
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Prom Night

At last, it was Prom night!

Melinda helped Candy with her face and hair, and then she slipped on the beautiful, shimmery gown in pale turquoise. Its neckline was lower than anything she had worn before, and she felt a little shy as Melinda looked at her.

"Oh, Candy…you look so beautiful…this dress is perfect for you. Matt's not going to know what hit him." She smiled teasingly as Candy blushed.

Matt was downstairs, chatting with his dad. Melinda went down first, then pointed to Candy at the top of the stairs. Matt's jaw dropped.


He stood up slowly and stared at her almost reverently. Candy gaped back, taking in the sight of him in a tuxedo.

"Wowww, yourself…he looks so HOT I feel like fanning myself!" she thought.

Senator Kane smiled. "Candy, my dear, you look absolutely lovely. Mel, honey, weren't you planning to take some pics before they leave?"

"Yes, as soon as they're both able to move."

She teared up a little as Candy shook herself out of her trance and floated down the stairs into Matt's waiting arms. She smiled shyly as Matt kissed her. He handed her a bouquet of the loveliest flowers She had ever seen.

"Candy, babe, you look absolutely gorgeous…you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, inside and out."

Melinda took several photos of them before they could escape.

"Have a wonderful time, both of you!" Rich was smiling as they left.

Candy waved to them as they got in the car. Matt turned to her.

"I've got something for you, love."

He took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. A thin silver necklace with a small heart-shaped pendant was nestled inside. Candy gasped.

"Matt! It's so beautiful!"

She leaned forward slightly, holding her hair out of the way so that he could slip it around her neck. His fingers were warm on her skin, giving her goosebumps as he clasped the necklace.

"Not as beautiful as you…you're perfect, baby…" He kissed her lightly on the forehead, leaving her immediately clamoring for more.

"Later, love, or we're not going to make it to the Prom at all." Matt grinned mischievously at her. "Not that I mind…"

Candy laughed and swatted him away, and they drove to the Country Club where Prom was being held.

"Today was perfect," thought Candy, hugging herself. Her beautiful dress, the look on Matt's face when he had seen her…and now at last they were here, and she would spend the next few hours in Matt's arms. She sighed blissfully.

Matt smiled, casting a sidelong glance at her.

"Happy, princess?" he asked, covering her hand with his.

Candy nodded, her heart too full for words, and Matt squeezed her hand gently.

The parking lot already had several cars standing there as Matt parked his convertible. He came around and opened Candy's door for her, proffering her his arm. They had just walked a few steps when Matt's phone rang. He frowned and took it out of his pocket.

"It's Dad," he said, surprised. "I'd better take this."

Candy moved away a little to give him privacy as Matt answered the call.

"Hi, Dad?"

She walked a few feet ahead towards the club entrance, admiring the way it had been illuminated with thousands of tiny fairy lights, giving it a festive look. The shrubs and trees lining the avenue leading to it had been decorated as well, and to Candy it looked enchanting, almost fairytale-like. She turned to see whether Matt was done with his call. Just then, a sudden movement behind him caught her eye.

Candy froze for a second, then she ran frantically to him.

"Matt, Matt – look out!" she cried, pushing him out of the way just as Ed Clarke charged forward, a wicked-looking knife in his hand.

"Ahhh…" Surprisingly she felt no pain as the knife buried itself in her abdomen.

"Candy!!" Matt screamed, dropping his phone as she crumpled to the ground. With a bellow of rage, he charged Ed, socking him in the jaw before kicking him hard in the stomach. Ed grunted in pain and bent over.

Matt rushed to Candy.

"Candy! Candy!! Are you okay?" Matt knelt down frantically, cradling her in his arms.

"Matt…" Candy looked down to see a red stain spreading with alarming speed around the wooden hilt of the knife. By now, the club's security guards and many of the kids from the dance had reached there, alerted by the noise, but Candy noticed nothing except Matt's brilliant blue eyes, tears pouring from them as he held her.

"Matt…" she raised her hand slowly to his face to wipe his tears, but the effort was too great. "Don't…cry…" she whispered as her hand fell to her side and darkness washed over her.

Matt had been surprised when his dad called. They had been talking at home just a short while back so he wondered what had happened.

"Hi, Dad?"

"Matt – listen carefully – Ed Clarke is out on bail – I just got the news. It's possible he may try to find Candy or harm her. I'm sending security there now but be very careful, and don't let Candy out of your sight, okay?"

"How the hell did he spring for bail, Dad?" Matt asked, shocked.

"I think someone else paid it for him," Senator Kane replied grimly. "I'm having it checked, but the most important thing right now is that you both are safe. Have you reached the club yet?"

"We just got here, Dad, we're – ufff!" Matt grunted as Candy threw herself at him with her full weight, pushing him so hard he almost lost his balance.

"Matt? Matt! What happened?" His father's alarmed voice came over the phone, but Matt could not reply.

"Candy!" he screamed, dropping his phone as Candy collapsed to the ground, the knife meant for him buried to the hilt in her abdomen.

"Interferin' bitch!" Ed Clarke took a step towards her, but Matt charged him with a roar of rage, punching him hard in the jaw. Before Ed could recover his balance Matt had kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over, grunting in pain.

The club's security guards and several kids rushed into the parking lot, alerted by the commotion. One of the guards hit Ed on the head with his baton, knocking him out, while the other frantically dialed 9-1-1.

"A kid's been stabbed," he reported. "Looks bad – please hurry!"

Matt heard and saw none of this. As soon as he stopped Ed from attacking Candy again he was at Candy's side, kneeling beside her.

"Candy! Candy!! Are you okay?" Matt gathered her in his arms, tears pouring down his cheeks as he saw the bloodstain spread over her dress.

"Matt…don't…cry…" she whispered, then her body went limp in his arms.

"No! Candy!!" Matt screamed in despair, holding her to his chest, great sobs racking his frame.

Finally, the police arrived.

"Son, the ambulance is here. Let the medics take over." A grizzled police officer laid a sympathetic hand on his shoulder as Matt clung to Candy.

The rest was chaos.

Matt dimly registered the officers prizing his hands off Candy so that the paramedics could attend to her, he was vaguely aware of his dad's security personnel reaching there and reporting to his dad, but none of it seemed real. His friends crowded around him, crying, hugging and consoling him, but he barely registered any of it. At last, Senator Kane and Melinda reached there.

"Matt!" His mom enveloped him in her arms and slowly, Matt stirred.

"Mom! Candy! She – she – I need to be with her!"

"We're going there now, son. We just stopped to pick you up." His dad gave him a hug. "I promise you, Matt, everything's going to be fine."