
Chapter 01: To this...

„So some things need to be explained first, right now you are just a [Soul] without a body and in [Hell], [Souls] are the currency, food and cultivation resource. The only reason why you Earthlings get a second chance is because you were exiled and not killed but well this might happen soon enough. Hehehe"

„So right now I am just a [Soul] and this is why I am unable to see anything? And because we were exiled rather than killed we are having this conversation."

„Good you're not completely worthless yet. It isn't just seeing, you can't actually feel anything either. I am directly communicating with your [Soul] and I am evaluating you to decide if you are worthy enough to join a major Clan, to get preferential treatment and so on." it kept explaining.

„But I get a body in any case right? What are the major [Clans]? What do you mean

By preferential treatment?"

„Yes you get a body. The [Clans] are the System here in [Hell] there are small

Clans ,major Clans like the [Seven deadly Sins], [Tartarus] and many others and if you get recruited by one you can leave [Hell] and enter a World like Earth. There you can incise War and destruction, all in order to corrupt [Souls] and make them fall to evil and then collect them."

„So you're some kind of talent scout for the Clans, right?" I asked.

„No. I am the gatekeeper and scouting only describes part of my function. My job is explaining [Hell], examining your [Soul], evaluating your [Abilities] and finally recommending you a [Clan]."

„So what now? Are you evaluating and examining me?"

„Already finished. You are an extremely bad tasting one, you are a [broken Soul]." It just said.

„Wait what am I?"

„A [broken Soul], one out of a 10.000 [Souls] is like that. They're [Souls] that have some deficiency like lacking something be it compassion, love or something else. Usually you'd end up as an sociopath or psychopath and would have ended up in [Hell] anyway but lucky you. You got exiled before dying, [Broken Souls] have zero market value and as a Food source they're just disgusting. We love [Souls] that do bad things in the name of good but [Broken Souls] are inherently just well broken."

„So what about my [Abilities]? You did mention that you are also evaluating them."

„True I did say that. Now let's see.."

„..." I waited but he didn't talk.

„Fantastic. Haha quite marvellous. There is still hope for you." the Voice said.

Seeing how this is the very first Chapter and I'll rework it later on once my skills improve...I beg your pardon and hope you will cut me some slack and just enjoy it^^ and if you have some extra money support me on ******* :) I'll write at least one chapter a week

Bailedcreators' thoughts