
Evolution System: Rise of the Devourer

In the world of cultivation, where extraordinary abilities are commonplace, Sam Verninne's life takes an extraordinary turn on his eighteenth birthday. Awakening dormant powers on this momentous occasion, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unparalleled strength. As Sam learns to harness his newfound abilities, he realizes the immense potential he possesses, setting him on a path of becoming an unmatched force. In a universe filled with formidable beings, Sam's rise to power knows no bounds. From battles with various entities to even facing off against gods, he faces countless challenges and emerges victorious. But amidst the wars and cosmic confrontations, Sam discovers the true essence of his purpose. He fights not only for love, family, and himself but also to protect the delicate balance of the universe. As his name resounds through the universe, Sam Verninne becomes a legend in his own right. ... At the beginning of the novel, I must admit that my writing may have seemed awkward and embarrassing. However, I assure you that as the story progresses, it gets better and more captivating. I sincerely hope you'll join me on this journey, and I promise that you won't be disappointed with the unfolding tale. [A/N: Rest assured, the grammar significantly improves after the first 25 chapters.]

Sam_OverPowered · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 48: Whispers of the True King

"And when I awakened, I was no longer human, but something different – a vampire. The progenitor vampire," his appearance shifted back to its previous form.

"Following that transformation, I arrived in this vampire-dominated world where no progenitor existed, and there was no order. They required a progenitor, and so I assumed that role. Their king. The mightiest vampire and the most powerful vampire progenitor in history. I fortified them, granting them immense strength. Our vampire faction grew so potent that it emerged as one of the mightiest factions, even comparable to those of gods."

"I established my covens and clans of vampires, bringing together the lineages of the four vampire progenitors that came before me under my dominion. I stand as the sole ruler over the vampire realm."

His shadow stretched from the throne, as though shrouding the entire world, symbolizing his sovereignty over the vampire domain.