
Evolution system: Wake To Strong

What if you had a system that allowed you to get stronger? I'm sure a lot of people would be glad. Xie Qing, the protagonist of this story, got the Evolution System. He became stronger with it, but is this the peak of the System's capabilities? [Ding! Received Mission: Enter the Supernatural World.] What awaits Xie Qing behind this high-profile title? Will his life be in danger? No one knows. Read Evolution System: Wake to Strong and support the author with your comments! /// Communication with the author - e6ekVKyzrS The picture on the cover was taken from the internet. If you have the rights to it, then email me. (Invitation above).

Reveraner · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Not far from Rivia, the capital of the Witches, there was an old temple. It looked as if it had survived more than one disaster.

If you believe the information Xie Qing found, this temple was built billions of years ago.

But naturally, it fell apart after it lost touch with its God. And now Xie Qing was standing on the wreckage of the temple.

"An imposing place..." Xie Qing turned his head to the left and saw a sign.

He walked over to it and squatted down, scrutinizing it. After a few seconds, he could barely read it.

"Enter in... God and feel... PLEASURE?!" Xie Qing suddenly jumped away from the sign with a look of disgust on his face.

But suddenly he read it again and remained speechless, "Oh. It says, 'Enter the temple of the God Rael and feel his power. The ancient language is so strange."

Xie Qing shook his head and looked at the wreckage of the temple. Not only will he not get into God here... There isn't even anything left of the temple!

He started jumping over the rubble and landed on a column. All sorts of ancient texts were written on it.

Mostly they read, "Honor God," "Become a faithful servant"...

"This god is definitely a narcissist... Although, they all are." Xie Qing shook his head in disgust and examined the place with his spiritual sense.

Suddenly he felt the presence of a soul and jumped toward it. It (the soul) was drifting over a small altar.

The color was golden and, most importantly, translucent. This means that the soul has no ego of its own.

For about half an hour, Xie Qing examined this soul, trying to find any malfunctions.

He even hooked up a system to it, but it showed that everything was normal. Xie Qing squinted his eyes.

Without thinking long, Xie Qing opened the system store and bought something for 40,000 points. Then he began to eating soul.

[It is discovered that the Devouring ability is showing signs of improvement. Start Improving?]

"О? Come on."

[Attention! You need 56,719 points to improve your ability. Continue?]

Xie Qing felt his heart clench in pain when he saw that number.

After his last purchase, he had only 69,000 points left with a small residue. However, Devouring was one of his best skills.

"Hell, he who doesn't take risks doesn't drink Coke!" He closed his eyes with his right hand and pressed the "Continue" button with his left.

The system panel began to blink, and smoke involuntarily began to pour out of Xie Qing's body.

The purple particles grew larger by the second, until they filled most of the space in the smoke.

Xie Qing watched this and waited for things to improve. Meanwhile, the smoke headed toward the golden shower, slowly devouring it.


The soul fought back and Xie Qing vomited blood from the recoil, but he didn't stop.

The Golden Soul beat on and off, but after two days it finally surrendered.

[The Devouring ability had reached level 3!]

[The user's soul has risen to A+ level!]

Xie Qing sucked in cold air when he saw the last message. His current level was at A-, but his soul was already at the peak of A level!

He was, of course, aware of being abnormal. But who would have thought he would be that insane?

Xie Qing jumped happily, but the next second he flew away, sensing movement in his direction.

A few minutes later, a beautiful woman in a black gothic dress and a witch's hat arrived on the scene.

She had dark green eyes, purple long hair down to her buttocks, and a lush body shape.

Her slender fingers moved in the air, mesmerizing the space with their movements.

Soon the beauty's eyes dimmed and she entered the illusion. But perhaps it would be too much to call it an illusion.

A vision of the Past.

That was the name of this beauty's ability. It was a special ability of Andrea's royal family. And every witch who has perfect control over this skill can become the next queen.

Andrea's Witch Kingdom was a matriarchy, which is obviously related to the race of witches.

They were all women, so there were no other men in their kingdom besides tourists.

However, this begs the question, and not only the question, of how do they continue their lineage?

In fact, it's quite simple. A witch can choose a man or a member of another race to be her husband, turning him into a witcher.

The witcher is a race that descends from witches. They skillfully use magic and the art of witchcraft. More often than not, they are the counterparts of the knights of the human nobles.

Almost every man dreams to become a witcher, or at least once thought about it.

Why? witchers have incredible physical strength and, in addition, magic. But most importantly!

They can take a witch as their wife, who will definitely be beautiful!

And so, back to the main events. Belle watched as a dark silhouette leapt over the wreckage of the temple and stopped on the altar.

After that, however, everything was covered in darkness and it was impossible to tell anything about the situation.

However, the beauty understood that the soul that had been here before was stolen.

But she was not angry. There was a slightly... No, a very perverted smile.

"He can consume a god's soul without consequence? Even my mother can't do that... Ha-ah... Ha-ah... Damn, I'm got wet..."

The world returned to its course and the beautiful woman suddenly clapped her hands. Suddenly a beautiful witch appeared out of nowhere.

"Larissa, try to find any information about this man. But stay hidden!" The beauty softly uttered this, touching her forbidden cave.

"Understood, Mistress Victoria. Any other requests?" The witch nodded.

"Yes... Bring me my spare panties." The beauty smiled embarrassedly and fidgeted in her seat, making the witch speechless.


Xie Qing strolled lightly through the continent of Witches. He was moving toward the north, namely, the dragon continent.

He felt that the path would end there. However, he was slightly surprised.

"Why is the Abyss on the dragon continent? Wouldn't it be cooler if it were over the witch capital?"

Xie Qing felt his reader's heart clench in frustration. "After all, witches practice dark magic quite often, and the Abyss is so... dark..."

Despite his slight disappointment, he still kept moving. Xie Qing noticed that apart from Rivia, there were not particularly interesting places.

For the most part, there are only small cities that are reserved for servants and other members of races that are at the end of the hierarchy.

It is also worth noting that in the Supernatural world the hierarchy is very confusing, as strong beings appear every year.

However, most residents believe that dragons are the true rulers of the Supernatural world.

But there are not many who dare to say this out loud. After all, it is only natural that the supreme races of the Supernatural World never acknowledge the superiority of others over their own race.

To Xie Qing, these conflicts were like childish quarrels of the "my clothes are cooler and more expensive" type.

However, he was still interested in seeing dragons. After all, they often appear in fantasy books.

True, most of the time they are portrayed as evil creatures possessed by treasure.

However, this did not stop Xie Qing from admiring them. He also felt the urge to ride one of them.

"One, two, three... Fly!"

Behind him, long black wings appeared, something like the wings of angels. He flapped them and flew into the air.


An elderly man was sitting in a small vegetable garden. He glanced inadvertently at the sky and jumped up and down on his buttocks.

"What the hell?!"

Long black wings could be seen in the sky, which reached up to a hundred meters. A few seconds later, however, they disappeared with a piercing sound.


At the same moment, somewhere above the skies of the Supernatural World...

A round table and six silhouettes that surrounded that very table. Though from the outside it looked like some sort of Freemason gathering, their official name was the Union of the Six.

All had different facial expressions: some were annoyed, some were smiling, and some were sleeping.


Although the way to attract attention was rude, it was worth it to expect from this person.

The one who struck the table looked like a lion in humanoid form. He looked exactly like a lion, but differed in that he looked more like a man in a lion costume.

"We must kill him!" The lion shouted furiously, causing some of the participants in the event to have to plug their ears.

"Don't yell like you've got a stick up your ass, you brainless animal!"

The indignant voice was that of a vampire whose face seemed as pale as snow. However, his exquisite features and red eyes made me stare at him longer than I should have.

Some of those present also asked the lion to shut up, and eventually the proud lion turned into a resentful kitten.

In principle, it was understandable. The half-human race had only a secondary role in the hierarchy of the Supernatural world.

The only reason they hadn't been destroyed was because there was a powerful figure behind them in the form of a race of witches.

This is all based on the fact that the half-humans are like regular humans, but a stronger version of them.

The witches conduct experiments on them in exchange for protecting the half-human race. Cruel? Yes.

But they can't object. There are two choices: suffer and live, or object and die.

The half-humans initially wanted to gain recognition by war, but they were quickly exterminated by the werewolves.

But even though the half-humans look so pathetic, the lion himself was in the Kingdom of Divinity at X-level, which is enough to protect his own race.

But is it really that simple? The weakest in the room reached X (middle phase) level, and the strongest reached Y- level..


One word.

But it was enough to silence even the proud race of werewolves and vampires.

It was a word uttered by an incredibly beautiful woman. And when we say "incredibly beautiful," it really is.

She had brown hair, red eyes, and long eyelashes. Her gaze radiated a sense of power, and her red horns complemented her beauty.

She was wearing a long red raincoat, and the neckline involuntarily attracted the eye.

The beautiful gold jewelry on her clothing looked like little dragons, and the cut on her leg exposed her beautiful and slender legs.

But what was even more amazing was the fact that no one was looking at all this beauty.

Even such daring races as werewolves and vampires tried to keep their eyes on her as little as possible.

"That little guy headed for my continent. Looks like he's looking for something." The dragon girl indifferently poked at the air and a large screen appeared in front of everyone.

It showed Xie Qing flying at a speed comparable to that of a fighter jet.

Each of them carefully captured his figure in their eyes. Soon, however, they were stunned.

[Oh? There seem to be some curious guys watching me.] Xie Qing suddenly stopped in midair, causing a serious wobble in the air.