

At the top of the mountain of the Shaolin temple, Zagan was still in his fixed position; not moving even a little. If one didn't look closely enough, you'll think he wasn't even breathing.

Master Shi De was already extremely anxious. Zagan was injured from the expedition and although he looked like he was getting better, it would be better to have a look at the wound so it does not get infected.

Just as he was about to protest again, he heard a sound of someone falling. When he turned to look, it was Zagan. His body was in contact with the cold water that felt as if it would sweep him away in no time as he laid afloat the water surface.

Shi De didn't even ask for permission as he hurriedly walk towards Zagan but just before he was out of reach, a long slender hand grabbed hold of him.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you want to die?"

Shi De looked at him confused. What did he mean by die? Before he could finish processing it, he heard a light groan causing a mighty wind to blow and the water which was flowing, rose to the air and became still just like snow flacks. The only difference was, these water droplets were sharper and could slice through anything they came in contact with.

Master Shi De who was already out in the open, saw what happened and noticed one sharp water drop pointed to his neck. If only he had moved and inch further....

"Aiygo..." he stepped back quietly like a scared cat; all the courage from two minutes ago had vanished into thin air. If only this were to happen in a different circumstance, the grand master would have laughed his eyes out but sadly, this was not the best time to enjoy the priceless expression on Shi De's face.

Zagan sat up and rubbed his temples feeling an excruciatingly painful headache. When he opened his pale eyes and saw the blurry picture of the mountain before passing out again. Before his body collided with the cold floor, all the sharp snowflakes rushed towards his direction and formed a soft bouncy but cold cushion for him.

Master Shi De and the grand master just stared in amusement. This boy could indeed control natures laws but he had no idea of his abilities at the moment.

After a while, the grand master signalled for master Shi De to take the boy back to his chambers so they could attend to his injuries.

Moments later at Zagan's chambers, there was pin drop silence as both masters could not muster any words. They had cleaned his wounds and tied it with a piece of cloth as they just sat and stared at the pale boy. Apparently, both of them were lost in their thoughts.

After almost half a day, Master Wen Feng sighed. "He needs to be trained. If he continues like this, I'm afraid he'll die in the process and all our hopes for a better future would be lost."

As he said these words, Shi De dived deeper into his valley of thoughts. 'Who else could help this boy?' He began to think of all the outstanding masters he knew but at this point, it seemed as if his brain was deactivated and he couldn't figure out any one. The only capable person was the grand master, Wen feng but he had stopped training disciples for a very long time with reasons best known to only him so he was completely out of the picture.

Just as he was thinking of other masters, master Wen Feng spoke.

"I'll take him with me. Hopefully, he doesn't die by my hands instead."

Master Shi De who had already canceled the thought of the grand master taking Zagan as his student was shocked.


Apparently, it took him sometime to react to what he heard. Master Wen Feng allured the thought of having students after his last student so of course, this was a shock to Shi De.

Wen Feng did not say anything else instead he just stared at the boy for a while and stood up.

Shi De was caught off guard. "Ah... Where are you going?"

The grand master turned and stared at Shi De like that was the most stupid question he had ever heard.

"Where else? To my chambers." He said as a matter of fact.

"Oh..." Master Shi De scratched his head realizing that it was indeed a dumb question. After a while, he also stood up and adjusted zagans cover before exiting the room. That night, Zagan slept like a baby.

The next morning, the sun was bright, yet beautiful and energizing. Zagan fluttered his eyelashes and hesitantly opened his eyes. This was indeed the best sleep he had had in months.

When his eyes were fully opened, he stared lost at the familiar room. Is this another game or was he really back to the present?

Just as he was in his dilemma he spotted someone seated by the window staring at the sky. After trying to get a clear view of who it was but failed, he then cleared his throat to draw the person's attention but when this particular person turned, he was bewildered...

The grand master? In my room? But why?

The old man turned and stared at the boy without saying a word. He raised his brow and at that moment, he felt like taking back his words. How on earth was he supposed to take in this boy? His last student was...

He sighed and turned around to leave, trying to suppress his though.

"Pack your clothes. We are leaving."

'What! Leaving?' He wondered 'But where to?'

"I'll be waiting by the gate. Do not make me wait for long. I'm not a very patient man."

With that, the old man exited the room and Zagan was stupefied for a moment before realizing what the master had said. He instantly became as fast as the wind gathering everything he could before running down. He didn't even take a bath. After all, this was the grand master, disobeying him could attract punishment.

Rushing down, he did not realize that something was odd. He just kept going.

At the gate, a young boy with a wooden box was running towards the gate with his hair scattered and his clothed disheveled.

Master Shi De was surprised. 'How's this possible? His injury couldn't have healed now could it?'

On the other hand master Wen Feng raised his brow seemingly unaffected by the boy.

Finally, Zagan got to the gate. He was panting silently and trying to catch his breath. Of course he could not let his voice be heard because he was back to the present. He stared at the environment and realized that it was only the three of them who were by the gate. As he stared confused, the first thing he heard was,

"You're late."

Zagan blinked twice. 'Late? This old man. What did he mean by late? I practically ran down with the speed of light. Is he kidding me?' When he meant speed of light, he meant to the best of his abilities but unfortunately, in the grand master's eye, he was acting as slow as a snail.

Not sparing Zagan a second glance, he turned to Shi De "We'll be on our way now."

Shi De looked quite sad. Today was a important day yet, Wen Feng and Zagan would not be able to stay. He tried to convince the grand master about staying for the ceremony but he rejected saying that the earlier Zagan left, the better.

"How long would you be gone for?"

"A while." The grand master shrugged "But if you need to contact me urgently, just ativate the medallion i gave you. If not, you can always send letter."

"Mmm" Shi De nodded and turned to Zagan who was confused.

"You have to go with the grand master for now. It is important that you master your skills. Sadly, I can't teach you but you should be glad to have master Wen Feng. He will take good care of you."

'Why is master Shi De talking as if we'll never meet again?' He wondered but couldn't say anything, he just nodded.

Shi De bowed to the grand master and stared at Zagan. Zagan was about to bow but the master welcomed him into a warm embrace. Odd... He wasn't used to this neither was he expecting it.

After a while master Shi De was not willing to let go but Wen Feng, being a man of little patience began to walk away feeling unfazed by the bucket of emotions displayed by Shi De.

"You can just meet me there!" He yelled from ahead.

'Really! This is the man who's meant to take care of me? Why do I feel like I'll die during this journey?'

I'm back. who missed me?

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