
Everything is possible, it's my rule

A young man named Yuri had a strange ability since he was twenty years old. He live in the era of technology and magic. He has an ability to copy other's ability as he wants only by touching or watching. He was only an ordinary people until the world know his ability.

NuG_Titan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

New friends

In a hall a lot of people gather, some are physically normal looks, some are not. There was a blue-skinned man, there was a woman with elf ears, there was a youth with two horns and a tail, there was also a large man with scaly skin and a forked tongue and many others. They are a group of mutants under the leadership of Charles. They gathered today for the sharing of missions to be carried out the next morning and coincidentally that that afternoon Charles intended to introduce his new member, Yuri. Previously Yuri had been checked psychologically and passed the test.

"My brothers and sisters, today we have a new member, I hope you can welcome and receive him warmly. Please introduce yourself, young people."

"Hi, my name is Yuri, I'm 20 years old, happy to join here, please give me your advice."

"Show me your mutant abilities! We want to see them." several people shouted. Yuri turned to Charles for approval. Charles nodded slowly and whispered to Yuri's mind to be careful because not all mutants here are easy to get along with. Yuri also understood what Charles meant. He immediately changed his form into iron man and returned to his original form. Almost no one was impressed, in fact some just looked around briefly and muttered 'huh, that's all he can do? not interesting at all.'

After that, the share of missions was read according to the abilities of the mutants. There are 12 selected senior mutants representing the mutants consult to determine who is suitable for each mission they receive. Every time they complete a mission they get a payment from the client and the mutant who does the job will get a bonus if the mission is successful. Mutants who do not carry out missions will work at the base.

That afternoon there were only three light missions, escorting a young official's son, searching for a stolen car, and catching a drug lord. Indeed, sometimes their clients are people who are disappointed with the performance of the security forces who do not take people's complaints seriously enough. They prefer to pay a sum of money to a service bureau rather than waiting for a definite answer from the police which often leads to disappointment.


Yuri was sitting alone enjoying a bowl of ice cream at a table in the cafeteria with 4 chairs when 3 mutants approached him. An athletic man with red hair named Thomas, a beautiful woman with straight shoulder-length black hair named Lily and a fat, blonde haired man named Bob. Thomas has the ability to control fire and wind. Lily has the ability to control water and ice. While Bob has a unique skill, being able to manipulate a material into another form and he also has high luck which he often misuses for gambling.

"Can we sit here?" Thomas asked Yuri.

"Oh yes please." Yuri said, smiling kindly.

"You're the new kid, aren't you? Introduce me, my name is Thomas." Thomas stretched out his hand. Yuri greeted him with a handshake and said "Yuri .."


Yuri felt a stream of energy rush into her body. Thomas saw that even though Yuri had tried to cover it up.

"Why? Are you all right?"

"Ah, yes, it's okay. I'm just surprised that your hands feel a bit hot."

"Hahahaha of course he's a fire bender. My name is Lily." Lily stretched out her hand for a handshake.


Yuri smiled while resisting the flow of energy from Lily and said "Let me guess, you must be a waterbender."

"Hahahaha it turns out that this kid has the ability to guess. Now it's my turn, guess what my ability is?" Bob said, holding out his hand.


"Hmmm I don't know what your abilities are. Your hands just feel soft. Could it be that your ability is fattening yourself?" Yuri said in a joking tone. Everyone burst out laughing except for Bob whose face was slightly red with embarrassment.

"Bob has the ability to manipulate matter, to create, remove and change matter. However, it is only temporary. It's just that he doesn't always succeed in doing it. Only when he is in extreme condition so his abilities can be maximized. He is also called the gambler here because his luck is very high." Lily explained to Yuri. Bob smiled and scratched his head even though it wasn't itchy.

"How long have you guys been here?" Yuri started a little conversation.

"I've been here for ten years. Lily is probably about 8 years here as I remember. And Bob is still new, he's only been here for one year but he's already consumed all the food here hahaha.." Thomas replied while glancing at Bob.

"Don't listen to him, Yuri. So when did you know you could turn into an iron man?" Bob was curious too.

"Yesterday afternoon when fighting with security in front of the gate," said Yuri casually. The three of them gaped at this.

"Wow, how come. Did you come here to cause trouble or something? And how could you just realize what you're capable of at that time?"

Yuri looked at his three new friends. They looked at Yuri hoping for an explanation.

"Can you keep a secret?"

The three nodded without hesitation.

"Actually I don't know what my real ability is. Look at this."

Yuri also turned into an iron man, then turned into a stone man, then he took out a fireball in his right hand and an ice ball in his left hand then turned both of them into donuts. It only took about 3 seconds for the donut to evaporate and disappear. Then Yuri returned to her normal human form.

Thomas, Lily and Bob were stunned to see that. They were silent, unable to say anything.

"Helloooo…" Yuri interrupted their reverie.

"How could you do that? That's what the three of us are capable of. It's unacceptable." Bob could not accept that fact.

"I think he can copy the abilities of other mutants. How do you copy ours? Don't tell me when you shook hands earlier?" Thomas tried to guess.

"It seems so." Yuri answered casually.

"Oh my God. I can't believe all of this. Your skills are truly terrifying. I have to be careful of you. I hope you don't use them for crimes." Lily sounded a little scared if it turned out that Yuri wasn't a good person.

"Hahahaha don't worry, I'm not a bad person. By the way, didn't you guys order something? The cafeteria lady is waiting for you." Yuri said with a little glance to a woman at the cashier that looking at them waiting for orders.

The three of them immediately took the menu book and began to choose the food on menu.


Williams and Mia returned to Yuri's house to deliver the news that Yuri had been accepted for work and might not be able to go home for a few days because he was still in training. Arriving at Yuri's house they were surprised to see the door of the house that had collapsed and looked messy from the outside. Immediately they ran in and found two men passed out. They were even more shocked to see Mrs. Asada lying face down in a pool of blood with a knife stuck in the back of her neck. Mia spontaneously screamed while crying and her knees felt weak until she sat down on the floor. Williams immediately took a tablecloth to cover Mrs Asada's body. Anger and sadness rumbled in his chest. He picked up the gun he had been hiding in his car and then approached the two men who had passed out.

Smack!! Smack!!

"Wake up you bastards!" Williams slapped one of the men in anger. Williams pointed the gun at the man's forehead. The man suddenly woke up and felt the effects of the curse again so he screamed painfully on the ground. Williams is confused at the man's behavior that seems very strange. Suddenly the man grabbed the gun in Williams' hand. Williams was surprised he didn't expect that the man would take his gun. His face went pale instantly. Reflexively he immediately backed away and protected Mia. But unexpectedly the man pointed the point of the gun at his own forehead.

Bang!! Thud..

The man was lying down with a bullet hole in his forehead. The bullet went through his head and caused his juice of brain to scatter slightly along with fresh blood.

Mia fainted instantly on the floor. Williams was trembling with fear. Slowly he took the gun and he walked over to the second man. After building up his mind he decided to ask the other man. This time he was more careful and kept his distance. He kicked the man's body several times.

"Get up! Let's get up quickly!"

The second man got up. The man started to feel the effect of the curse again. He felt pain and started rolling on the floor. Williams backed away, keeping his distance while keeping his gun pointed.

"Who are you and why did you kill Mrs. Asada?"

"Aaarrghhh… it hurts so bad. Kill me quick! I can't take it anymore."

"Answer my question first! Why did you kill Mrs. Asada?"

"Mrs. Lucy killed him. We were just looking for Alex but that woman gave us a curse like this and made Mrs. Lucy mad."

"Who is Mrs Lucy?"

"Dark Grow… Aaarrghhh"

Before he could finish his sentence, the man collapsed to the floor holding his neck and his tongue was sticking out very long as if it had been forcefully pulled out. The man died instantly with bulging eyes and a terrible sticking out tongue.

Williams frowned at the name Dark Grow. An underground organization with the record number one in crimes. Each member is sworn not to leak organizational secrets. If they break their oath, they will die instantly with misery depending on the curse applied to them. The organization uses mutant powers and dark magic in carrying out its activities. Dark Grow's leader was named Sirius. A dark man magician and mutant with thousands of years old who could be said to be immortal. Once every 5 years he will have to change his vessel. With his magic ritual, he needs a 25 year old young man with special requirements as his container.

This made it difficult for the police to recognize him. One of his trademarks is a black stone ring that always emits a dark purple aura that is always attached to the finger of his left hand.

Williams shuddered at the thought of having to deal with Sirius. He had to find out who Mrs Lucy was. Let's just hope it's not including someone close to Sirius. He immediately contacted some of his friends in the police and other underground organizations. Williams takes Mia to the car and waits for the police to give an explanation for this case.