
Everything is possible, it's my rule

A young man named Yuri had a strange ability since he was twenty years old. He live in the era of technology and magic. He has an ability to copy other's ability as he wants only by touching or watching. He was only an ordinary people until the world know his ability.

NuG_Titan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Williams' home

Beep! Beep!

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello Joe. This is Max. I have some good news for you. I found a place that might be perfect for you. A special company for mutants. There are many mutants here with different abilities and powers. I hope you can join me here. "

"Do you think it's safe? I don't want to kill people anymore."

"Sounds safe. Even if you shape shift I'm sure there will be mutants stronger than you to prevent you. Even the leader here can control minds. I saw him controlling the anger of a mutant. This would suit you perfectly."

"Okay, show me the place."

"Come to the Blessing Curse, I'll share the location."


That night Yuri woke up and tried to remember the incident that afternoon. His anger flared again. He walked over to Charles's place to look for information. He didn't know where to start digging for information about his mother's killer. In his mind he had to ask Williams, but he didn't know where Williams lived. So he decided to ask Charles.

Charles's room door is equipped with a security system that requires three things to open it. The first is voice identification, then a retinal scan and fingerprints. Yuri thought for a moment. Then he held the fingerprint panel. A signal entered his brain. Within seconds the security system's server was connected directly to his brain. He could completely control that server. He ordered all the CCTV cameras to shut down temporarily and opened the door to Charles's room. Yuri entered Charles's room. Charles was not surprised by Yuri's arrival.

"I know what you came here for. You want information about your mother's killer, right? There's no rush, Williams and I have already discussed this."

"That's enough. I just need Williams' address. Just tell me where he lives."

"Yuri, I can understand how you feel. But it's best…"

Yuri immediately used her mind power to enter into Charles' mind. Charles was surprised to see Yuri trying to enter his thoughts. He immediately blocked it and attempted to turn things around by entering Yuri's mind. This time Yuri used a trap tactic. He knew Charles would try to enter his mind so he made a special room in his thought dimension. There he created an illusion that formed an endless cycle. Charles was led to that dimension and he thought he was exploring Yuri's mind, even though he was still trapped in the illusion in his own mind. Meanwhile, Yuri returns to Charles' mind and searches for information regarding Williams' address. He didn't dig up other information even though he could. After finishing getting Williams' address, Yuri left Charles who was still frozen trapped in an endless illusion.


A taxi stopped in front of the Blessing Curse gate. Joe got out of the car and said to security, "I'd like to see Mr Charles at the suggestion of my friend Max."

"Have you made an appointment with Mr Charles?"

"Yes, I have. Just tell him, Joe, a friend of Max's, wants to meet."

"Okay, I'll tell you in a minute."

The security guard returned to his post and called Charles on the intercom but there was no answer. The security guard then contacted David on his cell phone.

"Sir, in front of the gate there is a guest for Mr. Charles. Should I allow him to enter or not? I've call Mr. Charles but he didn't pick up the intercom."

"He should be in his room, I just came from there about 15 minutes ago. But I'll let you know as soon as this is over."

"Thank you, sir. I'm waiting for further information."


David immediately rushed to Charles's room. He didn't use teleportation because that would drain his energy. As soon as he entered Charles's room he was surprised to see Charles sitting silently with an empty stare.

"Charles! What's wrong with you Charles?" David asked while shaking Charles who remained silent did not respond. His mind was still trapped in the illusion so he didn't connect with the outside world.

David immediately pressed the emergency button. This button functions to collect all members of Blessing Curse indicating that there is an imminent danger. The emergency bell rang very loudly. All the members were shocked and got ready. They immediately gathered in the hall in front of Charles's room. Not long after that, David came out carrying Charles who was sitting quietly in a wheelchair.

"Brothers and sisters, there was someone who intruded into Charles's room and made him like this. He seemed to be trapped in an illusion in his mind. I want to know who did it. But first thing is, is there anyone here who can cure Charles?"

"Let me try first." A blonde woman in a black dress stepped forward towards David and Charles.

"I will check the security system and CCTV, who knows if there are any clues to the culprit." Max, who has the power to communicate with electronic, machines and equipment, volunteered.

"For the others stay alert. We don't know who we are dealing with this time."

The blonde woman held Charles' head and began to enter his thoughts. He traced Charles' thoughts. He was amazed to see Charles's well-organized and neat thought system. Until he found a special room that was different from the other rooms. It looked dark from the outside and there was a seal that prevented anyone from entering and leaving the room.

"Someone sealed Charles in a space in his thoughts dimension. I can't enter that room. Looks like we need a wizard to break the seal. I have no ability to break the seal like that."

"There's no way we're asking a wizard for help. We all know mutants and wizards can't work together." David said desperately. "Is there another way? How could he seal Charles inside his mind when Charles himself is a mind controller? Who exactly are our opponents this time?"


A young man was seen coming out of a building. He looked right and left then approached a car that was parked and the driver was asleep because of exhaustion. Yuri woke up the driver. "Sir, sir, wake up sir .." Yuri said while patting the driver's shoulder. The driver was surprised and asked "What's wrong? Why did you wake me up? Who are you?"

Yuri didn't bother answering the driver's question. But he used his mind control powers and ordered the driver to take him to a place, the Williams house. The driver immediately step on the gas pedal of the car after Yuri sat in the back seat. When passing through the gate the security guard stopped his car and asked for an identity card. Yuri didn't waste more time then quickly controlling the security guard's mind to open the gate. The security guard returned to his post and opened the gate. Yuri's car came out of the Blessing Curse area. Seeing the gates open Joe thought he was allowed to enter the Blessing Curse so he asked the taxi driver to enter the gate. Joe thanked the security guard, but the the security guard just stood there like a statue with a blank stare. Joe was a bit astonished but he didn't think much of it.


That afternoon, in a small, modern minimalist house, Williams had just returned from his work. Mia greeted her uncle while asking "How is the case going? Has the culprit been found? How is Yuri's condition? Is he okay?"

"Hmmm… I just got home. Can we discuss it later after I take a shower?" Williams said with a smile.

"Okay uncle, while waiting let me make coffee."

Mia went into the kitchen and made two cups of coffee. After that she took it to the terrace of the house and waited for Williams to finish his shower. Just now Mia sat down and suddenly a car stopped in front of the house. A young man got out and told the driver to wait. The young man came to Mia. Mia was surprised to see Yuri and immediately ran to hug him. Yuri didn't react and just stayed still. Mia asked while still hugging. "Are you okay? I was worried about you."

"Where's Williams?" Yuri asked in a cold tone and seemed to be holding back anger.

Mia slowly let go of her embrace, stepped back and looked at Yuri's face. "What happened Yuri? Why do you ask that? Are you angry?"

"None of your business. Move aside and make way." Yuri said coldly while pushing Mia away with her left hand.

Mia felt that something was wrong and she tried to stop Yuri from entering the house. But Yuri immediately controlled Mia's mind and trapped her in an illusion.


Two men walked towards a group of people gathered around. Max leaned closer to David and whispered something to him.

"David, sorry about earlier, today Charles and I had an appointment to introduce my friend Joe but the situation turned like this. I've explained the situation but he persist to meet Charles to see his condition in case he can help. He is a mutant with mixed blood."

"What do you mean by mixed blood?"

"I mean his parents are a mutant and a witch. Who knows, maybe it could give you a little help."

"Okay, as long as Charles can recover into his conscious, I will do anything."

Then Max gave Joe a code to come closer.

"Okay Joe, please come."

Joe slowly approached Charles. Slowly his hand grabbed Charles's shoulder and suddenly his subconscious mind entered Charles' mind. After searching for a long time in the labyrinth of his thoughts, he finally found the room where Charles' consciousness was locked. Joe tried to hold onto the seal that locked it but a huge force pushed him flying back and made Joe regain consciousness and he was thrown several meters away from Charles, hitting several mutants around him. The mutants were shocked to see this. Joe grabbed Charles' shoulder again and returned to his subconscious. This time he used his strength to try to tear the seal and resist the pressure that was resisting him. His urge was so strong that finally Joe unknowingly turned into a werewolf and became wild and uncontrollable. In his mind, Joe was trying desperately to move forward and resist the strong push of gravity. Meanwhile, in real life, the werewolf can be seen gripping Charles' shoulders until his nails penetrate Charles' skin and draw fresh blood. All the mutants were shocked and angry, they almost beat Joe. Luckily a blonde woman stopped them.

"Stop! Just leave it for now. He was trying to resist the seal's resistance. Hopefully he can free Charles from that room."