
Chapter 02: Shit show...

„Come on tell me what my abilities are."

„Keep calm. Let me explain a few things first, usually you'd start as a Rank one demon the classification as lesser and the like doesn't exist before Rank 100. The strong are strong while the weak are weak and getting strong is up to yourself but if you want to survive it is necessary. And the higher your Rank gets the higher you need to

Climb in [Hell]."

„Okay, but what do you mean by climbing higher should it not be lower?"

„Idiot. This is not some biblical story where [Hell] is beneath the earth. We have a sky and everything but like how worms hide beneath the earth for safety, weaklings do the same in [Hell]. Even the rain could kill a Rank one Demon."

„Okay sounds hard."

„Whatever. So usually Demons are born with zero or up to thirteen abilities depending on how strong their parents are and after each ten [Rank-Ups] they get either a new ability or improve an already existing. After 100 [Rank-Ups] you can evolve into a higher level." the Voice explained.

„So does that mean I have a lot of abilities?"

„Yes and this is really surprising seeing how you are just an exile. Okay you have quite a few abilities some are useless, a few are good but three of your abilities are just something crazy."

„Come on stop building tension and just tell me what my starting abilities will be."

„All in all you have 10 abilities giving you an extremely high starting point even in [Hell]. The auxiliary abilities are [Third eye of truth and deception], [Devils Contract] and [Mind reading], then you've got some domain abilities [Illusion Domain], [Luck Domain], [Poison Domain] and [Gods Domain]. And finally some typical fighting abilities [Drain], [Claws] and [Bloody Chains]. Oh and one useless one called [Bond]. So tell me what do you think which three abilities of yours are amazing?"

„Mhh I suppose words like [God] and [Devil] are keywords and finally I'd say either [Bloody Chains] or [Mind reading]." I said after contemplating for a long time.

„Right, those two abilities are way over the top and I think the [Angel] checking your case threw you to [Hell] after seeing your [Broken Soul] otherwise someone with a [God Domain] would never end up in [Hell]. [Bloody Chain] and [Mind reading] are uncommon but they're not part of your best abilities. The last one is the [Third eye of truth and deception]."

„But isn't that something which is obsolete if I can read minds?"

„Idiot. That is an eye meaning it is used for seeing. Okay time is up but before I send you off I will give you a little gift aka knowledge."

„Wait I still have questions."

But there came no reply and in the next second I saw dim light and as reality hit me I realised I was not born as an breathing being or the like I was just a shitty skeleton somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

There were still so many questions I had to ask. Where the fuck is my brother, what happened to all the other humans and what will I be born as...and a few more but well whatever.