
Chapter Six : Found?

Afraid? What makes you think I am afraid?” She frowned.

“Because every time we talk about your past, you always look so sad. Tell me, what scares you?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe like… what those pasts were. What the actual secret was… I’m in a safe position now that I do not know of it. No stress, no concern, to one day learn about it… that scares me.”

“But would you want to let that fear overpowers you? Aren’t you curious about what had happened to you? Or about how you had arrived in this hospital wearing a wedding dress?”

Selena’s eyes widen and her mouth was open in shock with the newfound information.

“Wedding dress? Are you sure I was here wearing a wedding dress, doctor?”

“Yup. A very beautiful design if I may add. Tis’ a shame that I had to cut it off since I had to treat your abdominal wounds.”

“Okay but was I married, doc? Was I already married before I came here?”

Dr. Stephan smiled. “For that particular information, I don’t know Selena. I think you should ask your family. I don’t think I’m the right person to tell you about your personal life. I mean, your mother actually told me to not talk about it with you. Literally, exactly when you were brought here so you should probably speak with your family about it first and maybe you can start somewhere if you're still curious about trying to figure out the truth.”

“My mother told you to keep what happened to me a secret and you have never told me? Are you crazy, doc? Why didn’t you tell me about this? Especially the fact that I was wearing a wedding dress? This is about me. Not any of you!”

Tears pricked her eyes. Her chest hurts and she felt so betrayed.

Dr. Stephan's eyes soften and he sighed. “I apologize, Selena. It’s not my attention to hurt you by keeping this. All I can say to you is, that you should have a discussion with your family about all of this, first. The secret, whatever it is, I’m sure you will find your answer soon. As my mother once said, secrets are meant to be broken… I doubt your family can keep it that long.”

Selena stared at him for a while - wanting to be upset with him but seeing how he was always kind to her, she sighed and nodded. For now, it was the only thing she can do it.

A wedding dress…

If she had worn one, that means she was about to get married but, with who?

Wait, was it the mystery man in her dream? Was it a sign?

It was time to figure out what really happen and the only person that she knows who have all the answers was her mother.

That would be the hardest Pandora’s box to open.


Sandro was extremely pissed off.

Listening to Abe all day, bringing him to the hospital, and spending countless hours there questioning the doctors and nurses was still the same as before.

He didn’t even want to be here in the first place because this very hospital wing was where he had lost his beloved wife and it always made her feel upset and angry about his failure as a husband.

If it wasn’t for Abe, Sandro wouldn’t even be here but since his own friend was extremely excited about figuring out the mystery of his wife's disappearance, they just go along with it.

Sure he sounded cruel as if he didn’t care about Selena when he thinks like that but what Abe didn’t know was, that he had been here so many times figuring out about Selena that he had given up on the people there after that.

“Can you move your heavy ass over? I’m getting tired of trying to drag it to every room in this hospital.”

Sandra glared at him. “You know what would be heavy? My feet on your face because right now you're seriously pissing me off.”

Abe only grins and he wrapped his arm around his best friend and pulls him further into the hospital corridor.

“Can you not do this? Like seriously, everyone is looking at us and they might think we’re a couple.”

“And what is wrong with that Mr. Sandro? Are you telling me you're homophobic?”

Sandro glared at him. “Go to hell, Abe. Even if I’m actually gay, you’re the last person I would try to hook up with. You would drive me freakin insane.”

Abe laughed and more eyes were staring at them and it didn't seem to faze him. Sandra just rolled his eyes as he followed his friend.

“Well, I don’t mind having you as my girlfriend, Sandro. You’re a hot Italian stud and I could people kill to have you. Selena sure is a lucky woman.”

The nurses that Abe passed by definitely had heard what he said and a few of them start to giggle. It made Sandro annoyed so he pushed Abe away but only to have his back hitting someone.

He hears a small cry and the next thing he heard was the loud sound of someone hitting the ground.

Sandro panicked and quickly turn around as he saw a woman on the floor with her beautiful dark hair covering her face. She was looking down at her bruised legs, away from him.

“Oh my God. I’m… I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there. I’m so… so sorry.” He said. He quickly bends down to help her as he offers his hand to the woman.

“ Are you okay?”

He could hear Abe chuckle from the side and he couldn’t wait to finish helping this woman as he wanted to plant his fist on Abe’s face.

“It’s alright. I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” She replied and when he finally helps her to stand, the woman pushes her hair to the side and the image in front of him made him freeze.

It literally felt like his heart just stops. He could barely breathe and he knew how pale his face had gotten as if he had seen a ghost.

Even Abes stops laughing and Sandro can feel Abe coming closer to his back.

The woman around them is now a few feet away from them and staring back at them weirdly based on their current surprised reaction.

“Are you alright?” The woman asked as she furrows her brow.

Tears pool in Sandro’s eyes. He was having a hard time trying to differentiate whether the scene in front of him was a dream or a reality. It's as if his voice has dried up that he couldn't speak for a long time until…

“Selena? You… You’re alive?”