
Everything is possible, it's my rule

A young man named Yuri had a strange ability since he was twenty years old. He live in the era of technology and magic. He has an ability to copy other's ability as he wants only by touching or watching. He was only an ordinary people until the world know his ability.

NuG_Titan · Fantasy
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9 Chs


On the roof of an unfinished tall building, there are three men, Joe, Max and Arthur. Joe was sitting on an abandoned wooden box, while Max held both of Joe's shoulders. Arthur stood in front of him.

"Are you ready?"

Joe nodded. Arthur stretched out his hands to hold Joe's head. From his hands, black smoke was slowly coming out. Arthur's eyes turned completely black. His mouth was wide grin with pointy creepy teeth. Joe was in pain. His energy was absorbed by Arthur. Max also felt his energy being sucked in as he connected to Joe's shoulders.

"Arthur, what are you doing? Why are you absorbing our energy?" Max screamed in pain.

"Hahahaha… You guys are stupid. I'll absorb all of your energy. That way you will turn into normal humans, but in a dead state, hahaha…"

Arthur tried to suck up the energy of the two of them as fast as possible. Joe, who was in pain, became angry and in an instant turned into a werewolf. Arthur was starting to get a little worried because his energy absorption speed was slower than the energy explosion caused by Joe's transformation. Suddenly Joe's right hand swung at Arthur. Having no other choice Arthur immediately stepped back and let go of his hand.

Max slumped limp feeling a lot of energy absorbed. On the other hand, Joe, who turns into a werewolf, doesn't seem to feel his energy diminishing. Yes, his energy is quite large when he takes the form of a werewolf.

Arthur changes his form into Grizzly, a large white polar bear. The two of them had a great fight. They punched, clawed, bit and threw each other until they were both covered in wounds. Luckily Joe has the power of fast self-healing. Some minor injuries heal in a second. Meanwhile Arthur, who felt that it was impossible to win, immediately ran away jumping from the roof of a building to the roof of another building.

Joe didn't go after him this time though his hunting instincts convinced him to finish him off so he cannot cause trouble later. Only this time he felt tired in werewolf form. He need a time to recover the energy and heal the wounds.


Mia is the daughter of Williams' older brother. Both of her parents died and she lives with her only uncle. Williams himself has two daughters. Mia is still 19 years old and still studying at university.

Mrs. Asada was busy chatting with Mia about unimportant matters. Meanwhile, Yuri and Williams are having a serious discussion about the world of mutants.

Back when Williams and Asada were still working together on a project, they researched the causes of genetic evolution that occurs in mutants and learned how to neutralize or normalize these evolved cells. The project had entered its final stage until suddenly the funders stopped the entire project.

Some information stated that it was related to threats from the military because it was feared that if the mutant healing formula was successfully mass-produced, it would oppose a military project which increased the strength of mutants for defense projects. There are also some rumors that there is a possibility that the founders are mind controlled by a mutant who does not agree with the existence of the project.

As a result of the termination of the project, all assets were confiscated and destroyed. But Asada had already recorded everything in his notebook.

After the project stopped, Williams took a job at a large company. His position is high enough that his monthly salary is enough to buy a family car. Unlike Asada, who still exists in the path of genetic engineering, he chooses to join a foreign company that works in genetic engineering. On his day off he continues his research at the workshop.


Williams has information about the existence of a group of mutants working together to form a service company. The company was called Blessing Curse. They only recruit mutants as their employees and accept any mission as long as it doesn't conflict with the principles of truth. The company is led by a mutant who has the power of mind control. However, he does not use his powers for evil purposes because he is basically a good mutant. His name is Charles. He is old, about 60 years old. Although physically he looks weak, the strength of his mind is very powerful. Some of his abilities include telepathy, mind reading, mind manipulation, paralyzing someone with brain waves, telekinesis, and many more. Williams suggested Yuri join the company. Williams hopes that Yuri's abilities can be maximized and be useful for others.


Max apologizes to Joe for the incident that day. He didn't expect that the person he just met a few days ago was actually an evil mutant with the ability to absorb energy. Joe didn't mind it either and reminded him to be more careful in choosing friends.

Max himself is a mutant with unique abilities. He seemed to be able to talk to a machine. Just by touching any machine, he can immediately understand how it works, control it, and know if there is a problem. He is not a typical mutant with great physical strength and tends to be weak.

Joe, who looked desperate because he thought the opportunity to have friends and partners was lost. He thought that as long as his strength was still there, he would always lose people close to him. Max was silent without a solution.


That night Williams and Mia had to stay at Yuri's house. Mia slept in Yuri's mother's room while Williams slept in the living room. There was actually one guest room but neither Williams nor Mia wanted to stay in it. Mia reasons that she is afraid to sleep alone. During this time she slept in threes with her cousins, children from Williams. Meanwhile, Williams himself has a habit of frequently waking up in the middle of the night, whether it's thirsty or sometimes the urge to go to the restroom. And indeed at home he often sleeps on the couch while watching TV.

Around 8 o'clock Williams said he wanted to go out for a while to smoke. Williams is a smoker who will not smoke around people who don't smoke. Yuri's mother prepares the bedroom. Mia is in the bathroom cleaning herself. Yuri, who was busy playing a game on his smartphone, suddenly had the urge to pee. He immediately headed for the bathroom. Yuri immediately went into the bathroom without realizing that someone was taking a bath inside. Mia is also careless because she forgot to lock the door.


Mia screamed in surprise when she saw someone enter the bathroom without permission. She confusedly covered her breasts and also her pussy. Yuri was shocked watching very tempting Mia's body, his hands reflexively covering Mia's mouth. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I thought no one was there, I just wanted to pee for a while, it's already at the end of this." Yuri whispered softly so as not to arouse his mother's suspicions. Mia's face was blushing red. Her body trembled in fear. She is afraid that Yuri will do something perverted. "You just turn around there for a second. Don't peek through, okay? I just want to pee." Mia frowned. This guy is stupid or something, what am I peeking for, she thought. Wasn't he the one trying to be perverted?

"What's wrong Mia?" Yuri's mother asked worriedly.

"Oh no auntie, there's a cockroach that suddenly entered the bathroom" Mia said, glaring at Yuri.

"Oh I see. Can you handle it?"

"It doesn't matter auntie, the cockroach seems stupid enough, I can handle it."

"Alright then."

Mia immediately turned her body around. Yuri immediately went to the toilet seat and took a pee. After that, he turned to Mia and whispered, "Thank you Mia, the cockroach came out first. Next time, don't forget to lock the door, ok…"


The next morning, Yuri prepares to apply for a job at Blessing Curse with Williams' help. Williams had known Charles, the company leader, personally. Charles had been the object of research as well as a resource person from a project four years ago. Meanwhile, Mia is still helping Yuri's mother prepare breakfast.

"Mia, ask your uncle and Yuri to the dining table for breakfast."

"Yes Auntie"

Mia was rushing to see Williams who was smoking outside.

"Uncle, let's have breakfast. The food is ready."

"Okay." Williams immediately extinguished his cigarette and headed straight to the dining table.

Mia hesitated a bit as she headed to Yuri's room. From the door came the sound of rock music which is quite loud. Mia knocked on the door several times but there was no answer. Finally he was a little annoyed and opened the door saying, "You're so noisy, you didn't hear me knock on the door earlier…"

His mouth stopped as soon as he saw Yuri was wearing only underwear choosing what dress to wear. Her eyes widened when she saw Yuri's well-built body and flat stomach, a little bit of a six pack but not too visible. Instantly Mia's face turned red with embarrassment but her eyes keep watching without blinking. Yuri approached her and whispered "What are you looking at? Do you like to see the body of this cockroach?"

Mia gasped in surprise and turned away from embarrassment.

"Quickly put on your clothes! Breakfast is ready."

Mia immediately ran towards the dining table with a blushing face.

Everyone had gathered at the dining table. Everyone was enjoying the meal casually except for Mia who looked down and didn't dare to look at Yuri. Yuri himself ignored it as if nothing had happened.

"What's wrong Mia? Why are you so silent? Are you feeling sick?" asked Yuri's mother.

"It's okay Aunty." Mia said, still looking down.

"Ah, maybe she's still afraid of the cockroaches last night mom" Yuri said casually.

Mia immediately glared at Yuri while putting her index finger to her thin lips.

Yuri and his mother laugh while Williams looks confused.