

AT OF AWAKENING YOU HAVE AWAKENED AS S CLASS - ELEMENTAL SWORDSMAN ERROR EROOR ERROR ERROR ERROR YOU ARE NOT IDENTIFYED AS FROM THIS PLANET RETRIVING SYSTEM, ERROR ERROR CHANGING CLASS TO FRANK GOBLIN SUCCES..... Separating THE SYSTEM FROM the main system SUCESSS........ Our main protagonist, Airen (reincarnation), has awakened in the game world of Nexus as an S-class Elemental Swordsman. However, the system is unable to identify them as being from the planet and encounters errors. As a result, their class is changed to F-rank Goblin, and the system is separated from the main system. Airen knows that they will face many unimaginable situations and wonders if they will be able to maintain their sanity. They question whether they will become a savior, victim, or monster in this new world.

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15 Chs



On the bustling street, my footsteps sync with the rhythm of anticipation. I glance up at the towering building before me—the Dark Axis Guild's main building. Its architecture exudes wealth and power, a testament to the elite status it holds.

Airen looks at the large building standing tall showing the great work of architecture to make a status of money and power that stands beyond the reach of many.

The main building of the Dark Axis Guild the top 5th guild of Nexus is in front of me and I am entering the general area of the Guild building.

As I step into the guild's entrance area, I find myself surrounded by fellow hunters. Even the receptionist, a C-rank hunter, greets me. The air hums with mana, and I notice that many of the staff members are also hunters—a unique blend of duty and power.

How may I help you? " the receptionist asks me(Airen)

.I unveil my face, letting my long hair cascade. "Hello," I say, my voice steady. "I am here for registration as a healer." I present the card the Guildmaster gave me, and the receptionist directs me to a guest room on the second floor.

As I settled onto the couch, my senses tingled—an unmistakable surge of mana filled the room. It was no ordinary energy; this was B-rank or perhaps even beyond. The air thickened, and I wondered who—or what—held such power.

The room's atmosphere shifts as the imposing figure, an old man with a tall and muscular build, steps inside. His eyes—icy and unyielding—lock onto mine

As I stood up there, I could feel the mana pressure gradually building around me, causing a heavy weight to press down on my body. Despite my best efforts to remain upright, my legs began to wobble and tremble, threatening to give out at any moment. Just when I thought I would collapse onto the ground, I sensed an unexplainable force gently supporting me, keeping me from falling. 

I look toward the old man who is supporting me and keeps me standing instead of letting me fall. 

The silence had taken over my chaotic mind and I don't dare to utter any word.

The old man put me down and sat down while laughing.

HAA HAA HAA you are an Interesting one lad for not passing out.

Yes... I look at the crazy old man but don't have words to say.

The old man looked at me and said your name is Tanya, isn't it?

YES SIR I replied formally.

I wish we can chat a little more next time OLd man says as he looks away from me but his sentence leads me to confusion 

Yes? I said in confusion.

A lady rushes inside the room while bangin' to the door.

In the dimly lit room, the air hung heavy with tension. The lady, a shadow in her own right, stepped forward. Her movements were fluid, calculated—a dance of death. She was no ordinary woman; she was the A-Rank assassin hunter, Hunter reaper.

I kept staring at her while using the skill reader view but the result was the same all I could see was a question mark on the lady's status but to my surprise old man's status didn't show even her name and the only possibility for that to occur is 

Clutching tightly, I murmured, "S-Rank Hunter, I said aloud a little while grasping.

My words hung in the air, and the old man erupted into laughter—a deep, rumbling sound that echoed through the room.

How do you find out I am sure I hide my mana to make it look like the B rank. (old man)

In an unexpected moment, Hunter Reaper turns toward me and offers an apology. Hunter Reaper's unexpected apology hung in the air, a moment suspended in time. The tension eased, and I wondered what was going on.

Hunter Reaper toward me and nods, her smile warm and understanding. "I can see how things might be a bit confusing for you right now," she says. "But don't worry, we'll figure this out together." Her confidence is reassuring, a beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty. She seems to understand your situation and is ready to help you navigate through it. Her smile, genuine and comforting, is a clear indication that she gets it. She gets you. And that's more than enough to keep going.

My name is Evily and this rowdy old man here is our Vice-GuildMaster Mr. Jonh. She came near me after the Introduction and whispered in my ears.

He may act a little rowdy but he is still a -hearted person 

Evily is a cheerful person in contrast to her class. I thought

So what I am supposed to do I asked Evily. What I am asking here is the entrance test of the guild.

Well, you just have to agree to the contract and add your conditions if it is deemed fair we add it to the contract. Evily said with a straight face without missing the beat.

"Isn't there some sort of entrance examination?" I inquired. In my mind, I was clear that my primary objective for being here was to level up and secure the backing of a Guild.

Jhon, the Vice-GuildMaster, retorted with a chuckle, "Evily, has there ever been a time when we didn't have an entrance test? Or is age finally catching up to you?" 

Vice-Guildmaster, why don't you complete your paperwork? In response to Miss Tanya's question, we are having a test raid tomorrow, and you are welcome to join it as a trial. However, usually, we do not conduct entrance tests for hunters who come with a guildmaster recommendation.

After giving my contact information I leave the building as my exam or maybe test trial is set for tomorrow raid and I am currently free roaming in a new city without care or it may seem like.

As Airen, currently in the form of Tanya, steps out of the building, a figure on the top floor watches her with a gaze filled with curiosity.

In the guild master's office

As Zypher, the GuildMaster watched from the vantage point on the top floor. A figure known to me as Tanya emerged from the building. His gaze, filled with curiosity, followed her every move.

A person knocks on the door asking for permission to enter inside.

Come in Zypher replied in response to the knock on the door.

The figure who steps through the door is Evily, her gaze now completely different from what it was just a moment ago. Her eyes are cold, a stark contrast to the warmth they held before. It's as if she's transformed, her eyes reflecting a change that's more than just physical. It's intriguing to observe such a swift shift in demeanor.

How was she? Zyper asks Evily wanting her to respond.

She was just an ordinary healer nothing special at all. Evily replied directly

At her answer, Zypher smiled as he was expecting this answer and was happy with her response.

Evily can't understand why the GuildMaster is showing such interest in a B-rank healer.


Airen is standing in front of the dungeon that is preserved by the Government for income sources as they are not higher in rank and have good mineral production but unknown to them they are the one of main factors for the world destruction in the game storyline.

I crack my bones with stiffness as I change back to my original form while entering the dungeon.

The sky is blue and the land is full of grass. Although the Ghoul Dungeon and This Dungeon seem opposite, they share some similarities in size and the absence of a boss monster. Instead of a boss monster, the dungeon is controlled by the dungeon core.

I pull out the rental sword from my inventory that I picked up while smuggling myself inside.

In the large land, Rookies are hunting slimes trying to earn some money while gaining experience for better-F ranking dungeons.

Slimes are weak creatures, but they are not easy to hunt because they can regenerate quickly. However, luck also plays a role in this fight. If you hit their core, they will die instantly. But every slime has a different core size and position.




HP- 1








As I scanned the status screen, I spotted the glowing dot that marked the core of the slime. This was going to be an easy hunt, I murmured, as I gripped my sword. I dashed towards the nearest one with the only thought of leveling up and testing out the Evolution skill which may be my only hope.

As he slaughtered stated I killed one slime another this was easy and fun compared to the life-death situation of the Ghoul dungeon this is a piece of cake slime are hard to kill but with my skill, I can easily kill them in buch without any issue this is the easiest hunt I ever have and maybe will stay as my easiest hunt that I will and had done.


I am taking back what I have said they are killed but not easy to maintain I said while looking at myself completely drenched wet in slime jelly-like substance and I am promising myself that I will never hunt a slime again as they are disgusting when they are dead.





LEVEL - 5/5 


INT- 4








I am level five now so I put 2 in mana 1 in intelligence and 1 in strength It is the most balanced stats that I needed as soon as I put my bonus stats a Notification came.



DEEPANSHU_PALcreators' thoughts