
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Everything For You

The first thing she noticed was the pain. It radiated out from her stomach and seemed to spread out to every last nerve ending in her body. The second thing that penetrated the fog in her brain was the humming and beeping of machines around her.

Candy slowly opened her eyes, wincing as the bright lights hurt them.

"Candy!" Melinda sprang up from the chair she was sitting in and rushed to the bed. "You're awake at last!"

"At last?"

Candy felt vaguely puzzled but her mind was too hazy to dwell on it.

"Aunt Mel, where am I?" she asked weakly.

"Darling, you're in the hospital – but don't worry, you're fine now."

"Hospital?" But – but she was supposed to be somewhere else, wasn't she? Her new dress – fairy lights – Homecoming – the Country Club – Matt –

Abruptly all the events from Homecoming flooded her memory.

"Matt!" she cried out in alarm, the vision of Uncle Ed with that wicked-looking knife in his hand rushing at Matt playing over and over in her head. "Matt! Is – is he okay?"

She tried to sit up. Her head swam at the sudden movement and she fell back on the pillow.

"Candy – Candy, Matt is fine, absolutely fine, nothing happened to him," Melinda soothed her quickly, stroking her hair back from her face. "You saved him, remember?" she asked gently.

Candy remembered the knife going into her like a hot knife through butter and shuddered. Tears glistened in Melinda's eyes as she bent over and kissed Candy on the forehead.

"Candy, we were so worried about you – thank God you are alright!"

"Is Matt here?" Candy asked, desperate to see him with her own eyes.

"Matt's here, honey, he hasn't left your side since that day. He just went to get Rich and me some coffee."

"That day? How long have I been here?"

"Three days," Melinda replied.

"Three days?!" Candy was shocked. "I've been out of it for three DAYS?"

"Your internal injuries were severe, the knife ruptured your spleen and damaged other organs as well," Melinda said gently, still stroking her head. "The doctors operated on you for several hours and it was still touch and go. They felt it was better to keep you in a drug-induced coma for a few days to give your body as much rest as possible."

Matt came in just then.

"Candy!" He rushed to her side. "You're – you're – are you okay?" he asked frantically. He took her small, cold hand in his big one gingerly, as though afraid of touching her.

"I'm fine, Matt – are you okay? Uncle Ed didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, sweetheart, he didn't do anything to me – you saved me."

He cupped her face tenderly in his palm.

"Candy Clarke, that was the stupidest, most idiotic, most foolhardy, absolutely bravest thing you could do." Matt's eyes were suspiciously moist as he bent over and kissed her softly on her cheek.

Melinda had slipped out when Matt came in. She now returned with Senator Kane.

"Candy, my child, I can't tell you how worried we've been! I can't bear to think what would've happened if -" His voice was unsteady.

"I'm absolutely fine, Uncle Rich," Candy said quickly, a wave of guilt swamping her as she saw their tired, worried faces. "I – I'm sorry to all of you, so sorry," she whispered, biting her lip.

"Sorry? Sweetheart, what are you talking about?" Rich asked, mystified.

"I – I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble," she mumbled, averting her eyes.

"Candy, my dear, you haven't caused us any trouble," Melinda said immediately.

"Candy, you took the knife meant for me." Matt turned her face gently towards him. "You could've died for me – I'll never forget that."

"Yes, but – but – Uncle Ed would never have come after you if it hadn't been for me." She looked desperately at him. "It was because of me that he attacked you."

"Sweetheart, you are not responsible for Ed Clarke's or anyone else's actions except your own," Melinda said firmly. "You became their victim when you were just a child, and you've shown incredible courage in facing and overcoming adversities that would have fazed most people. Always remember, dear, that you can't change the genes you're born with or the people who form your family, but it's who you are inside and what you choose to make of yourself and your circumstances that counts in the end."

"And besides, Candy, we've learnt who was responsible for getting Ed out." Senator Kane's face was grim.

"Who, Dad?" Matt asked, astonished.

"It was Cara Johnston – I believe she's in school with you."

"What? Cara??"

Both Matt and Candy gaped at Rich.

"But – but why?"

"Seems she bailed him out with specific instructions to attack Candy. Apparently, she hates Candy and wanted some sort of revenge on her. But when Ed saw Matt there, he was so blinded by rage that he attacked Matt instead. He holds Matt responsible for putting him in prison."

"Woww…" Matt took a deep breath. "That's so messed up! I'd never have thought Cara would go to such lengths…so what's happening now, Dad?"

"They've taken her into custody as well. From what I've heard, she's completely unrepentant."

Senator Kane looked grimmer still.

"Even the prospect of prison couldn't stop her from spewing venom at Candy, so the Chief tells me."

"Poor thing," Candy murmured.

Matt looked at her in astonishment.

"What do you mean, Candy? Have you gone nuts?"

Candy flushed.

"No, it's just sad she hates me so much she's messing up her own life. It's such a waste, that's what I meant."

"Sweetheart, not everyone can have as good a heart as yours," Melinda said, smiling at her.

"And now, honey, forget all about this – you need to rest," Rich added. "We want you home as soon as possible."

Candy's heart swelled with love for them, strangers who had become more than family to her.

"Aunt Mel, Uncle Rich, I love you both," she said softly.

"Oh, honey, we love you too." Melinda kissed her forehead while Rich patted her hand. At last they left, promising to be back early the next day.

"Aren't you going home too?" Candy asked Matt, surprised.

"Not till you do," he replied, taking her hand in his. "Home's not home without you anymore, Candy, and I can't stand to be away from you."

"Oh, Matt! When did I get so lucky?" She squeezed his hand.

"Not as lucky as me," Matt said. Then a devilish grin spread on his face.

"What about me?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"What about you?" Candy echoed, puzzled.

"Yeah – you told Mom and Dad you love them…what about me?"

Candy blushed.

"Don't you know already?" she asked shyly.

"I wanna hear you say it, baby."

"Matt – I love you…I love you more than anyone or anything in this world, and I'll always love you."

She looked up at him, her heart in her eyes.

"Candy, my sweetheart." Matt leaned down and brushed his lips over hers in the lightest of kisses, yet Candy felt her whole body tingle in response. "Baby, I've waited so long for you…maybe all my life," he whispered, his breath warm on her cheek. "You don't know, you can't know how I felt when I thought I'd lost you…"

Tears glistened in his beautiful eyes.

"I don't think I could survive losing you, Candy. I love you so much, princess, and I'm yours, mind, body and soul, only yours, for the rest of my life."

"Matt." Candy's voice was soft as she saw his love for her shining in his eyes. "Matt, you'll never lose me, I promise. I'll always be with you."

"I love you, sweetheart, only you, from here to forever."

Candy's heart filled with indescribable joy as Matt kissed her again, his kiss a promise of all the beautiful and wonderful things to come.

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