridicule, she covered her face and shook her head, staring Ye Fan: "I didn't think anything!" Don't teach me! Me to I'm going to bed, you go to bed!"

"I won't sleep, what can you do?" Ye Fan is arrogant, holding a meaningful smile, watching Muxin porcelain hate him straight teeth, but can not dry his appearance.

I have to say that her skin is white and tender, red is really beautiful.

Muxin porcelain cheek bulging: "Can't you sleep?" Staying up late hurts your health."

"I'm in good health."

A man can't say he can't.

"I'll give you fifty thousand and you go to sleep at once!"

"I'm not short of money." Ye Fan has a system. He can get as much money as he wants.

"You... You, you, you!" Mu Xin porcelain was about to be angry with him cry.

When she did not know what to do with him, Ye Fan patted the bed next to her and said with a smile: "You coax me to sleep."

'Don't go too far! Mu Xin porcelain mumbled a voice, subconsciously shook his little hand to go out.

Ye Fan sighed: "If not, then I will stay up all night."

Mu Xin porcelain stopped.

All night long? Then she can't have energy during the day.

One night without sleep, she'll be sick.

Ye Fan saw Mu Xin porcelain killed over, he smiled deeply: "Aren't you going to leave?"

"Can't I change my mind?" Mu Xin porcelain or very proud Jiao, asked, "how to coax?"

Ye Fan eyes slightly narrow, eyes show, happily said: "You are asking the paid version or not paid?"

Mu Xin porcelain ears instantly red: "pervert!"

Ye Fan but hum: "I did nothing, you call me a predator, if I do something, what do you call me?"

Ye Fan leaned over, kneaded the small waist of the porcelain of the heart, and joked: "Call husband?"

[ Congratulations to the host to unlock the waist action, get 300 points. ]

Ye Fan raised his lip Angle, lowered his head and took a deep breath in her shoulder socket.

A good smell of body rippling in the tip of her nose, the palm of her soft waist.

It's so thin. It's so nice.

Mu Xin porcelain beautiful face has been red, especially belongs to Ye Fan unique atmosphere filled up, the air is a vague.

Listening to his low, sultry voice, the tips of his porcelain ears turned completely red.

Feel the temperature of his fingers, but also let Muxin porcelain nervous tremble, she quickly pushed Ye Fan: "You serious!"

"I am already very serious, you say not coax it, not coax then I went to the Internet cafe overnight." Yefan subconsciously wanted to get up.

As a result, his arm was immediately encircled by the other side's lotus arm.

"Come back, come back! I didn't say, no... I won't fool you!"

Bashful voice sounded, Ye Fan's heart completely numb.

He looked back and saw the girl sitting on the bed with her legs apart.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she had a beautiful, low face, and curly black hair. He noticed that her long eyelashes, flapping gently like butterfly wings, looked beautiful and sweet.

Not to mention that she was wearing an off-the-shoulder top, her collarbones were visible, her skirt was short, and even in black silk you could see that her legs were long and white, and her toes were beautiful.

Ye Fan mouth hook up a smile, along the way in Mu heart porcelain side a lie.

He smiled at the Mu Xin porcelain: "Then come on, the husband can not say, then shout a brother, go to bed early ~ momoda!" Remember to be gentle!"

'You! Mu Xin porcelain heard "brother" two words, on the ear burning.

Not to mention Ye Fan with a smile in his eyes, with a joke to say these words.

"Well, didn't you say to coax me, back out?" Ye Fan to stand up, was instantly love heart porcelain to push down.

Her long hair poured down and rested on Ye Fan's cheek, a little itchy.

"I'm not going back! Whew..." She let out a quick breath.

Full of fragrance breath, fall on the cheek of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is very thoughtless.

I really want to hook her tiny waist.

Hold her pretty long legs in black silk.

Kiss her red lips.

Whew, that's a tough temptation.


Her eyes were like water, and the shyness on her cheeks did not fade.

Just a "brother", has captivated the soul.

Her voice curled up at the end so she could hear it.

Ye Fan's breath was heavy, meaning: "And then?"

"Go to bed early!" Admiring the heart of the porcelain unspeakable roar out, "now can always be it."

"Hey, less."

"What's missing?" Mu Xin porcelain does not understand.

"Uh-huh." Ye Fan touched his lips with a finger, suggesting the porcelain of the heart.

Mu heart porcelain looked at Ye Fan joking and proud appearance, she blushed more: "must add it."

"Not coming." Ye Fan through to get up, this under the love of the heart porcelain is anxious, directly on the clumsy "boo".

Ye Fan smiled.

Looking at the red-faced girl in front of her, she scraped her nose subconsciously and said indulgently: "Forgive you, go."

It's not gonna work out when it does.

He really has a high tolerance.

But if it keeps going like this, he really can't help it.

After all, her skin is so white, her lips are so red, it looks easy to bite.

Her body is so soft, it's easy to push.

Her legs look long. She must be comfortable.

But what Ye Fan did scared her.

Her watery eyes blinked rapidly.

Frightened like a pure deer.

With crimson in her hand, she fled.

She was embarrassed and ashamed to hear him laugh.

How to make a fool of yourself in front of Ye Fan? If there is no exchange of body feeling with Ye Fan, she is not controlled by Ye Fan.

But her mind could not help but flash the scene that had just been ambiguous, causing her skin to turn red and hot.

Ye Fan and so on after the love of heart porcelain, entered the shopping mall.

Now his points can be raffled off three times.

[ Ding -- Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Silbe supercar ssc, parked in the garage of Yan's garden villa. ]

[ Ding -- Congratulations to the host to obtain a high demolition right, home demolition immediately. ] [ Ding -- Congratulations on getting a free global Travel card for two people, free of charge, premium exclusive service and vvvip guide service. ]

Ye Fan is a little excited.

He is now driving a Koenigsegg sports car lent to him by Mu Xin porcelain, which does not really belong to him.

But now the system has given him a Silber supercar ssc!

Sibel Supercar ssc is the fastest supercar in the world, faster than Bugatti Wayair, at a minimum of 60 million!

Can be said to be the local luxury car in the sports car!

Ha-ha! Faster than Koenigsegg! How awesome!

Well, he hasn't seen the villa yet, so we're going to see the car.

In addition to getting a car, he became a uprooting household!

This is what Ye Fan used to dream about.

Since he was in elementary school, he has fantasized that his home would be demolished and he would get rich overnight.

The result has not been realized, but now the system satisfies his wish!