
Everything is possible, it's my rule

A young man named Yuri had a strange ability since he was twenty years old. He live in the era of technology and magic. He has an ability to copy other's ability as he wants only by touching or watching. He was only an ordinary people until the world know his ability.

NuG_Titan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Yuri's Anger

That night Yuri could not sleep. He had been lying in his room for more than an hour. His heart felt there was something wrong about his mother who was left alone. He had not even had time to say goodbye. But Williams promised him to tell his mother about this. Yuri also couldn't contact his mother because there was no cellphone at Yuri's house. Yuri's mother did not allow her son to have a cell phone. Because he doesn't want his child to depend on it. Many children around Yuri's age near his house are so obsessed with gadgets that they become lazy, anti-social, and some even commit criminal acts because they need some money and don't have the skills to work.

Yuri came out of his room to get some fresh air. Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind.


An energy shock rushed into his body. This time his brain felt very full. Various memories flashed through his head. He heard many strange sounds. He also tried to suppress all sounds and thoughts in his brain. Slowly he turned back.

"Are you alright?" Charles asked Yuri.

Yuri looked at Charles with a smile and replied "I just can't sleep. I thought walking outside for a while would put my mind at ease."

"Is something bothering you?"

"I think about my mother."

"Why don't you just call?"

"Mom doesn't allow cell phones in our house. I don't know. But Williams said he'd drop by the house to inform my mother about this matter."

"Ok. Then we should wait for him instead."

"Indeed. By the way, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Hehe.. Nature's call. Excuse me then."

Yuri chuckled hearing Charles' answer. And with the speed of light Charles runs to the toilet leaving Yuri behind.


Williams takes Mia home after giving information to the police about the case. He plans to inform Yuri about this matter tomorrow. He needs to take care of Mia's shock first. She couldn't stop crying after being conscious from her stupor. And now Mia fell asleep because of tired from crying.

Suddenly a man running in fear crossed the street in front of Williams' car and made him step on the brake immediately. The man approached Williams and said "Help me sir, they'll kill me. Please!"

"Get in!"

Williams immediately spurred his car after the man got into his car while Mia was still sleeping like nothing happened.

"Thank you sir. You have saved my life." The man thanked Williams for the help.

"Why are you running? Who is chasing you?" Williams was curious about the situation.

"My name is Max. I am a mutant. They are after me because of my abilities. The people of Dark Grow want my abilities. I really don't want to commit crimes anymore."

"Dark Grow? Do you know them?"

"In the past, I was a member of them because I was promised that I would get strength and luxury if I followed their orders. Apart from that, I also felt like someone was controlling my mind which made me always obey their orders. Mostly I was forced to do something that broke the law. Until one day, I met someone I didn't know and suddenly made me aware of all my mistakes. I don't know how but at that time I could think clearly, it's like I became myself again, until my thoughts finally decided to run away from that organization."

"Do you know anyone named Mrs Lucy?"

The young man immediately turned pale. His body trembled at the name.

"That bitch… She's the one who chased me earlier. She's a witch whose job is to find and catch traitors who try to escape like me. Her magic power is very strong and she's very cruel. I've seen her catch her prey several times and then torture them until they are almost dead. Then she ordered people to cure them and torture them again until they swore never to betray the organization again. How do you know her by the way?"

"She killed my close friend's wife recently. I don't know why but the way she killed her is just too cruel and inhuman."

"You'd better not have anything to do with her, sir. She's a bad omen."

"Maybe I should ask him for help instead. His power should be enough to find and destroy her." Williams muttered under his breath.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I know a friend that has a powerful ally. Maybe you should stay a while there or if possible you could join them. Maybe you can find the meaning of why God gave you your ability there."

"As long as I can be useful for others without breaking the law then it's okay."


That afternoon a car with two men in it stopped in front of a Blessing Curse gate. Williams takes Max to the Blessing Curse after dropping Mia in his house. Williams waved to the security guard and asked for permission. The security guard approached him and immediately recognized Williams. He still feels ashamed remembering the incident when they first met.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Williams. Do you like to see Mr. Charles?"

"Exactly. And I also want to meet my niece, Yuri, the young man who came with me at that time."

"I'm afraid Mr. Charles won't be back until this afternoon. Would you be willing to wait?"

"It's fine. I'll wait for him while visiting Yuri."

"Okay, I'll open the door."

After the door opened, Williams immediately spurred his car into the Blessing Curse area.

"What is this place? I feel something weird but I can't explain. Like a familiar feeling."

"This is the Blessing Curse. A company where mutants work and stay together according to their abilities. The leader is my friend so I will ask him to let you join his company. I think you'll be safe here. I don't think Dark Grow will dare to touch you here."

"Ah, so that was your idea. I understand now. Then if possible maybe I will call my friend to join this company too. He is a good friend but he fears his own power. He couldn't control his own self when the power took over his body. Maybe he will find a solution here where many mutants gather up"

"That's a good idea. But first we must ask Charles for permission."

Williams stopped the car at the parking area and directly went to Yuri's room.


Yuri was seen enjoying his lunch in the canteen after the training sessions. Williams approached him from behind.

"Here you are. I was looking for you in your room earlier."

"Oh, hi Williams. Have a seat please. Would you like something to order?"

"Okay, I'll order one espresso coffee and what do you want to order?" Williams asked the youth beside him.

"Cappuccino, sir." replied Max.

Yuri waved at the waitress and ordered the two drinks.

"Oh yes Yuri, this is Max. I suggest him to join Blessing Curse."

"Hi, my name is Yuri." he said as he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Max. Nice to meet you."


Yuri frowned, knowing Max's ability by the touching of their hands.

"What a unique skill you have, Max."

Max was surprised to hear that. He hadn't even told Williams what he was capable of but Yuri said know his ability.

"How would he know? Is he a former member of Dark Grow? No, I've never met him before." Max said in his mind.

"Dark Grow? What is Dark Grow? We have never met before."

Instantly Max's face went stiff and pale. "How can he read my mind?"

"How did you know Dark Grow, Yuri?" Williams gasped in surprise.

"I can read someone's mind Williams. Even if I wanted to, I could get into your current mind right now." Yuri smiled as he grabbed the apple juice and drank it.

"Okay, so I won't be able to hide anything from you. It's useless for me to lie to you if you really have that power."

"But I wouldn't do that without your permission of course. I respect your privacy."

"Okay. Where should I start then…" Williams looked serious and tense and worried.

"Just tell me Williams, I don't like small talk. Is there something happening?"

"Your mother is dead Yuri, someone killed her in your house."

Like being struck by lightning, Yuri was shocked and couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mind is out of control. His anger peaked and began to dominate his mind. A black aura enveloped his body. His eyes turned pitch black. He slowly stood up and said, "Who dares to do that?"

Williams and Max stepped back in fear.

"Calm yourself Yuri! Control your emotions!" Williams tried to calm down Yuri's anger.

"I will destroy him!" Yuri screamed until his voice was heard from miles away. The tables and chairs around him were blown a few meters away. Williams and Max were no exception, they blown away and freaked out.


Suddenly a teleportation portal appeared and out came three men, Charles and his two bodyguards. Seeing that Charles immediately used his strength to control Yuri's anger. Even though Yuri had refused Charles to enter his mind, but Yuri's skills were still not at the same level so Charles succeed at managed to enter and suppress Yuri's anger. Yuri collapsed and fainted as the result of Charles' mind control.

After the situation was under control, Williams told the incident at Yuri's home from beginning to end without hiding anything. Max, Charles, and the others listen carefully.

"We must remain calm and think clearly. We will devise a plan to avenge Yuri's mother's death. We must first dig up information, calculate the opponent's strength, and make a good plan. It would be foolish to attack an enemy without knowing the opponent's strength." Charles convinced others to think straight.

Max looks at Charles' face and suddenly he remembers something. "Ah, now I remember. You're the person I met that time. You made my thoughts free from their manipulation. Because of you I can decide to run away from them. I can't believe it. Maybe this is what we called fate."

"I'm sorry. Do I know you? Because I don't remember that we ever met before." Charles is confused at Max' talk.

"Maybe you forgot when you helped me back then. I was forced to sabotage the traffic online system to make chaos so the Dark Grow will take advantage of it. They want to kidnap the president while stuck at the traffic jam caused by me. You stop me before I start my job. I don't know how but I remember clearly how you made my brain so refreshed. I'm very thankful back then but I forgot to ask your name at that time."

"Ah, so you are that boy, the machine boy. You're blessed with the unique ability to talk to machines. You're being manipulated by someone with the same ability as mine but at a different level."

"My name is Max. Yesterday Mr. Williams suggested me to join your company and now I really hope you'll allow me to join."

"I think that's a good idea. Your ability will be very useful indeed. But of course there are some basic tests you should pass, just formalities."