

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Golden Gaze

As Lee drove through the rainforest, he found an odd piece of shrubbery. He picked it up and analyzed it. It looked to have a strange rot infesting it. It was like the mutant monsters that were in the mines. He sealed it in a bag and wrote on it, "Substance type M"

As he drove back to the base, he saw that it had completely stopped operating. Everyone was outside trying to figure out what was wrong. Lee then pulled up next to Diana.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lee asked.

"The base just suddenly shut down. The electricity, water, everything doesn't work." Diana told him.

"Are there any other bases?" Lee asked again.

"There are. But they are located under large and densely populated metropolitan areas." Diana said.

"Damn. Imma go inside." Lee told her. Diana grabbed him by his hoodie and handed him back.

"Are you stupid? If the doors shut, you won't be able to get out." Diana told him.

"So? I'll just break out." Lee nonchalantly said as he marched up to the gates. He opened it triumphantly, but then it shut behind him.

"Fuck..." He sighed. He started exploring with his phone flashlight and then saw something rather unusual. One of the main wires in the main operation office was dissolving. "The fuck?" He said quietly. But then from behind him, he heard a rough and deep voice yell, "Die!"

Lee leaped back and when he turned, he saw a tall, pale, white man with steam flowing off of his hands. He charged at Lee and threw a right hook to his face. Lee blocked, but right before they made contact. A white liquid then shot out from his fists. And when they collided, Lee's arm got flung and his skin was burnt off.

"Shit!" Lee yelped painfully.

"Listen boy, you people should not be in these parts. The cult and we, the few hybrids helping them, are here to stop y'all from expanding." The man did not realize that Lee had weaved and punched him in the liver. He threw up a bit and collapsed to the floor. He tried getting up but he slipped and fell each time.

"You bitch!" The man yelled as he slammed his fist into the floor. A large explosion caused Lee to be blasted into a cabinet and nearly broke his back.

"Fuck, you are one hell of a beetle." The bombardier beetle heats up a chemical called benzoquinone in their bodies. And in times of danger and threats. They use these heated chemicals to burn their predators and for them to survive another day.

Lee shakily gets up but is then grabbed by the man.

"Tell me your name boy." He said.

"Lee!" He told him he tried escaping.

"Well, Lee. I am Dr. Winston. And this world has been tainted by the BHPA's service of destroying Earth's life."

"The fuck you mean destroying? We only quench their numbers. If there are too many animals in one area, we hunt more to lower its population." Lee told him.

"What about the fucking humans!" Winston demanded as he slammed Lee to the ground.

"As we humans grow, we innovate and create things to better this world. We don't seek power, we don't seek dominance, we seek peace." Lee continued.

"Lies! Lies! All humans want one thing! They despise us hybrids! They hate us! They'd do anything to end us! And you are no different!" Winston cried.

"And what if I am no different! Are you gonna kill the children. The women. The ones that have no contribution to this! Tell me! Will you kill them too!" Lee yelled back.

"I'll do what I have to." Dr. Winston said quietly, sorrow in his eyes.

"Then I will too." Lee slices Winston's arm with oroborn and then stabs himself with the oroborn.

"You bitch! Oh, you're making this easier for me I see." Winston said when blood dripped from Lee's hand.

He charged at him, but Lee raised his hand and blasted him back.

"What the fuck?" He said in confusion. Lee grabs him by the neck and drags him to the front gate. He holds him up to the door, and blasts him through the door with a massive explosion. He goes flying outside and the people move away from Dr. Winston as he falls down. Lee emerges from the broken door with blood all over him and his clothes ripped and melted.

"There was a cult member that infiltrated the base and melted one of the main sequence wires. It'll be easy to fix, but hard to find the necessary materials to do so." Then Lee collapsed from exhaustion and the amount of damage done to his head.

When he woke up, he was lying on a hospital bed. His waist, chest, and arms were bandaged up. He had a cracked collar bone and a severe concussion.

"Fuck..." Lee said.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're going to be alright. Okay?" One of the doctors said to him.

"It's not that. There's just so much work I'll have to do when I get back." Lee told her.

"Umm, well, what type of work do you do? I mean. It must be serious if you have 2nd degree burns and this many sprains."

"I work for the BHPA as a commander. I am part of the research division where we scout, research, and investigate strange occurrences around the Earth."Lee told her.

"Huh, so I guess you're pretty smart if you're a commander."

"Eh. It's mostly strategies and problem solving that lets you become one. Also you have to be able to cooperate with people that you may not like. There is tons of paperwork and even more going outside and risking your life for some research. But most commanders just send out their operators to do the dirty work, and then sit back to watch them suffer. I don't do that, I am always with my team, and proficiently helping them."

"Very nice, well, you should rest." The doctor told him.

As Lee laid there, he stressed over the amount of paperwork he was going to have to do. The cost of damages, repairing, and medical bills.

After a few days of rest, Lee came back with his right arm covered in dark red and brown marks. Lee walked into his room and saw that no one was there. But then, he felt hands on his back and someone yelled, "Boo!"

"Holy shit!" He cried as he raised his fist to strike someone. But when he turned, it was just Diana.

"I got you!" She said happily.

"Mother fucker bruh. Tryna give me a heart attack?" He asked while gasping for air. She then went in and held him tight.

"I missed you so much!" She told him while squeezing the life out of him.

"Bro, it's only been like a week. Also, please let go. You're killing me!" Lee told her.

"But you love me right?" She asked.

"What kind of fucked up question is that? Yes I do." Lee answered.

"If you could have sex with 2 people of the combined ages of thirty, which two ages would you pick?" Diana asked. Then Lee thought about it.

"You sicko! You disgust me! Y'know what, get off me you menace!" Lee tried pushing her off but the burns on his arms started firing up.

"Ho, fuck!" Lee yelped.

"Are you okay?" Diana asked worriedly.


"C'mon, let's get you to the bedroom." Diana said. Lee thought that that was suspicious. She'd never offer to go to bed unless he really needed to. And right now was not one of those moments. Diana has known Lee long enough to know how he feels.

They get to the bedroom and Lee sits on the bed. But Diana starts to undress. Lee knew that Diana would never do this. She doesn't have that kind of mindset. She knows how to do it and what it is, but she'd never do it with someone whenever they're in pain. This wasn't Diana. Lee pulled out his gun and brought it to her head.

"Put your clothes back on and slowly walk to the door." Lee told her. As they walked, Lee kept a firm grip on the gun. He also held it low at her thighs in case she turned around.

But then, Diana opened the front door. She saw Lee, and herself walking towards her.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Careful mother fucker, don't do anything stupid." Lee told the fake Diana.

"Alright!" She said calmly, but then turned and swung at Lee. Lee weaved and shot her in both of her legs.

"Ahck!" She cried as she fell to the ground. Lee took out his walkie talkie and reported her.

"Camouflaging reptile in room 307, I repeat, camouflaging reptile in 307. I found her trying to disguise herself as head captain of the resources division." Lee reported.

Lee looked down at her in disgust. Her skin started disappearing and her hair changed. She went from a light skinned Indian girl to a Brazilian woman with long curly black hair.

"Chameleon. Fucking hell, how the fuck did they let you through? We really do need to upgrade our defense system." Lee said.

"Shut up bitch! You're just a meager captain. You rely on your hybrids to do all of the work." She told him with a grin. But that grin soon turned into terror as Lee pulled the gun up to her forehead.

"5 bullets left. 5 limbs. What will it be. Excruciating pain, or being set in prison for a decade?" Lee asked.

"I'd rather fucking die!" She yelled.

Lee was about to pull the trigger, but Diana stopped him and removed his hand from the gun's grip.

"Don't. Do. That." Diana told him firmly. Lee was kinda intimidated.

"We can use her to get more information." And just then, multiple guards came and got her in handcuffs. She was forced to walk by herself even though one of her quads had a bullet in them. A cleaning crew came and cleaned up the mess that Lee had made when he shot her and now he could finally relax.

Lee dropped on the bed and stared into space. Diana unbuttoned his shirt and took off his tie for him, slowly. She slowly removed his shoes and took off his socks. She then laid down beside him, but then she got up and looked at Lee. Lee stared back at her.

"What is it?" Lee asked. But then she leaned in and kissed him. She stuck her tongue out and their tongues rolled on each other. Lee held his hand on her back and moved her hair away. When she stopped, a long string of saliva dripped from them. She wiped her mouth, and Lee's, and continued kissing.

Lee stared into her golden eyes. Her glare mesmerized him. All he could think about was how beautiful she was. But after a few minutes, Lee felt that her claws were digging into him.

"Ok, stop." Lee told her. She got up and stared at him with dissatisfaction.

"Really? That wasn't enough for you?" Lee asked.

Diana simply pouted. She let out a deep low growl. Her teeth sharpened and her tail wiped. Lee rubbed his eyes not wanting to continue, but also knowing that it'll happen eventually. Whether he likes it or not.

"Ha, fine. Just get it over with." Diana settled her lips on his once more and began running her hand down his cheek. She then held his head under his ears softly, and rubbed his cheeks. She stroked his hair and soothingly ran her hand across his head.

A few hours later, Lee got a call from the head of management saying that one of the abandoned cities were being occupied by cultists and had authority to do anything with the area as long as he mitigated the threat. And so Lee assured them something spectacular. A flawless mission that would amaze the greatest of commanders.

He set off with an old F-22 raptor and his entire crew. They hauled the jet on ground as the others flew there on a carrier. Lee would stay with the jet, learning the basics with a pilot. And the others would infiltrate the city while he got the jet ready for the main event.

As they flew overhead, everyone started descending the rope. They all wore a tactical vest with smoke and flash grenades. Mohammed's hair was slicked back and his beard started coming in. It was in the middle of the night so they wore helmets with night vision.

Diana tried her hair back, and Finna had her hair in a bun. Zyion cut her hair into a wolf cut, and Jimmy curled his blond hair and was letting his beard grow out too. Lee, was unable to grow a beard unfortunately, and stayed behind as they finished off the minions.

The city had 2 massive buildings in the center, and the polar bear resided there. He would be with 16 other guards, and a horse fly hybrid. The horse fly hybrid was a woman with long purple hair and a long black dress. The polar bear was Ethiopian, but the melanin in his skin was way lower than most. Instead of having dark skin, he was as white as a polar bear itself.

Around the buildings, there are 88 square miles of abandoned residential, shopping, and other districts. All of which had a total of 528 soldiers stationed around to keep watch of any strange activity.

Lee set his eyes on the targets, and gave the signal to begin Operation: Imperial Japan.