
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

Dad, I'm actually hiding guys in the house

While Ye Fan was meditating, his father's voice continued: "Since your daughter is so lonely, then I will fly back next week to accompany you, and thank Xiaoyue."

This listen, let Ye fan and Mu Xin porcelain are fierce sweat.

Mufu suddenly killed back still?

What about yourself? !

Even the heart of the porcelain also found it very tricky.

She doesn't want her dad to find out. She's hiding a boy in the house.

Her dad's gonna rip the roof off!

The most important thing is that if Ye Fan leaves and goes to live in what dormitory, the person who suffers is himself.

Now at home, at least Mu Xin porcelain can also supervise Ye Fan, otherwise wait for Ye Fan out, he is a wild horse, simply can not control.

What would she do if she let herself go?

Mu Xin porcelain immediately said to Mu Fu: "Dad, no need, your career in the beautiful country has just started, you are not easy to open up overseas markets, can not throw away all your achievements."

"Oh, it's my little cotton-padded jacket, really for my father's sake." Obviously so lonely, but also for my consideration, so look, I still have to fly back to be with my daughter, but dad bought you a lot of gifts!" Mu Fu listened to Mu Xin porcelain words were moved to tears.

Mu Xin porcelain is very helpless.

She knew what would happen to her father if he came back.

Her father will never let Ye Fan go! Then we'll have to trouble Ye Fan!

No, it must be stopped!

But the problem is that her father's decision is not gonna go away.

Probably looking at the tickets by now!

Mu Xin porcelain Lingzhi a turn, in the critical moment immediately thought of a method.

"Dad, of course I want you to come back, but I'm afraid you'll scare Xiaoyue." Now I and Xiaoyue feeling very good, you come back certainly let people not used to, if she does not take me to play how to do!"

Mu Xin porcelain continued: "I also want to try to grow up, can not rely on you, and fly back and forth, there is jet lag, you are also hard."

"My daughter has grown up ~" Mu Fu was very moved, obviously very eat this move.

He nodded. "OK, I'll come back next time."

"Good," said Hermione. She let out a sigh of relief.

Even Ye Fan is relaxed.

If Mufu doesn't come back at a critical moment, he can have less trouble.

"What about Xiaoyue? I didn't hear her." Originally Mu heart porcelain thought turned the corner, only to find that his father changed the topic.

Ye Fan's heart shuddered.

Now Xiaoyue is not here at all, how to bring her to talk.

It's impossible! But if you're not here, you have to.


He immediately thought of a solution.

"Xiaoyue..." Mu Xin porcelain some panic.

She didn't know how to get away with it.

My dad's a smart guy, but it would be bad if he found something.

If Ye Fan dies, he dies too.

No, for each other's safety, we can't even talk.

In Mu heart porcelain at a loss, suddenly found Ye Fan lift mobile phone.

I saw Ye Fan write a few words on the memo.

Xiaoyue took a bath.

Mu Xin porcelain eyes a light, immediately nodded: "Yes, Xiaoyue bath, then I go to call her?"

"No, I'm taking a shower, and I'm going to see her." As long as you are happy, I will rest assured that this month's living expenses are not enough, not enough dad to call you five million." My father asked with concern.

"That's enough."

Ye Fan is licking his lips.

Five million in one go for living expenses?

Sure enough, the trench is inhuman! This is the happiness of rich people!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan and Mu heart porcelain relieved.

"Luckily, my dad didn't find out." Admiring heart porcelain caresses chest.

Ye Fan nodded: "Well, it is a surprise, well, it is not early, you go to bed early."

He went back to his room.

Just lying in bed, I found wechat small five shout black.

Primary five: [@Ye Fan, lol, four missing one, come on!]

Ye Fan back: "Sleep, very late."

This word, shocked four people.

Xiao Five: "Staying up all night, the little prince, and now you want to sleep?"

Fat Tiger: "Am I right? It's only 9:30!"

Brother Ray: "Brother, you are not old, you have begun to go to bed early and get up early, and soak goji berries in the thermos cup?"

However, several brothers no matter how surprised, or can not change the determination of Ye Fan to sleep.

Ye Fan: [Discard evil and return to right, good night.]

After turning off the phone, Ye Fan really fell asleep.

It was very difficult to fall asleep at first, but the smile that appeared in my mind made me sleep sweetly.

I slept through the night.

The next day, notices of criticism were posted in the school window.

Apparently, it's about Hongyi and short-haired girls.

There was a crowd of people talking about it three times in front of the window.

"I didn't expect Hongyi to be the kind of person who encouraged girls to do such a thing."

"Do you know now? Last time, I accidentally hit his Wuling Hongguang with my bike, and he asked me to wash the car!"

"I heard that small Circle's parents came to the campus yesterday, smoked small circle several big mouth, but also dragged her to unpack." She was transferred to another school last night, and I heard that she was not allowed to read the book, and went directly to work as a factory sister!"

"Then she deserved it! Wronged Ye Fan, Ye Fan is really too poor, handsome people think about it ~ I like him, also use such dirty means!"

Now everyone is defending Ye Fan.

Reluctant to give up education, into the factory to play screw hung benefit, stay in school.

Of course, no one was very kind to him.

Hongyi do those bad things are also people talk, ridicule non-stop.

So that wearing a mask Hongyi walked into the classroom, all he heard was others joking about him.

"Hongyi still has the face to come to class? Did he and Ye Fan apologize?"

"I heard that he is not the monitor now, it just serves him right!"

"Yes, let him do such a harmful thing, I really feel ashamed for such a classmate, can he also transfer schools?"

This is a painful blow to the face-saving Hongyi.

However, not only that, Hongyi actually heard a bad news.

"Did you hear, now the counselor promoted Ye Fan to be the monitor!"

Hongyi's pupil eyes suddenly opened wide.

He immediately excitedly refuted the classmate who had just spoken: "Impossible!"

The other side rolled his eyes: "What's wrong, not him, but you continue to be?" He is the most qualified monitor in our class!"

Others also followed: "Yes, Ye Fan is the perfect choice, he is much more honest than you!"

When it comes to Ye Fan, everyone's eyes have admiration.

Hongyi is not willing.

The monitor was the position he was most proud of, and now he was robbed.

When Hongyi was in a bad mood, he heard someone shout excitedly: "Brother Ye, you are here?"

A tall figure appeared.

The students swarmed up, not to send snacks, is to pull out the chair.

"Ye Brother, congratulations on your promotion to monitor! Here, have a snack!"

"Come, eat something, you have to take care of our class from now on!"

"Ye Brother is the hope of our class, or our appearance level facade, which class has such a handsome monitor!"

"Monitor Ye, why do you look so bad? Did you not rest well?"

All your concerns.

This also let Hongyi anger to go up.

He has to get back to the city.

What kind of crazy Yevander is he?

Suddenly Hongyi's mobile phone "ding" to a sound, came a message.

Hongyi immediately saw hope.

Ha ha, it's time to roll over master!

Guess what he came up with? In addition to more simple, just need to send more God certification on the line. Since the book has not seen, there is a big brother can complete my wish ~

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