
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Mom, our house is being demolished

Think of his old house in the countryside can be demolished, Ye Fan's mood is very happy.

I think my parents are gonna be so happy.

Now there is a global free travel card, Ye Fan do not want to think, must be let parents go.

The world is so big, we must let Mom and dad see it.

So Ye Fan immediately called his father and mother's phone.

"How can not fly out of the world of flowers/Turns out I am a/drunken butterfly..."

There was an abrupt end to the sound of a bell.

The phone was picked up.

"Hey, son, why are you calling me, what's wrong, you lost your pocket money again?"

Into the ears of Ye Fan is mother's kind voice.

Ye Fan could not laugh or cry.

He calls, he just wants pocket money.

"Mom, you are too underestimate me, your son I drive a super car, live in a mansion!" Ye Fan laughed and said.

"Son, you are so funny, ha ha ha!"

"..." Mom, you don't believe me.

If we start the video now, I'll show you the mansion your son lives in!

"Okay, Mom, I have a free global travel card with a guide and all expenses are covered. Take Dad with you. Your anniversary is in two days." Ye Fan got down to business.

"Ha ha ha, son, you are so funny! Did you download the anti-fraud app?" My mother's loud laughter came over the phone. Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

"Mom, I'm serious! I draw the prize, is the formal channel!" Ye Fan was helpless.

"So you lost Truth or Dare?"


Ye Fan could not laugh and cry: "Sure it is true! Also, our house is going to be demolished, so don't move your hukou."

"Son, do you talk nonsense in the middle of the night?" Mom continued to laugh.

"I'm wide awake! It's true!"

"Our family village knot, demolition can tear down our family to go?" Son, you'd better wash and sleep, Mom knows that you can't demolish your home, but we have to know ourselves." "Mom said.

I can't blame Mom for thinking that.

After all, the development of their own village is not as good as the next village, the next village has not been demolished, and the demolition of their small village is really ridiculous.

But he has a system. Nothing crazy happens.

"Mom, if it's true or not, you'll find out." By the way, pack your bags. I'll tell the guide to contact you tomorrow. Be sure to go." Ye Fan informed mom after hanging up the phone.

Hung up on mom, black question mark face.

When Dad came back from the shower, he asked Mom, "What's wrong, who's calling?"

"It's our son, and he just told me two bad jokes that are super funny!" Mom smiled at her husband and said.


"He actually said that our remote village would be demolished! Not only that, but he also said that he won the global travel card and did not charge for it.

After hearing his wife's words, his father shook his head and was worried: "My son is in a fool's dream. Has he been deceived?"

"I don't know, I also let him under the anti-fraud app, but he didn't listen." I think he lost Truth or Dare. I'll ask him tomorrow." Mom said to him.

Dad lay down in bed.

He sighed: "Ah, we have been married for so many years, I moved bricks at the construction site, you entered the factory, are too busy, no money no time to travel." Looking at it this way, I really want to take you on a trip to Sanya."

And then I got pushed by my wife.

She began to pour cold water: "You don't care about your son? Our son has to go to college, but we need money to travel, the money to save for his son's tuition fees, to save for him, to marry him in the future. What Sanya, our door is a big puddle, look at the puddle on the line!"

"How can that be the same!

"What's the difference? You don't believe my son. Well, I also hope that we will be demolished here, but I can only think about it, where will the pie fall in the sky!" Mom let out a sigh.

She didn't want to travel with her husband and see the outside world.

But where does the money come from?

After she got married and had a son, she was reluctant to eat and wear clothes.

Just want to buy a little more delicious food for my son, buy a little more good clothes.

Traveling, of course, she would like to, but only if her family allows it.

Dad is also sad.

Working a lifetime on that little savings, naturally want to be able to demolish the home.

But this chance to make a fortune is very slim, it is not as practical as picking up 100 yuan on the construction site, or wash and sleep.

At this moment, Ye Fan compared to the parents who worry about tea, rice, oil and salt, but sleep fragrant.

Love heart porcelain feel next door Ye Fan fell asleep, also sweetly fell asleep.


The day dawned.

Ye Fu and Ye Ma got up early.

They all have to work to earn money so they can make ends meet.

Ye Ma made millet porridge and egg cake, and ate breakfast with her husband.

Just then there was a quick sound of footsteps from outside.

Immediately, the village head's cheerful voice rang out: "Lao Ye, Ye sister-in-law, you are all here, it is wonderful!"

'What's the matter, chief? Ye Fu and Ye Ma looked at the village head in doubt.

The village head announced excitedly: "Our peach blossom village has confirmed the demolition!" Go to the village branch and sign!"

One sentence suddenly surprised Ye Fu and Ye Ma.

This is exactly what Ye Fan said!!

Leaf father is surprised a butt did not sit steady, fell a squat.

Demolition is a great good thing!

How many poor people so rich, carp leap dragon gate!

"Husband! Be careful!" Ye Ma immediately went to support her husband.

Ye Fu's breathing became faster: "I didn't think it was true! My son was right!"

"Yes, I thought he was joking, but it's true!" Ye Ma was very excited.

She also said yesterday that Ye Fan is in a fool's dream! I didn't expect her village to be demolished!

The village head looked at them not happy, but surprised and confused: "What's wrong?"

"My son already knew the news, and I took him as a joke. After all, our village is so poor and remote, even if the demolition will not come to our village." Ye Ma told the village head everything that happened last night.

The village chief gasped: "Your son did not predict?" Or does he know something inside?"

Ye Fu and Ye Ma looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

At that moment, several men in suits came in from outside the house.

"Hello, we are from Tengfei Travel Agency. Is that Ms. Ye Hai and Ms. Shen Meirong?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"We are the gold guide of the travel agency, you get the global travel rights, we will provide you with exclusive services throughout the whole process, you will enjoy five-star hotel accommodation, food and accommodation free, consumption reimbursement of vvvvip benefits!"

The words came out, and shocked the Ye couple.

They didn't expect such a good pie to really fall on their heads!