
Evil Legacy

In the year 2027, a mere three years have elapsed since enigmatic gates opened, gifting humanity with extraordinary powers. What was heralded as an era of boundless potential held the promise of a brighter future. However, this newfound strength concealed a sinister and perilous truth. In a mere blink of an eye, nations crumbled, and humanity's once unassailable freedom vanished. But amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged, as benevolent beings extended a second chance to a fractured world. Author Note : This is my first time writing something longer than 1000 words, and I would like to know your honest review. Don't worry; I'm already prepared for the worst. English is not my first language, is not even the third so pardon me if there any incorrect grammar

cat_shit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Ch. 9 Preparing For Tomorrow

"Brother, it's time for lunch," Lisa announced cheerfully as she wheeled the chair closer to the bed.

Daniel's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Okay, Lisa, what did Mom cook today?"

"We're having Irish Stew," Lisa replied.

"Irish Stew? That's my favorite! Mom's Irish Stew is the best," Daniel exclaimed with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Lisa smiled warmly as she helped him into the wheelchair. "I knew you'd be excited. Mom made it just for you today."

With Lisa's assistance, Daniel settled comfortably into the wheelchair, his mouth watering at the thought of his mother's delicious homemade stew. their home have wheelchair lift so it make Daniel easily travel between floor.

As they made their way to the dining area, Lisa pushed Daniel's wheelchair with care, ensuring he was comfortable. The tantalizing scent of the Irish Stew grew stronger with each passing moment, making Daniel's stomach rumble in anticipation. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort, being surrounded by his family and about to enjoy a meal lovingly prepared by his mother.

"Here you go, my dear," Emma said, placing a steaming bowl of Irish Stew in front of Daniel. "I hope you enjoy it."

The stew looked and smelled divine, with tender chunks of meat, vegetables, and the rich aroma of savory broth. Daniel couldn't wait any longer; he took his first spoonful, savoring the explosion of flavors that filled his mouth. It was as delicious as he remembered, and he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

"Mom, this is amazing," Daniel praised between bites. But as he said that, he felt a lump form in his throat, and a single tear escaped his eye, rolling down his cheek.

Emma noticed the tear and reached out to gently wipe it away. "Are you alright, sweetheart?"

Daniel nodded, his emotions getting the best of him. "I'm more than alright, Mom. It's just... the food tastes so good."

Lisa and Emma exchanged concerned glances. They sensed that Daniel was holding something back, but they didn't want to push him to reveal it.

"Mom, Lisa, maybe this sounds strange, but do you trust me?" Daniel asked suddenly.

Emma looked at him with a gentle smile. "Of course, Daniel. You're my son, and we trust you completely. Is there something on your mind that you want to share?"

Lisa chimed in, her expression filled with concern. "You can tell us anything, brother. We're here for you."

Daniel sighed, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "It's just that... I've been through some things lately," he said, his voice quivering with a strange determination. "If you guys really trust me, let's move out from this place. We should buy a new home on the outside of the city, the biggest one we can afford. Mom, you can sell the restaurant, starting tomorrow we won't need it anymore. And tonight, let's go grocery shopping for three months' worth. and it would be best if we could wrap up all these plans today. I promise, I'll explain everything tomorrow"

The reason Daniel wanted to move to the outskirts of the city was the lower crime rate and chaos in rural areas. He didn't have a concrete plan yet, but he wanted to build his own power before Earth became a battleground.

Emma and Lisa exchanged puzzled glances, torn between their trust in Daniel and their curiosity about what could have prompted such a sudden and seemingly urgent decision.

Emma knew that Daniel wouldn't joke about their future. She understood how much he loved her and Lisa, and there was no way he would make a jest about their future. Moreover, witnessing his strange behavior today, Emma became even more convinced that Daniel was hiding something significant from them.

After a few minutes of silent contemplation, Emma finally made her decision. "Alright, Daniel, I'll go along with what you've said. Actually, just one week ago, a company expressed interest in buying our restaurant building and offered a generous price. As for our new home, I'll reach out to your aunt Eva. But you better explain everything to me tomorrow, Daniel, or..." She trailed off, her hand moving from right to left in a familiar gesture. Daniel understood what she meant. Since he and Lisa were children, their mom had always used to smack their bottom when they misbehaved. Most of the time, it was Lisa who received the reprimand, as Daniel couldn't even stand up, let alone cause trouble.

Daniel could only gulp and nod his head. "I promise, Mom."

Eva, while not Daniel's blood relative, had become an integral part of their family over the years. Her frequent visits to their house were about more than just friendship; she also happened to work as a real estate agent. Emma knew that having Eva's expertise would be invaluable in their search for a new home. Back in Daniel's previous life, Eva had often come to their aid, especially when it came to food.

Three months after the mysterious gate had first appeared, the government had swiftly taken control of the restaurant owned by Daniel's family. The bustling downtown location had turned into a hotspot for gate appearances, prompting the government's intervention. They aimed to keep civilians away from potential danger zones, resulting in the closure of the family restaurant. With the loss of their main source of income, Daniel and his family found themselves in dire financial straits.

It was Eva's unwavering support that had sustained them during these tough times. In Daniel's former life, Eva had joined a well-known faction in the country, gaining fame for her exceptional talent in team combat. Her Arcane Empowerment talent were highly sought after by factions worldwide. With a single support role in the team, he/she could significantly enhance the combat prowess of the entire group. That why people like Eva made as an invaluable asset in their faction's.

However, tragedy struck when the first breach occurred within the city. Eva fell victim to the chaos, leaving Daniel and his family devastated, particularly Emma, who was plunged into a deep depression after losing her one true friend.

That's why Daniel felt a profound sense of duty this time. He couldn't ignore the immense help Eva had provided them in the past, nor could he forget her kindness towards him and Lisa. The memories of her selflessness weighed heavily on his conscience. He was determined not to let the same tragedy happen again, and he couldn't bear the thought of witnessing his mother's devastation once more.

(AN: There is no connection between the faction in Daniel's past life and any factions in outer space.)

After Daniel promised Emma, they continued with their lunch.

"Brother, let's take a bath together before we go buy groceries, okay?" Lisa suddenly suggested.

"Eh?" Daniel responded in surprise.
