
Evolution of the God Slayer

I, the great teacher and killer, Cordelia Auspin, have died. Died in a rather shocking way, literally. Lighting on a perfectly clear day. And now, before me is an annoying guy calling himself a god. "Screw you, just bring me back to life or I'll kill you!" "You truly are short-tempered. You are far too weak to even think about challenging me, but for what it's worth you are courageous for even trying. Well, off you go lass, a new world awaits you. I hope you can evolve and grow strong enough to challenge me again the next time we meet." My vision shifts and I'm surrounded by darkness when from out of nowhere some kind of screen appears in my view. "Welcome to the world of Grauntia, Miss Cordelia Auspin. Please take this quick survey to decide your place in Grauntia." "... The hell is this?" Join Cordelia in her journey to take down everyone that has, will, and might slight her while she struggles to survive in the new environment. Not even the gods themselves are safe from her wrath. If anyone wishes to donate and support me, the link is https://ko-fi.com/akkre

Akkre_Kojuuin · Fantasy
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229 Chs

Draelgium, the Alliance Capital

The journey to the Capital was surprisingly uneventful. With the way that Milla was talking, I thought something would happen, like a political enemy makes their move as we travel to sabotage us. No surprise ambush from a rival force and no hired goons to bother us. I guess that kind of stuff only happens on television, but I guess a peaceful journey isn't bad, although it is boring. But regardless, we have arrived safely to the Capital of the Central Alliance, Draelgium.

As the first major city I've seen in this world, I'll admit that it is impressive, even when taking modern cities on Earth into account. The bandit base at Mount Dragspear is rather barebones, keeping only the essentials in mind and heading no care to the visual aesthetic... at least we had a plumbing system even if it was simple. The few small settlements I had been to didn't even have a plumbing system, although they are just small steppe towns so it is hard to keep them running let alone get something like a plumbing system. But the grandeur of the Capital puts the other places to shame.

A high walled city that showcases a routine guard patrol system at work. Unlike the steppe towns, what appears to be luxury item shops line the streets with a constant flow of people moving in and out of them. A delicious scent flows from what I can only assume to be restaurants, I can practically taste the spices on my tongue as I take in the aroma. I almost try to slip out of the carriage and make my way to one of the restaurants, but the stare I'm getting from Milla is almost as scary as being chased by Cetus so I restrain myself.

The wide variety of shops are met with a similarly wide variety of people. There are the five species that make up the Alliance, but there are also some others as well. There is a species called beastmen, which is similar to the Dragonoids in which they are composed of various sub-species. They, for the most part, look like humans but with various animalistic attachments. Despite the wide variety of races, for being one of the main factions the Dragonoids seems to have the least presence here, followed by the Giants who have an almost equally low presence.

"Hey, why does it feel like there is so little Dragonoids, and Giants to I guess, when compared to the other species? Is there discrimination or something or work here?"

Seemingly unconcerned, Milla just looks out the window before speaking. "There certainly are less of us and Giants within the Capital, but it's not discrimination or anything like that. It is simply a cultural difference. The Dragonoids by nature are nomadic steppe peoples, and the more adventurous ones who leave that way of life tend to join up with me at Mount Dragspear. As for the Giants, they are hunter-gatherers, so there is little appeal in city life. Of course, this isn't to say that there is absolutely no discrimination happening, but it mostly comes from humans and around here they will keep their thoughts to themselves. Anyways, we have arrived at the place we'll be staying."

Leaving the carriage we are met with a large multi-storey building that vividly stands with its wide array of flashy colours. Hanging above its entrance is a large plaque with what I presume to be this place's name, Golden Palace. parked alongside out simple and shabby carriage is four other well-decorated ones marked with the insignia of the four other ruling factions. Compared to theirs, our carriage looks like a mere wagon... well, the giant's is only good looking when compared to ours, compared to the other ones, the Giant's carriage is also pretty trashy... doesn't that make ours worse than trash?

"I think we need a better carriage."

Lia sighs and places her hand on my shoulder. "I agree and I've brought this up several times, but Milla doesn't think it to be a necessary expense."

"Because it isn't one. Why should I waste money on something as pointless as a good looking carriage? Besides, this thing is sturdy and its worked for years, see-- ah!"

Attempting to push her point, Milla slaps the side of the carriage, but much to everyone's surprise, her light slap caused the carriage to completely break down.

"... So I think it's about time I bought us a new carriage."

"Why buy one when there are four perfectly fine ones for the taking right here?"

"I've said this plenty of times, but you're seriously so much more of a bandit than I am. And I won't be taking those tacky looking carriages even if I could. But before that let's get ourselves checked in. The people of this hotel are familiar with me and Lia, but you're a new face for them, Cordelia, so once you're introduced we can go out and look for a new carriage and have some fun."

Guiding us in, much of the staff greet Milla with a respectful tone and guide us to our room. Perhaps in an attempt to pry some information out of her, many different people for the other four species try to come and make some small talk. Between Milla being vague with her answers and the political nature of the conversation, I don't pay much attention to the details, but seeing everyone who came up to us walk away with disgruntled expressions was amusing. But before when can enter our assigned rooms and drop our luggage off, a group of Elves walk over.

With a sneer on his face, an older looking Elf walks ahead of the group. "Greetings, Khatun Milla, I look forward to a fruitful discussion tomorrow. I've heard that the steppes have been plagued with high monster aggression recently, why not ask for some help? I'm sure many of us would be willing to lend a hand for a... fair price."

"Ha, I'm sure you have heard you damned old man. But I have no need to worry, the Dragonoids don't need to rely on any unrelated third party to take care of our lands, especially with our guardian taking care of the problematic ones."

Milla gives me a quick glance but quickly returns her sight to the elderly Elf. "Our Guardian has been doing great work for the Khanate and my... other organisations."

"Bah! What guardian, you've probably just hired some adventurers to take care of your problems."

"Believe what you want, now if you'll excuse us we have other activities to attend to other than keeping an old elf from going senile."

Leave the group of Elves behind, we enter our assigned room with the old Elf cursing us from behind. Now it may just be me, but I think Milla and the old Elf don't get along... nah, who am I kidding, anyone with eyes and ears could tell that there is something going on. I, unfortunately, can't join you all right now, so your free to go about and have fun in the city. We will be meeting up at the Smoking Boar for dinner tonight in seven hours, so don't be late. But first, here you go Lia, take Cordelia with you and use this money to buy a new carriage before you two have your free time. Afterwards, you need to make sure to not let Cordelia out of your sight. Do not let her cause any trouble, and make sure she pays for anything she wants."

"Hey! I don't need a babysitter! Do you really think I would just steal everything I find like?"

In complete unison, Milla, Lia, and the other we brought with us say, "yes, that's exactly what I expect from you".

"I-- well... not that your wrong, but have a little faith in me."

"Why do you think I set one day aside for any accidents? It's to bail you out of whatever trouble you manage to get dragged into. Anyways, here is some extra money, so please don't steal anything and cause any trouble before the plan is complete."

"You still haven't told us what this plan is though."

"Don't worry about it, you'll find out in the next couple of days. Just go out and enjoy yourselves in the Capital... it won't be very peaceful for long after all."

Sorry about the previously delayed chapter. This is the second time I hit the publish button only for the chapter to remain a draft and not actually get published, so from now on I will triple check after finishing that the chapter has been released properly.

As for the lack of a chapter yesterday, it was originally mentioned in the delayed chapter that I was taking the day off due to the potential of losing power and just to take a break... I lost power three separate times BTW. The regular daily schedule will resume from today until I decide I want to take another day off... probably next month.

Depending on my energy levels I'm going to look for a chance to do a double release sometime soon to make up for the deficit, but we'll see how things turn out.

As always, have a good day everyone.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts