
Evolution System: Rise of the Devourer

In the world of cultivation, where extraordinary abilities are commonplace, Sam Verninne's life takes an extraordinary turn on his eighteenth birthday. Awakening dormant powers on this momentous occasion, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unparalleled strength. As Sam learns to harness his newfound abilities, he realizes the immense potential he possesses, setting him on a path of becoming an unmatched force. In a universe filled with formidable beings, Sam's rise to power knows no bounds. From battles with various entities to even facing off against gods, he faces countless challenges and emerges victorious. But amidst the wars and cosmic confrontations, Sam discovers the true essence of his purpose. He fights not only for love, family, and himself but also to protect the delicate balance of the universe. As his name resounds through the universe, Sam Verninne becomes a legend in his own right. ... At the beginning of the novel, I must admit that my writing may have seemed awkward and embarrassing. However, I assure you that as the story progresses, it gets better and more captivating. I sincerely hope you'll join me on this journey, and I promise that you won't be disappointed with the unfolding tale. [A/N: Rest assured, the grammar significantly improves after the first 25 chapters.]

Sam_OverPowered · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 25: The New Dawn

<Entities identified as vampires>

<New Bloodline Discovered>

<Attempting Bloodline Assimilation>

<Assimilation Unsuccessful>

<Analyzing the issue

<Problem Identified: Incompatibility with Vampire Physiology>

<Finding a resolution...>

<Develop Your Own Vampire Body>

<Issuing Quest...>

<Quest: Journey to become the strongest Vampire

Objective: Devour 0/100 Vampires

Objective: Devour 0/100 liters of Noble Vampire Blood>

Objective: Devour 0/4 Drops of Vampire Progenitor's Blood>

Reward: A Vampire Body>

"So, if I understand correctly, I can't use the fire ability that these vampires have unless I possess their physiology?"

Sam pondered out loud. Joshua Snow, the vampire who overheard him, appeared puzzled at first, but then a look of alarm crossed his face as he considered the implications of what the hero was discussing.

"This guy... he must not be allowed to live," the vampire whispered to himself in a voice so soft that only he could hear.

After reviewing the system notifications, Sam realized that careful consideration is necessary before making a decision about whether to undertake this quest and how to approach it.

Sam set aside any distracting thoughts and decided to address the matter at hand—the person before him, Joshua Snow, the last of the Snow clan triplets.

"Um, so what should I do with you?" Sam asked as he pointed his sharp sword at a vampire trapped in a glass container.

"I'll do anything, just please don't kill me," Joshua Snow pleaded.

"Then start from the beginning," Sam said, using his magical powers to keep the vampire restrained. His tone was somewhat intimidating. "Tell me, what brings you vampires here?"

"We are part of a unique group of individuals known as 'The New Dawn,'" said the vampire.

Sam, looking intrigued, couldn't resist asking, "So, what exactly is this resistance resisting?"

The vampire paused, creating a moment of suspense, before answering with a dramatic flair, "Why, the Vampire King, of course!"

Sam was taken aback, finding it hard to believe what he had just heard. He never expected the resistance group to be opposing their own Vampire King, the fifth Vampire Progenitor.

It appears that the vampires have a rebellious streak, challenging their very own ruler! Let's continue to see how this exciting story develops.

Sam: "Are you guys serious?"

Joshua Snow: "Oh, absolutely!"

Sam couldn't believe his ears! A resistance group against the all-mighty king? Were they out of their minds?

He tried to stifle a laugh, but it burst out anyway. These folks were as serious as a talking parrot with a crown! Why on earth would anyone challenge a powerful vampire king?

With a grin, Sam couldn't help but think, "Well, good luck with that, rebels!" Rolling his eyes playfully, he knew this was going to be one wild and wacky adventure. After all, who doesn't love a good underdog story?

"So, can you tell us what brought you here?" Sam inquired, pressing for an answer that the vampire seemed reluctant to share.

Joshua Snow: "_"

"Respond or face the consequences," Sam asserted once more, using the same approach.

"Okay, okay".

"You do know the relationship between the Arcane and Nightingale, right?". Joshua Snow asked politely.

"Go on". Sam replied.

"The alliance between Arcane and the Nightingale originated during the reign of the current Vampire king. Initially, this alliance faced criticism, but over time, noble vampires in our world developed a strong affinity for the technological advancements and other enjoyable aspects that accompanied magic from the Arcane.

Joshua Snow took a brief pause, ensuring that Sam Verninne, the Hero, was attentive to his explanations to avoid repetition.

Consequently, the Vampire king's reputation soared to new heights, much to the dismay of the resistance. To undermine this mutual relationship between Arcane and the nightingale, the leading minds within the resistance decided it was a brilliant idea to dismantle it."

"Dismantle how exactly?"

Joshua Snow: "_".

This time, Sam remained silent, but his intense gaze sent a shiver down the vampire's spine. Feeling the overwhelming pressure of Sam's presence, the vampire knew he had no choice but to reveal the truth, hoping that the hero would spare his life afterward.

"I must confess," the vampire stammered, his forehead beading with sweat, "some individuals from our group managed to acquire a peculiar machine. This device has the ability to harness Mana as its power source. Once it accumulates enough Mana, it can be utilized as a potent explosive."

"And you intended to employ this... explosive device against your vampire leader?"


Suddenly, Sam recalled the presence of another vampire, currently held captive by the Tatsuya clan.

"Oh, so the vampire from the Kurayami clan is also in your company?" Sam inquired, his chin resting in his hand.

"Are you referring to Akito Kurayami?" The vampire questioned him, unsure.

"Dark hair, dark eyes, mentally ill?" Sam mentally reviewed his description of the vampire.

"Yep, that's the one," said the vampire with a shrug, as if he had just run out of hope-flavored ice cream. By now, it was clear that the poor vampire had misplaced his hope somewhere, probably under a pile of bat socks. But alas, it was nowhere to be found!

Sam: "What's the matter with him?".

Joshua Snow: "Daddy issues".

Sam: "Got it".

"Are you the party responsible for the individuals who have gone missing from our cities?"

"...Yes," the vampire responded, looking down slightly.

Sam and the vampire, Joshua Snow, engaged in a tense moment of silence. Joshua could sense that Sam had something on his mind. After what felt like a long time for Joshua, Sam finally spoke up.

"Where is that machine currently located?"

Joshua Snow pointed in a specific direction and replied, "It's about three miles in that direction."

However, before he could say anything else, he was caught off guard by a sudden heavy punch to his face. Joshua was sent flying through the air and crashed into a nearby tree.

While Joshua struggled to get up, Sam swiftly approached and immobilized the vampire by driving a stake into his stomach. Despite Joshua's attempts to minimize the pain, he couldn't escape his fate.