
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Period visit, experience a night trip

Mu Xin porcelain has a bright white beautiful face with tension, she is anxious to cry out: "OK, I will come right now!"

"It's okay, I don't blame you, take your time." Ye Fan realized that he may have been too hasty, and coaxed her.

Mu heart porcelain looked at Ye Fan subtle smile to her, she felt the spring breeze.

She nodded shyly to Ye Fan: "I'll come later." And then I ran up the stairs.

Ye Fan leans back on the stairs.

He was actually feeling this distension in his stomach, haunting his body.

It's so hard.

Ye Fan closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain.

After a while, he clearly felt the touch of the black silk being taken off.

This clear sense occupied Ye Fan's thinking.

Ye Fan blood spurt.

I can feel my fingers running through the lace.

And then Chubby pulled it down and put something on it.

Isn't this...

Military training is most commonly used.

The most common pink thing in a girl's bag!

The one with the little wings!

Through the hands of the heart of China, Ye Fan finally felt how to use.

How wonderful!

Who invented this thing?

Why would he want to learn that?!

Then you can feel the fat time being pulled up.

A soft touch firmly wrapped.

I feel safe. I don't feel like I'm leaking.

But he's really not used to it.

"Dog than system! I am at war with you!" "The experience is too bad," Mr. Ye protested.

In some novel, man turns woman. He didn't feel it.

What a strange experience! He was totally screwed by the system!

The system innocently said: "Host, what bad thoughts can the system have. This is a bug that accompanied the welfare for you, and I gave you three lucky draw opportunities as compensation."

"Do you have any pain relief?"

Ye fan feel belly pain or not disappear, but more and more intense.

System: [You can have a lottery, there is.]

"Yes! I bet it all now! All for the raffle!!" Ye Fan covered his stomach and said, biting his teeth.

System answer: "OK, now the draw, plus this gift, host you get a total of six prizes."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for an iphone13promax gold!"

Ding, congratulations to the host to obtain a permanent stable signal, to avoid no signal interruption, you can enjoy the game.

Ding, congratulations to the host to get a beautiful font, writing like God, no longer ghost.

[Ding, congratulations to the host to achieve super endurance, breaking through human possibility, for the pain tolerance is stronger.]

Ding, congratulations to the host to get a super good quality sleep, not easy to be troubled by noise, difficult to fall asleep.

"Ding, congratulations to the host to get pain relief potion, effective for eight hours, can block any pain."

Ye Fan think the reward in front, compared to the sixth, is nothing.

He doesn't want patience. He just wants to stop the pain.

"Ok, use the pain relief immediately!" Yevan command system.

The system will be put into use immediately.

So Ye Fan can feel the original discomfort and pain, immediately disappeared.

Whew, comfortable.

I feel alive.

He also thought some girls had menstrual cramps and needed to call an ambulance.

Now feel the pain is really his meow pain!

In the future, girls can not drink more hot water for menstrual cramps, and they should drink more brown sugar water.

Slowly, Ye Fan struggled up the stairs.

A moment later there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Immediately Ye Fan's wrist was a pair of soft slender fingers to take up, she carefully arm themselves up.

"Are you all right? I'm sorry, I... I'm having my period!" At the end, her voice trailed off, like a mosquito.

But Ye Fan's hearing is particularly good, this listen clearly.

"Ding, detect each other's intimate movements, get 200 points." System online remind Ye Fan.

Ye Fan turned off the system panel, looked at the beautiful face of Mu Xin porcelain blushing.

She bit her bottom lip shamefully and tugged her ears like a dainty white bunny.

"I guessed." Ye Fan said, also some ears slightly hot, "girls are really not easy, every month to come once." Now sit down and rest!"

"I... Actually, I got used to it." Mu heart porcelain in the face of Ye Fan's sudden concern, she swung her hands, "No, should be you to rest."

In fact, Mu Xin porcelain is still some small and comfortable.

Every time she has her period, it hurts.

But now it doesn't hurt at all, and Ye Fan to care about himself.

She actually thinks she's making a little money.

Looks like interchangeability isn't as bad as she thought.

"No, you're the one who's suffering now. You rest." Ye Fan said solemnly.

"But... But aren't you the one experiencing menstrual cramps?" Mu Xin porcelain white beautiful little face full of worry, show eyebrows tight, "I will give you brown sugar ginger tea."

"No, I'm fine now!" Ye Fan stop way.

"Really? Mu Xin porcelain is a little surprised.

She used to have her period, and she was all over the place.

And Ye Fan didn't seem to feel anything.

Or is her period pain free now? But Ye Fan's face was very pale just now.

And that Ye Fan's pain resistance is stronger?

When Mu Xin porcelain was still suspicious, Ye Fan said casually: "I am really fine, you are the weakest now, you rest."

Ye fan let mu heart porcelain upstairs to the room to lie on the bed.

Her eyelashes fluttered and her cheeks were red.

Especially Ye Fan strongly put her on the bed, the heart rate slowed half a beat.

"You lie down here and rest and don't go anywhere, okay?" Ye Fan also personally to mu xin porcelain covered with a quilt, can be said to care for her to meticulous.

Mu Xin porcelain is flattered, red face nodded: "Good."

Totally a nice little cat.

In addition to her beautiful appearance let Ye Fan pleasing to the eye, Ye Fan also felt the soft comfort of lying down, let him some comfortable.

Ye Fan want to run down to give her brown sugar ginger.

As a result, he realized that he had an exchange of body feelings with Moxin porcelain.

Can't run. What if Mu Xin porcelain gets tired?

Ye Fan subconsciously slowed down his pace.

Ye Fan went to the kitchen to look for brown sugar ginger tea, but looked for a circle did not find.

"Young Master, what are you looking for?" The handsome maid asked Ye Fan curiously.

Ye Fan asked, "Do you have brown sugar and ginger?"

The maid nodded, "Yes, here it is."

She opened the cupboard and handed Ye Fan brown sugar and ginger.

Ye Fan got it, began to check the phone.

He only knew that girls should drink hot water, but he never knew the practice of brown sugar ginger tea.

He got the latest iphone13promax, plus a good signal.

So I quickly found out how to do it, and I got started right away.

The maid saw Ye fan busy next to her, she sighed in her heart.

What a warm man!

Whoo, Miss, what a lucky fate!

Before, she thought it was too grievous for her to be someone else's licking dog.

Now she looked at Ye Fan to miss ginger tea, think miss will chase Ye fan is too normal.

Such a man should only exist in heaven, and not in the world.

Handsome, good-natured, and warm, no wonder the lady can like to die, but also without telling the master to go abroad to do business, secretly kidnap people home ~