
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 19 - The Exam Part 1

Gil work like normal and got ready for his run, he was about to knock on Tash's door when she opened it.

"Ready to go" She asked walking past him.

When they started to head to the castle doors to start there run they noticed that the training room was busy with people trying to get a last bit of training in. Going round the castle twice and walking over to there normal training ground they saw it had been changed.

Instead of the normal flat ground with training dummies scattered round and a hut storing anything extra in there it was completely different. There was now a large wall circling the entire area and it was was several meter high. When they entered they noticed that it was a sort of colosseum, there where rows of seats on the left of right behind a couple feet of wall. In the very back there was a a platform with the blond haired women talking to some other teachers. Gil and Tash decided to head to the right set of seats and headed to the back, slowly other students started coming in noticing the changes went to the left and right filling up the seats.

"Today you will be facing different forms of goblins, ranging from very basic to warrior Goblins. You will be marked on time, effectiveness and skill. You will be able to select any goblin you want to start with in order of difficulty but you can't then go to an easier on if you fail to kill it. Failure to kill any goblin and show no skill will result in a score of 10F the weakest , the higher up you go the better your score. The highest in the schools record is making it to 10A, and that is achieved by fighting against each Goblin and showing your training. This will also be the first time the attacking group and the support group will meet, we will have some healer sent over so they can experience healing battle injuries. They will be going through all the exams from the attacking groups this week."

"First up:

Joe, Ryan, Jack and Cam will you please make your way down to the arena." Gil noticed that the person that had a duel the other day was moving down to the arena, honestly Gil hadn't paid attention to anyone in the class.

[Name Ryan

Age: 15

Power: Projection]

[Projection - by using mana they can use mana to create images in the air]

[Name Jack

Age: 15

Power: Heightened senses]

[Heightened senses - 5 senses are able to be heightened at will]

[Name Cam

Age: 15

Power: Gigantification]

[Gigantification - Allows the user to grow specific parts of there body]

Gil inspected each of the people that came down, and looked at there power. Out of all of them the one he thought was the most useful was the heightened senses.

"Please select the from the list:

1. Basic Goblin

2. Hobgoblin

3. Goblin Champions

4. Goblin Paladins

When selecting the style there is a chance that they are a mutated breed which are stronger, faster and more dangerous." The blond lady said.

The 4 boys huddled into a group before announcing "Hobgoblin".

The blond women held out here hand and opened a gate, after a few seconds 2 Hobgoblins walked out. Each one was around 180-190cm. they had very little armour on, one was carrying a large wooden club and the other an axe. When the goblins emerged they looked around and when they was the group of boys charged right on.

"Ryan create projections of us running left, hopefully that will draw the attention of one of them." Joe called out. Suddenly the 4 became 8 and each ran in different ways. the goblin with the axe went to the group of projections and the one with the club went for the real ones.

"Jack, keep an eye on the one with the axe and let us know when its coming, Cam and i will attack when we have only one to focus on." Joe called.

Cam stepped forward and swung his fist like a normal attack, then suddenly his arm grew and grew, it was now around 30cm round. As Cam was throwing his punch Joe continued running to the right of the monster.

When Cams fist connected with the goblin it sent is stumbling to where Joe had stopped, swinging his battle axe with the blade first he sunk it into the side of the goblin.

"Second goblin heading this way now" Jack called out hearing the second goblin head this way.

"Ahhh WHY.... WONT.... YOU...COME...OUTTTTT" Joe screamed trying to rip his axe out.

"Its coming closer!!!!!" Jack called out swinging his sword down on the neck of the goblin they where attacking, he called this out without even looking back at the other goblin.

Cam decided to go and charge the other Goblin as his team finish the first.

"Will make it look like im swinging my left fist" Cam called out, during there time working together they used this sort of tactic before. By making a left arm come out his opponent would defend leaving himself open for an attack with his right fist.

That was meant to be the plan, but this goblin didnt.

"One down" Joe called finally ripping his axe blade out.

"CAM!!" Jack suddenly called out as he could hear the goblin swatting him away,

As Cam's fake fist came out the goblin ran into it as they where beings of simple nature, see enemy attack enemy, that was what the goblin expression was. As the goblin crashed into the fist it brought his axe round smashing into the side of Cam.

"Ohhhhh" rattled through the stands watching cam go flying and finally stopping at the edge of the wall.

"Will make as many enemy's as possible, Jack focus on its movement's and find an opening. Ill try a battle of strength"

Suddenly there was 4 Joes attacking the goblin each aiming at different area's as each brought their axe down, the goblin picked the wrong 2 opponents and a large axe was plunges into his leg.

Jack who had been moving away from the main battle slipped behind the goblin and focused on when there was an opening. He picked the moment after the axe was plunged into the leg of the goblin when it tried to step forward and stumbled to the ground.

"I hope this works, I hope this works, I hope this works" Was all Jack was thinking. He raised his weapon and placed it one the edge of the goblins neck and pulled back as hard as he could. With a last growl the goblin fell over dead.

"Well done, good use of powers and teamwork. Shame one of you got injured but it allows the support healers to do something. " The women said.

"Miss, when will we know the scores" Jack asked watching Cam getting carried away.

"Crap, forgot to say, once the whole class has faced them we will talk about how to award them. Feel glad your team have just sent the bench mark that the others will be judged on."

After the remaining three of the first team left a new pair was called, they decided to start of with normal goblin and once the gate was opened 8 little creatures stumbled out attacking them. After a but they defeated them and where offered to advance to the hobgoblin they declined. A couple other teams went up and Gil inspected there powers, there was lightning, teleportation, sound and one that allowed the person to turn parts of there body to duct and many more.

After the fifth team was called 4 people came down and declared they would go for the Goblin Champion, but as soon as the gate opened a massive goblin around 2.5 meters tall came charging at them. Not having time to recast thinking the goblin would react the same as the hob goblin had and take a few seconds before charging, the teacher had to stop the goblins blade before it could connect with them.

"Its good to have hopes, but when it leads your immediate deaths then its idiotic. Now get out of here!" One of the teachers said waving her hand snapping the goblins head.

"Now, team 6 Gil and Natasha please come down."