
Chapter Five : Fear

"Are you nervous about meeting the doctor, Selena?"

Anthony lean back on the hospital bench near the corridor. He can see the fear in Selena's facial expression as she keeps on moving her leg back to front as if she was sitting on a swing and breathing hard. She smoothes down her floral skirt and pulls her long hair on the back of her ear.

"A little. I have been doing this a lot of times already but I can't help it. I'm always nervous and scared about the verdict. It's like... everything the doctor tells me about what is going on in my head is always the same thing. I feel like there are no changes whatsoever so why bother coming here at all?"

Anthony cover her hand and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. You have me remember? I promise everything will be alright. I’ll be with you all the way.”

Selena glared at him and crossed her arms. “How can you promise that? You don’t even know what he’s going to say.”

Anthony nodded his shoulder. “I don’t but, every time you leave the doctor's office, everything always ends up alright. Especially when you bring home that small tub of Haagen Daaz home.”’

Selena smiled as she nodded in agreement. “ The only thing that will never disappoint me. Besides, I thought you were supposed to be working today. What are you doing here?”

“I took a day off so that I could accompany you since your mom can’t come today. I called her and she says that she was busy handling work stuff.”

Selena frowned. “Work stuff? Do you even know what she’s doing?”

“Yeah, her teacher’s stuff. It’s Tuesday today so of course, she would be busy so I hope you’re not upset about me being here.” He grinned and the dimples on his cheeks becomes more prominent.

“What? Me? Upset? Of course, not. Why did that suddenly got into your head?”

“Nope, just asking. Just wanted to see your reaction.” He looked amused.

Selena rolled her eyes. “You’re being weird right now, Anthony.”

“Of course, I’m being weird right now. I’m sitting next to the girl that I have had the biggest crush on ever since I was in kindergarten. How can I not be weird in front of you? Isn't that what people do in movies when they're like… have a crush on someone?”

“And what makes you think that I would like those whole awkward, weird acts? You know I always find those scenes to be obnoxious.”

Anthony feigns his shock and even covers his mouth to humor her. It worked of course. “Obnoxiously cute. I thought girls like those kinds of stuff.”

Selena snorted. “Not me. If you think I’m that kind of girl, then you don’t know me that well, Mr. Russo.”

Before he could respond to that, a nurse came out from the room next to them and stood in front of Selena.

“Hello, miss Selena. Dr. Stephen is ready to see you now.”

Selena nodded and got up. She turned to Anthony and nodded at him. “All right. Wish me to luck now, Anthony.”

“Always, Lena.”


“Selena, how are you today? Good?” Asked the young doctor with genuine concern on his face.

Selena smiles

“I’m good, doc. It's just that… those dreams I’ve been having… about that mystery man? It's not as frequent as it was before. It is slowly going away.”

Doctor Stephan nods his head and stares at the document with Selena's full name on it on the table.

“Is the dream clearer now? it's not as blurry as it was before? You can see your surroundings better?”

Selena shook her head. “No. It is still the same.”

“And have you told any of this to your mother?”

“No.” Selena looks down. “I didn’t think the dream matters. I doubt it is that important. It is just a dream after all.”

“Selena, have you ever thought that the dreams you have been having maybe some kind of a lost memory? It could actually be a good sign, Selena as it will help you to remember many things that you have forgotten before the accident.” Replied Dr.Stephen

She was quiet for a moment as she took the time to think what the young doctor said could be true.

“You could be right, Doc. But, I’m just not confident enough to ask mom about the dreams. I mean… mom herself hasn’t told me anything about what happened before especially the accident so I feel like, just keeping things quiet since it doesn’t really affect me or like, hurt me didn't really matter.” She brushed back her dark hair behind her ear and bit her lips.

Dr. Stephan blush at her movement and he had to look aside for a while. Selena was a very beautiful woman. It was something that he couldn't help but notice since the first time he had treated her many months ago. If it wasn’t for the condition she was brought in and her status as described by her mother, he would have had courted her properly. It was still odd to him that her mother wanted to keep the information a secret from her own daughter.

What the heck was going on in this family, he thought to himself.

“Selena, have you ever thought about finding the mystery man in your dream?”

Dr. Stephan's questions literally made her heart skips a bit as her thoughts drifted to the mystery man who had shown up in her dream from time to time again. Literally from the moment, she finds herself in the hospital.

“Do I need to, Doc?”

“Well if you ask me, I think you should. It is for your sake if you are curious about your forgotten past, Selena.” He replied softly.

“But I’m scared, doc. It’s like… my own mother didn’t want me to know about the things that I have forgotten. Even my sister always tries to hide things from me and every time I ask them, they’ll just keep quiet and avoid the whole conversation. I don’t know... if none of them wanted to say anything. That must’ve meant something, right? That they care so much about me so they chose to hide the truth from me so I won’t get hurt?”

Dr. Stephan stare at her for a second before continuing.

“What are you afraid of, Selena?”