
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Love heart porcelain father found adultery

Watching the play in the upstairs of the Mu Xin porcelain, smelled a pungent taste.

Her brow furrowed slightly.

It doesn't smell good.

What's he doing?

Mu Xin porcelain put on slippers to see when, the door has been opened.

Right in front of the kid who came in.

"Huh? I told you to have a good rest." Ye Fan squinted and looked at the little wild cat who wanted to "cross the moment".

"I... I'll see what you do." His little face was reddish and his red lips murmured.

Ye Fan put the brown sugar ginger tea on the bedside table and picked up the Mooxin porcelain.

"Stay in bed or you'll catch cold." Ye Fan said imperiously.

He could feel some rapid breathing of Muxin porcelain, her full and beautiful small face like petals slightly droped, fingers uneasily pinch the clothes, facing his princess hug, obviously some panic.

And that's what fascinates him.

Congratulations to the host, unlock a princess hug, get 300 points.

Mu heart porcelain burning face, be Ye fan gently put on the bed.

She smelled the taste of ginger tea through Ye Fan and was surprised: "You made brown sugar ginger tea?"

"Yes, drink it while it's hot." Ye Fan urged a voice.

Mu Xin porcelain water eyes twinkle: "I don't like the taste of ginger tea."

"You forgot our somatosensory exchange? You drink, I taste."

"But if you smell ginger, I can feel it." Mu Xin porcelain grumbled.

Ye Fan thought for a moment: "So I wear a mask to go?"

Said Ye fan will go.

The result was Mu Xin porcelain pull stop: "No, I'm joking with you."

She doesn't drink ginger tea, and she doesn't like the smell.

But this time she could bear it.

Ye Fan a flutter, although it is from the touch of the heart porcelain handle, but also let Ye Fan adrenaline straight up.

Congratulations to the host, hand holding behavior detected, get 300 points. System alert.

"Well, drink it." Ye Fan sat next to the bed, but also to let Mu Xin porcelain can be comfortable.

Mu Xin porcelain slowly drink brown sugar ginger tea.

She glanced warily at Ye Fan's reaction.

Found Ye fan is about to cry hot.

She stopped. "That hot?"

"Don't stop, one breath is stuffy, this aftereffect is very fierce!" Ye Fan gnawed his back teeth.

He's actually okay with Onions, ginger, garlic, but he can't touch ginger.

The taste of ginger tea is really too strong, even if there is brown sugar mixed, it can not cover the spicy and stimulating taste.

Ye Fan suddenly thought of the canteen's special dishes: radix isatidis malatang.

Mu Xin porcelain did not dare to stop, and immediately chuangchuangchuangchuangchuang down.

"Whew." Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

I still have some pungent taste in my throat, but I can bear it.

Love heart porcelain afraid of Ye fan too uncomfortable, drink a mouthful of hot water down, Ye Fan this just feel their body buffer over.

For a moment, he heard a light laugh.

When he looked at it, he found that the smile of China was sweet.

His face burned. "Why are you laughing?"

"I suddenly feel that the sense of switching is also quite interesting, look, now that I have my period, you are experiencing." Can also let you feel that it is not easy to be a girl ~ "Mu Xin porcelain smile.

"It's not easy, and I didn't think I would have this experience."

Ye Fan heard the experience of pregnant women's labor pains, is not to hear the experience of menstruation.

He's probably the first guy in Tomato to experience his period!

However, Ye Fan saw Mu heart porcelain pure smile, the heart hot hot.

It makes people happy.

When they were relaxed and happy with each other, they heard ding-dong and the phone rang.

Mu Xin porcelain a look at the mobile phone, pale face, very flustered to remind: "hush, don't say anything, is my father!"

Ye Fan just froze.

He did not expect this point in time, Mu Xin porcelain father called.

Sure, Yevan wouldn't be stupid enough to expose his target.

Big night and a man's daughter in a room, which father will not think.

He might be on their dark shark list!

You know, Mufu is the chairman of Mushi Group, and he is a super tycoon to frighten the business community! Don't mess with it!

"Dad, why are you calling me so late?" Mu Xin porcelain remain calm, has turned on the PA, so that both can hear each other.

Who knows when the sky falls.

"Daughter, are you hiding someone in your house?"

Mufu let ye Fan and Mu heart porcelain all collapse tight.

Ye Fan's heart was startled.

Was it discovered so soon?

But Chairman Mu is famous for being a daughter slave.

Mu Xin porcelain trend, should have been concerned.

Mu Xin porcelain palm have some subtle sweat, stunned: "Ah? Dad, what are you talking about?"

But she bought the servant, can not put Ye fan home things revealed, including her father.

Logically, her father wouldn't know.

"What are you hiding from me as a father, you don't think that because I work abroad, I don't know about foreign affairs, ha ha ha." My father made a hearty voice.

"Dad, aren't you angry at all?" I can't believe it.

Since her mother died, her father has been both mother and father, doting on her.

But only in love, he has been very strict.

For men, they are like thieves, afraid of being fooled and bullied by men who play with women's feelings.

Dad was super protective of her.

There was no rage, but it was unexpected to admire the heart of porcelain.

Even Ye Fan was stunned.

Chairman Mu is too open-minded, right?

That doesn't make you angry, because your daughter is living with a boy!

'Why should I be angry? It's a good thing! Mufu hyper excited up, "is why you didn't tell dad in advance."

"Huh?" The more Mu Xin porcelain listen to feel wrong, "Dad, I am not too late to say it."

Is it possible that her father is more open-minded now that he's living abroad?

"Actually, Dad, me and..." Mu heart porcelain ready to confess everything, he heard Mufu rob words.

"Daughter, I know you grow up lonely, so find Xiaoyue to live with you." I'm glad you have friends you can talk to. It proves that you have moved on from the past." Mufu said happily.

"Isn't your dad smart enough? Judging from the food and electricity bills in the family this month, they are twice as much as you usually are!"

Mu Xin porcelain: "... Yes, Father, you guessed it."

That was a close call. I almost slipped out.

Ye Fan is also depressed.

So that's it.

He really thought Chairman Mu was so open-minded.

Originally thought that the person who moved in is the love of the heart porcelain boudoir Xiaoyue.

But what does the "haze of the past" that Chairman Mu said represent?

Ye Fan frown, heart has a huge doubt.

His mind immediately emerged before the heart porcelain dodge girls, and nightmares of the past.

What is certain is that Mu Xin porcelain has a little-known past.

And let the heart of the heart porcelain.