

Kai died when no one understood his love for mechas and giant robots, even his girlfriend and mother. But what if he is given a second chance and not just any ordinary one, but an extraordinary one? in a universe with different laws and ways than his. Come read to find out. ------------------------ My first novel for WSA please try it, if you like to read space and high-tech stories.

nekrom1 · Sci-fi
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42 Chs


Kai gazed at the colossal white planet, then turned to Seraphina. "Run surface scans and give me a brief overview of this planet," he requested, moving closer to the panoramic screen.

[The scans are in,] Seraphina replied, her voice laced with intrigue. 

[And this planet is quite bizarre, as one can get but still under possibleness.]

Intrigued, Kai inquired, "Why do you say that? Is there a problem?"

[No problem, per se,] Seraphina explained.

[But the planet has an unusually large time dilation effect due to its rotational and orbital speed. The harsh environment should, in theory, prevent any living organisms from existing on the surface. Yet, it sustains a unique species of flora that, at first glance, is indistinguishable from ice.]

Kai was astounded. "That's incredible!" he exclaimed. "Just how long did it take for life to evolve in such harsh conditions?" He then asked, his curiosity piqued, "Are there any larger organisms present?"

Seraphina's voice took on a frustrated tone as she replied.

[Ugh, I'm trying to search for larger organisms, but the storm and dense atmosphere are making it very difficult to scan the surface. I've already lost connection with two drones.]

Kai, sensing her frustration, said in a reassuring tone, "Just recall the drones, Sera, and show me the data you've collected so far."

Seraphina hesitated, concerned for Kai's safety, protested slightly. 

[But Kai, the planet's surface could be dangerous if we don't know more about it, especially for you when you land there.]

Kai, though a bit apprehensive, remained calm due to his mental fortitude and quickly assessed the situation.

"Don't worry, Sera," he reassured her, "I'm strong enough to protect myself. And even if we sent more drones, there's no guarantee they would be safe. It's better to conserve our resources." 

Hearing Kai's reasoning, Seraphina calmed down and began to think rationally. She displayed all the data she had gathered from the latest scans on the holographic screens.

Kai sat in his chair, carefully reading through the holographic panels one by one. "Learning the language and basic planetary science was a good decision," he thought to himself. I can easily understand scans of this level now.

Reading the data and learning about a completely new world was an exhilarating experience for Kai. "So, it's slightly larger than Earth but less dense, resulting in weaker gravity," he murmured as he continued to analyze the information.

After an hour of intense reading, he leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "Finally finished," he muttered. "It was interesting, like reading a scientific article, but it took quite a while."

Kai stood up, newfound confidence in his voice. "I know most of what I need to about this planet," he declared. "Let's prepare for departure. But first, Sera, if I recall correctly, you said this planet doesn't have a name, right?"

[Absolutely certain,] Seraphina confirmed.

A grin spread across Kai's face. "Well, I can't just keep calling it 'planet this' or 'planet that.' As its discoverer, I should give it a new name."

He chuckled inwardly, and a thrill ran through him. "To name an entire planet! This is incredible," he thought with a surge of excitement.

Clearing his throat, he pointed at the screen and proclaimed, "From now on, this planet shall be known as Glacialis, due to its perpetual covering of ice and glaciers."

Seeing his energy and stance seraphina gave him a little digital clap, then quickly changed her tone to a more serious one.

[Don't be a child, Kai. I've already informed Almond, and he should have a suitable transport ship prepared in Hanger Bay 2 on Floor J. So, you should hurry.]

Kai's excitement dampened slightly at Seraphina's nagging, but he obediently headed towards Floor J, muttering under his breath, "Yeah, yeah, I'm going. Can't even let me enjoy the moment."

A few minutes later, he emerged from the hyperloop lift onto Floor J. Similar to Hanger Bay 1, this vast space was home to three enormous motherships, each occupying a different corner, with numerous frigates.

As Kai gazed at the motherships in awe, Almond approached from behind, with his usual demeanor like an old butler, his holographic face beaming with cheerful expression. 

He bowed deeply before Kai. "Welcome, Master," he said. "Lady Seraphina has informed me of the ship you require."

Kai, maintaining his composure, cleared his throat and said in an authoritative tone, "That's good. Lead the way, then."

Almond, still bowing, replied, "Of course, Master. Please follow me."

Kai followed Almond towards the hangar bay doors, where a transport ship awaited them. It was a pale grey vessel, larger than the Star Manta, with four engines on the underside and two larger ones at the back. 

Its box-like design featured two large mechanical arms on each side, equipped with foldable legs for landing and lifting cargo.

Kai's initial excitement waned as he looked at the ship. "I-is this the one I'm going to f-fly?" he stammered, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Almond, his holographic face beaming with a jolly smile, responded, "Ho ho, indeed it is, Master. While it may not be ideal for combat, it excels at transporting resources of all kinds. It also boasts strong defenses and various regulatory systems to keep the cargo in optimal condition."

Kai sighed and pressed a module on his wrist computer that he had installed during his flight simulation training. The back gate of the transport ship opened, and a ladder extended downwards. 

"So, this is also a frigate-class ship?" he muttered.

Almond affirmed his statement. "Indeed, it is a frigate-class vessel with exceptional cargo capacity and lifting capabilities. It's simply referred to as a 'transport box.' "

"Good to hear that the defenses are solid," Kai replied as he climbed the ladder and entered the ship. The interior was surprisingly spacious, but the cargo holds took up most of the available room.

As he made his way to the cockpit, Kai observed several specialized tanks that appeared to have been recently added. "These tanks must be Seraphina's handiwork while I was in the knowledge pod," he murmured.

Seconds later, Kai entered the cockpit, and the ship's power surged through the systems, illuminating the interior. Various control panels and screens flickered to life, and Kai took note of the front viewport.

"Interesting," he murmured. "It's a hybrid design with panoramic screens on the sides showing different angles and a glass canopy in the center for a better view." He settled into the pilot's seat, feeling smaller neural wires connecting to his metallic spine and neck.

With practiced ease, he pressed the buttons in a rhythmic sequence of clicks, and the ship's lower engines powered up.

"It really does feel different when you know what you're doing," he mused with a smile. "Spending all that time in the flight simulator was definitely worth it."

Outside, the four lower engines intensified, their blue exhaust plumes growing louder and larger. 

The hangar bay doors opened, and red energy shields enclosed the ship's surrounding space, leaving only a long, clear path to the exit.

A wave of excitement was piling through Kai's metallic chest. He gripped the handles tightly, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Then let's be explorers!" he declared.

With a firm pull on the lever, the transport ship lifted off the hangar floor. The engines roared, and the ship surged forward, blasting through the hangar bay doors with a deafening boom and a blinding burst of light.

Kai steered the ship toward the planet's orbit as the doors behind slowly closed. A short distance away from the Colossus, Seraphina's voice crackled over.

A hint of embarrassment and concern tinged Seraphina's voice as she spoke.

[I-I'm sorry, Kai. I should have considered other possibilities earlier, instead of just stopping you, when you were only helping.]

Kai responded calmly, brushing off her apology. "It's okay, Sera. I've already forgotten about it."

Although Seraphina couldn't express it visually, Kai knew she was probably relieved.

[Alright, then. Be safe, and please report back every few hours.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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