
Everyday Stresses of Kazuki

Rising from the ashes of Clandestine, an aristocratic merc, social engineer and unrivalled overachiever take on the galaxy's greatest scum - from criminals, contractors, politicians and everything inbetween. Armed with their wits, weapons and a thousand hired guns, they navigate through a twisting web of allegiances, betrayals, conspiracies and plots in the highrise capital of the private sector. From the burning wreckage of the Ptolemy-1 Station to whatever void lay ahead, only one thing is certain: The indifferent galaxy will forever burn once more.

GrumpyBoi · Sci-fi
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59 Chs

X14: Botched Simulations

A shockwave filled the air, and vibrations scattered throughout the simulated facility; soot had dirtied the walls. The complex she was trapped in was made entirely of piston-operated blocks and slabs, moved up and down through the floor to make a simulation field. A rush of adrenaline kept meeting newer and newer heights with each passing second as she tried her best to survive.

The pain and agony quickly seeped into her arms as she threw herself around one of the many corners of the simulated battleground. Its blank walls were littered with bullet holes, plasma scorches and soot from the grenades Lilly had been launching across the simulation.

She continued to run. How the fuck was she going to win? No idea, she had no idea. It had to be impossible, right? The pain in her body pushed her forward as the mixture of adrenaline and unstoppable determination locked her mind to panic. Her crimson eyes glistened.


Eliza glanced up at the black pane ceiling that separated the test field from the observation deck. Her heart continued to race as she swore never to get into this industry as a contractor. Her legs and shins were aching as she broke into one of the numerous rooms inside the simulated facility. Collapsing against a wall, she heaved a huge breath as she slammed her hand against the vest-plate on her chest. Its durability was reaching its limits. She reached out towards the door and slowly pushed it closed.

She had dropped both her guns when fighting Lilly. Well, 'fighting' was giving her too much credit. It was more of a slaughter on her end. She could hear Lilly's Footsteps approaching through the hallways outside. She held her breath whilst tying up her hair.

Eliza hastily forced herself to calm down as her footsteps were audible outside. She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping that she'd just walk past. It was at times like these that she wished that she just run away from it all. For a moment, she wished she never changed. She wished that she was that emotionless, cold husk of logic that she used to be. Maybe that Eliza would've known how to deal with Lilly.

Opening her eyes, she took a single glance through a gap in the doorframe, Lilly slowed down as she started to search the rooms in the area. With each door that cracked open, her heart jolted. She scrambled upwards against the wall beside the door.

Kazuki agreed to this test… but why? Why? WHY?! She didn't have time to think. No more time. Eliza could hear her heavy breaths as Lilly placed the gun muzzle on the door, noticing that it had been opened before from the small amount of sweat on the door knob.

Lilly slowly pushed the door open. Its squeeze contrasted with the violent crashes of the other doors. Panic set in as Eliza was still as a rock. She closed her eyes. Nothing came to mind. This time, there was no Kazuki, nor Archius to help her. Archius… her mind remembered back to when he was cornered. He grappled and went for the jugular. It was bloody, but everyone's used to death. An idea quickly formulated.

As Lilly entered the room, Eliza could see her back slowly pass by the opened door as she gripped the knife on her belt. And with a heave of exhaustion, she pushed forward. She threw herself forward, lunging at Lilly.

Just in time, Lilly twisted to meet the attack as she slammed down on the trigger. Bullets went flying past Eliza as her momentum knocked Lilly's gun to the ground. Lilly blocked Eliza's knife stab as she grabbed her arm, before swiping in with her slice.

Eliza's mind followed through with what Archius did. Disarm. She interposed her other arm to hold Lilly's blocking hand as she threw her knife hand directly into her attack. The blades clashed for a moment. But in this moment of stalemate, Lilly made her move.

"Agh!" Eliza cried as Lilly kicked her in the stomach. She was thrown back against the wall as Lilly steadied herself, throwing her knife directly towards Eliza.

"Come on! Outsider! Let's finish this!" shouted Lilly.

Once again, Liz threw her arms up as she felt a searing pain cut deep into her right forearm. She gritted her teeth as she used all remaining willpower to stop herself from crying out loud in agony. Eliza took a step forward as Lilly leaned over, picking up her rifle. And as Eliza aimed, she had one chance. She threw herself once again at Lilly, throwing Eliza back against the wall behind her; Lilly's brown hair slightly blinded the line of fire, one of her eyes masquerading behind an eyepatch - whilst a long scar scratching down from her forehead, across her other eye, down to her lips. Her voice matched the ferocity of her looks.

But just as Eliza finally had the chance, the one opportunity to land a single hit in - she felt a bullet pass through her guts. Her vest-plate unravelled as the simulation ended. The bloodied, deteriorated walls descended into the ground as their equipment disappeared. Eliza felt her uplink flicker off and on with a reboot as she fell onto the ground beside Lilly from exhaustion.


Any injuries suffered by the two of them were gone. Their nervous systems reverted to their normal states as pain relievers were inhaled straight into their system from the gases floating around the chamber.

Staring up above, she saw the black pane disappear as the observation deck came into view.

A voice filled the intercom system, "Alright, get 'em up here, good showing you two."

It was a playful but serious voice, Archius' she presumed. Hovering drones came into view from the sides of the simulated battle arena. She couldn't tell what model they were, but they weren't civilian models. They hovered right up to them, bringing stretchers forward. Eliza was lifted onto one as Lilly shook the drones off of her.

"I can handle myself," Lilly said, staggering up in an act of defiance.