
Evil Legacy

In the year 2027, a mere three years have elapsed since enigmatic gates opened, gifting humanity with extraordinary powers. What was heralded as an era of boundless potential held the promise of a brighter future. However, this newfound strength concealed a sinister and perilous truth. In a mere blink of an eye, nations crumbled, and humanity's once unassailable freedom vanished. But amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged, as benevolent beings extended a second chance to a fractured world. Author Note : This is my first time writing something longer than 1000 words, and I would like to know your honest review. Don't worry; I'm already prepared for the worst. English is not my first language, is not even the third so pardon me if there any incorrect grammar

cat_shit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Ch. 8 Big Revelation

Outside Daniel's room, Lisa glanced at her mother. "Mom, I feel like something has changed with Brother," she confided.

"Of course, I've noticed it too, silly. He's my son, and I know him better than anyone," Emma replied with pride. "But if he doesn't want to talk about it, we should respect his privacy, as long as he's okay."

Lisa nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You're right, Mom. I'll just keep an eye on him and be there for him if he needs to talk." She thought to herself, I won't let anything bad happen to my brother.

Despite being two years younger than Daniel, Lisa had always been his steadfast support. Growing up in a single-parent household had instilled a strong sense of responsibility in her. She was always ready to lend a hand whenever he needed it, whether it was with chores, or just a friendly shoulder to lean on. Their sibling bond was unbreakable, and she was fiercely determined to protect him from any harm that might come his way.


Daniel's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm definitely surprised, Mortessa. But what just happened? It felt like the world turn back in time."

Mortessa grinned, delighted that her little prank had worked. "You're wrong, Daniel. The world didn't turn back in time, but it did experience a sort of reset. You see, it was just before the time the gate appeared," she explained. "Every early-stage world that can't complete its trial gets a second chance. During this second chance, some inhabitants of the planet receive support from factions across the universe, just like you, Daniel."

Daniel scratched his head, still puzzled. "But why doesn't the system just allow us to get support from other factions from the beginning? With their help, we could easily fend off the monster attacks."

Mortessa chuckled softly. "The system, Daniel, it wants to determine if the people of Earth can truly survive and govern the planet independently. While it might seem like an easy shortcut to complete the early stage with the help of a faction, there's no such thing as a free meal in this world. Once Earth finishes its early stage with faction assistance, it transforms into a battleground coveted by factions from across the universe."

As the weight of the situation settled in, Mortessa noticed the curiosity in Daniel's eyes. She decided to shed more light on the matter. "You see, Daniel, countless factions are in a relentless pursuit of new territories and resources to expand their dominion. Earth, being a relatively young world brimming with untapped potential, will receive a blessing from the system after it completes its early stage. This blessing will birth countless natural treasures, turning Earth into a coveted prize for these factions. They hunger to control and harness Earth's unique attributes and resources to bolster their own strength."

Daniel's eyes widened as he processed the information. "So, are you saying there are many others out there like me?"

Mortessa nodded, her expression grave yet determined. "Indeed, Daniel. Beyond the confines of Earth, there are numerous individuals like you—people who carry both their past memories and new powers, all granted by their respective factions. You're not alone in this, but the journey ahead won't be an easy one"

Her tone turned reassuring. "But don't fret, Daniel. When Earth finally completes its early stage, I'll make sure to send reinforcements your way."

Daniel leaned back, absorbing the magnitude of what Mortessa had shared. "But why? Why does the system want to turn Earth into this...battleground?"

Mortessa's eyes softened with understanding. "You see, Daniel, Earth is not the first world to undergo this transformation, nor will it be the last. Every world, once it reaches its limit and can no longer progress within the system, goes through a similar process. It's like a natural cycle, a way for the system to evolve and adapt. Earth's trials and tribulations are the means through which the system evaluates the potential of its inhabitants."

She continued, her voice carrying a profound weight. "In the grand scheme of the universe, Earth is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. By becoming a battleground, Earth will contribute to the growth and advancement of the system itself, as well as the factions that vie for control. It's a complex dance of power, where the fate of entire worlds hangs in the balance."

Daniel nodded slowly, beginning to grasp the intricate web of forces at play. "So, Earth's transformation is inevitable, and we're caught up in something much bigger than ourselves." Daniel sighed, his frustration and sense of helplessness evident. "It's just hard to accept, you know? I never imagined that something like this would happen, and now, with my legs..."

Hearing what Daniel said, Mortessa laughed. "Hahaha... Daniel, you're so funny, ahaha..."

Daniel's frustration grew as he heard Mortessa's laughter. He couldn't fathom how anyone could find humor in his predicament. His eyebrows furrowed, and he clenched his fists, his irritation evident. "What's so funny?"

Mortessa quickly composed herself, realizing her mistake. "I'm sorry, Daniel. I didn't mean to laugh at your situation. It's just... did you forget about your own power?"

"I don't recall having any abilities that could help with this." He looked at Mortessa, puzzled.

Mortessa let out an exasperated sigh. "Daniel, think for a moment. 'Gluttonous Absorption.'"

Daniel furrowed his brow, racking his brain for any connection to that phrase. But nothing came to mind. Mortessa's stunned expression mirrored his own as she couldn't believe how Daniel could be so oblivious to his own powerful ability.

Mortessa sighed deeply, realizing that Daniel genuinely had no recollection of his own abilities. She decided to explain further, hoping to jog his memory. "Daniel, your 'Gluttonous Absorption' skill is incredible. It allows you to absorb skills from the monsters you defeat. Some of these monsters possess powerful regeneration and healing abilities, like trolls and hydras. You can use your skill to absorb their powers and potentially heal your legs."

As Mortessa finished explaining, Daniel's eyes lit up with a newfound realization. "I can't believe I forgot about my own power," he muttered under his breath.

Mortessa, unable to contain a chuckle, watched Daniel's expression shift from bewilderment to a determined grin.

"Actually, if you just want to move around, you can use your [Wraithform] skill, you know," she suggested.

Daniel's eyes widened with excitement as he remembered the unique abilities at his disposal. Without hesitation, he activated his skill, [Wraithform].

As Daniel activated his [Wraithform] skill, his body began to transform. Smoke emanated from every pore, enveloping him until his physical form was replaced by a ghostly mixture of grey and green. He marveled at the sensation, his newfound abilities granting him the power to move freely in this ethereal form.

With a mischievous grin, he floated around the room, passing through walls and furniture effortlessly. "Mortessa, look at me!" he called out, his voice echoing eerily in his wraith form. He darted around the room, relishing the newfound freedom and the ability to soar through solid objects.

Mortessa responded with a warm smile, clearly pleased with Daniel's excitement. However, she also offered a word of caution. "Enjoy it while you can, Daniel, but remember to keep an eye on your mana."

Following her advice, Daniel accessed his status board and was taken aback by what he saw. The amount of mana remaining was shockingly low, not even half a minute had passed since he activated his skill, yet it had already consumed a quarter of his total mana reserves.

Wide-eyed, he turned to Mortessa. "This skill is incredible, but it's devouring my mana so quickly! I need to be careful with how I use it." he immediately fly back to his bed and cancel the skill.

"Of course it will. You absorbed that power from a dragon, Daniel, and dragons aren't your run-of-the-mill creatures. Even a level 1 dragon packs more mana than you could ever imagine," Mortessa explained.

Daniel scratched his head in disbelief. "Wait, you mean to tell me I've got over a hundred thousand MP, and a low-level dragon still outdoes me in mana? That's... insane."

Mortessa's eyes bore into Daniel's as she delivered a stern truth. "Daniel, you need to remember something crucial about the system. It's fair, but it's not lenient. Your strength and abilities come with a price. Tell me, how many XP do you need to level up?"

"90,000..." Daniel replied, a sinking feeling of realization settling in. He couldn't forget the time when he required a mere 15,000 XP to reach level 11.

"Now, you see the challenge," Mortessa began, her voice holding a hint of gravity. "Do you remember when I told you about the dragon? That dragon managed to wipe out an entire city, and all it gained was enough XP to reach level 20."

Daniel's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, a dragon could do that with just level 20? That's insane!"

Mortessa nodded. "Exactly. And now, you possess top-tier talents, a unique class, and skills that are incredibly rare in an early-stage world. That's why, Daniel, you'll need 90,000 XP to advance to the next level"

Daniel couldn't help but feel a bit worried by the immense challenge that lay ahead. Mortessa noticed the concern on his face and offered some reassurance.

"Don't worry too much, Daniel," she said with a comforting smile. "You have the incredible power of 'Gluttonous Absorption' at your disposal. It's a game-changer that will make your journey in this world a lot more manageable." She paused for a moment "Looks like we have company. Time to say goodbye, Daniel. And don't forget to charge this." She handed him a small, intricate device with glowing runes etched on its surface. "It's an interplanetary communication device. Just channel your mana into it to charge it, and push the button when you want to reach me. Farewell, Daniel." With that, the hologram was vanished into thin air.

Just a few seconds after Mortessa disappeared, Lisa's voice broke the silence. "Brother, it's time to eat."
