
Evolution system: Wake To Strong

What if you had a system that allowed you to get stronger? I'm sure a lot of people would be glad. Xie Qing, the protagonist of this story, got the Evolution System. He became stronger with it, but is this the peak of the System's capabilities? [Ding! Received Mission: Enter the Supernatural World.] What awaits Xie Qing behind this high-profile title? Will his life be in danger? No one knows. Read Evolution System: Wake to Strong and support the author with your comments! /// Communication with the author - e6ekVKyzrS The picture on the cover was taken from the internet. If you have the rights to it, then email me. (Invitation above).

Reveraner · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Union of Six

Magical energy inadvertently flowed out of his body, forming a vortex. His long black wings hovered in the air, and his piercing violet eyes stared straight ahead.

There was, naturally, nothing there. But Xie Qing could feel the eyes on him from the other side.

He tilted his head to the side: [I behaved well, didn't I? So why are you spying on me?]

Those present in the room fell silent and only the dragon girl raised the corners of her mouth slightly, as if finding it amusing.

Soon Xie Qing was answered by a familiar voice.

"Why did you consume the soul of a god?!"

That very voice was a lion. It sounded so angry and righteous that Xie Qing felt a little guilty... For a millisecond.

"And why not? I can, I practice. And you couldn't, but I could. Then it's mine." Xie Qing shrugged and smiled.

At the round table, the lion tried to restrain himself from going down and killing Xie Qing. However, after feeling the piercing stares, the lion humbled himself.

Soon a new voice rang out that belonged to the vampire, "Why are you heading to the Dragon Continent?"

"А? Why do you need to know that? I want to and I'm going, what's the problem?"

The vampire clenched his hands into a fist, trying to restrain himself from swearing. The lion looked at him understandingly.

"No problem." The werewolf replied. "Your actions, however, look like you're looking for something."

"Really, tell us. Maybe we can help." The vampire replied positively, holding back the urge to kill Xie Qing.

As for the latter, he was at a loss for words. Beings who are in the Kingdom of Divinity behave like guides?

"I don't think you can help me in any way." Xie Qing shook his head.

"Ha! As if anything could hide from our eyes! Name what you're looking for and we'll help!" The lion spoke again.

"Okay... Actually, I'm looking for..." Xie Qing adopted a serious expression on his face. "The Akashi Chronicles!"


At the round table...

"The Akashi Chronicles?"

"What are they?"

"That's the first I've heard..."

The rulers of the six races looked at each other and tried to understand what he meant. The dragon-girl, however, merely sighed.

"Boy, what do you think we are in an anime world? There's no such place."

Xie Qing was stunned. Who would have thought that someone from the Divinity Realm knew about this anime?

"And you...?" He muttered respectfully in surprise, waiting for an answer.

"Hmph, you go to my continent and don't know me? I am the Dragon Queen, Anastasia Raviris!"

Xie Qing froze and looked questioningly into the air.

"I thought dragons had a male ruler."

"Huh? Do you have something against women?" Anastasia narrowed her eyes, causing temperature to drop to absolute zero.

Xie Qing looked up at the sky with confusion and raised an eyebrow. Did he say something about that?

"Actually, I don't care. I have some business on the dragon continent. Then I'll be on my way back." Xie Qing waved his hand and Abyss Energy covered his body, making him disappear.

In fact, it was a formation that consisted of a triangle and Latin letters, which formed the word "invisibility."

The formation was A-level, but could hide the views of ordinary practitioners even of X+ level.

"Chao!" All that was left of his presence was this echo that still resounded in the heavens for a long time.

The ordinary inhabitants looked around confusedly, trying to figure out where the sound came from.

But now there was silence around the round table.

The dragon queen watched Xie Qing curiously. His formation was weak to her, so he could easily watch him.

The same was true of the Witch Queen, Remia.

Despite her X (middle phase) level, she could easily penetrate even Z-level formations.

For example, a formation in the forest of Elf World would be like a child's joke for her, and in fact even Lily could not see through it.

And that's despite the fact that her level reached Y level!

Remia Andrea, or her nickname: Scarlet Death.

Five thousand years ago an incredible pressure descended upon the witch race. Werewolves, vampires, humans, even monsters.

They all banded together to take over the witches and turn them into servants. However, the most important goal is to steal their technology.

Witches have always been one step ahead of the rest of the world and their technology is considered first class.

Vampires, werewolves, humans, demons... They all contact them to buy weapons or other items.

However, if it's all in the hands of one person, it's not hard to guess what the problems might be.

Greed. The one engine that caused the war against witches.

And four thousand years ago, Remy was only the fourth princess, yet she killed deserters and traitors with ease.

Took control of her own sisters and defeated an army of enemies in one day.

What is most surprising, even after checking the souls of the dead soldiers - no one was able to see how Remia actually won.

All they saw was a red world, and then the death of a million soldiers. That is why she was nicknamed "The Scarlet Death."

Remia looked very much like her daughter, Victoria. However, the difference was very noticeable.

Her mature body and charming aura inadvertently drew attention. If it weren't for the fact that everyone present remembered the war, someone would certainly not have held back.

Especially the vampires and werewolves. They didn't even try to look in her direction.

Most surprisingly, there were no human races at this gathering. And, the reason was a little sad.

About a thousand years ago, humans were still one of the main rulers of the Supernatural World.

Thanks to a race of High Human, it was quite easy for them to occupy the central continent, one of the most fertile continents.

But during a war four thousand years ago, the last High Human died at the hands of Remy.

Incidentally, this fact made people hate witches and fear them. That is why no one ever traveled to their lands.

Therefore, Xie Qing quickly enough realized that Belle was going to hurt him.

And, since it was about our rams, Xie Qing was now sitting by the river. The river itself was frozen.

"As far as I remember, it's August?" Xie Qing nodded understandingly and then shifted his gaze to the river. "But it doesn't look like much summer weather here."

Before, Xie Qing had lived in a very hot country where the inhabitants, when they see snow, begin to kneel down and pray to the heavens.

But it was quite cold in the Northern Continent. Unless, of course, you are a Supernatural Being.

Because for someone like Xie Qing, "a little cold" means -215 degrees Celsius.

Although it's not the most extreme temperature, even a Supernatural being would feel discomfort.

Xie Qing stood up and shook off the snow, and then spinning on the spot suddenly crashed into something soft.

When he lifted his head, he saw a four hundred meter tall polar bear with powerful claws.

"Not enough vodka for the atmosphere..." Xie Qing shook his head and pulled out the Phantom Hellblade.

He was hungry just the same.