
Everyday Stresses of Kazuki

Rising from the ashes of Clandestine, an aristocratic merc, social engineer and unrivalled overachiever take on the galaxy's greatest scum - from criminals, contractors, politicians and everything inbetween. Armed with their wits, weapons and a thousand hired guns, they navigate through a twisting web of allegiances, betrayals, conspiracies and plots in the highrise capital of the private sector. From the burning wreckage of the Ptolemy-1 Station to whatever void lay ahead, only one thing is certain: The indifferent galaxy will forever burn once more.

GrumpyBoi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
59 Chs


Eliza looked through the information that Archius and Sato harvested. There was a lot of jargon that she didn't understand, but there were several things she did. Numbers, statistics, manpower and generalised information. Other than that, she had no clue what they were on about. She was barely able to wrap her head around the BCA's Contractor Bar after all. Such bureaucracy was pretty much standard across the galaxy, even for the organisation that regulates mercs.

Across the room, Archius was playing a game of Dullahan's Calling with Riharia, a holotop-card game popular amongst those in this industry. Though she personally always preferred the other versions of the game, the fantasy elements were never her favourite. Lilly and Sato continued to have their smoke break, it was most definitely a safety hazard. But no one here cares all that much; she doesn't blame them. Most people in the business die before the age of forty, if they want to die this way, she'll let them enjoy whatever semblance of joy they have left in this galaxy…

Eliza glanced towards the holographic strategy game. She was going to interject and give Riharia some advice. Though the only experience she's had in the game was against Kazuki... and that wasn't exactly a learning experience. The sliding of the door caught her attention as she placed her data-pad down on the surface of the large command deck in front of her.

"Status report, I want it pronto," demanded Kazuki, entering the room.

Even here, he was wearing his armour, a light combination of a vest-plate with other armoured pads and plates across his chest and limbs. It was consistent with the old Clandestine models, but all of theirs had the three pillars of the AGENCY on their shoulders to mark their allegiance - instead of the crescent concave moon. Kazuki had a gold trim, the only other person with the same trim colouring as Martinez.

"Multiple convoys, possible routes are given but most are probably fakes," said Archius, still focusing on playing his game, flicking up a whole table of traps to put down.

Sato and Lilly snuffed their cigarettes out, flicking them into the waste disposal drone bin hovering around. They probably wanted to avoid Kazuki's judgement if they were caught smoking, or maybe they knew how his lineage always had weak immune systems. Thinking back then, when Victoria met Kazuki, he did look ill.

Sato spoke up, "We've run it through the Phoenix's Fury's analyspec, but we've only been able to narrow things down to four possible routes. Convoy's hauling equipment, heavy load."

Kazuki nodded, his eyes glancing across the room towards Eliza. There were no thoughts or emotions in those hollowed-out, golden husks.

"Eliza," Kazuki said, awakening her from her stream of thought as she jolted in place, "Get us rocket launchers, X1G-50s."

She looked down towards her data-pad as she activated it once again, opening it up and activating her command panel, sending a transfer order through, immediately confirmed. "Drones are transporting them to the hangar bay as we speak."

"Which one?" snapped Lilly, looking towards Eliza, her armour had a white trim. Her hostility was far beyond open. Maybe she wasn't all too familiar with outsiders, Eliza thought. She understood that sentiment. After all, who was she to be here?

"Uh…" being put on the spot normally wasn't all too bad for her. Public speaking was her strong suit, though not as strong as Archius'. She looked back at the pad. "Hangar-5, the largest one on the stern."

"Yeah, we know where hangar-5 is!" Lilly retorted.

Sato jabbed Lilly in the sides as Kazuki paused, allowing things to play out. As things settled down, he turned his head towards Lilly and calmly glared. He uttered a single word, "Done?"

Lilly straightened herself out and nodded silently. Kazuki didn't seem all too intimidating from Eliza's perspective, though from the view of someone in the industry, someone like him is an embodiment of death itself. But maybe having the closest thing to the reaper's representative fighting alongside them was a good thing.

"But…" Eliza started, "May I suggest the SABIR tipped rockets? It says on the database that they're good against armour."

It wasn't much, but it was something. If she could help in any way whatsoever she'll take the opportunity. For once, Lilly didn't immediately retort back to her.

Sato spoke up, "She makes a fair point. Those rockets are probably the only things you didn't waste on Cantari-4."

Kazuki didn't respond to the sass. But if Eliza remembered, Cantari-4 was Clandestine's now destroyed fortress world in wild space. It's been a month or so since its announced destruction. The realisation that she's an outsider is starting to hit deeper than she expected.

She meekly stayed still as her normal outgoingness was overcome with awkwardness. Kazuki and Archius stayed around these people for a long time, and they probably have somewhat of a strong bond with them. But her? She meant nothing to them… did she make the right call? Her mind slowly pondered as a voice cut through.

"—Lizzie! Wanna play some Dullie with me?" asked Riharia. Eliza looked over, she had just won against Archius as he grumbled silently, giving off an annoyed look. She didn't know if that face was one of his supposed many faces. What happened back at her place was still uneasy to her. Archius Bar-Lyst? That cheery public rep was a spymaster? It did make some sense when she thinks about it.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not much of a holo-deck player," said Eliza, scratching the back of her head whilst giving Riharia a warm smile.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Oh, come on! Kazuki and Sato are too good and Lilly just plays the meta!"

"Because the meta is good!" rebuked Lilly, showing a less hostile side to Eliza, "There's a reason why the Pike meta is mainstream because it's historically good."

"That's enough." interjected Kazuki, his voice emotionless and steady, "Heimfall and Deltastring will take the most likely of convoy routes. Martinez's forces will be on the surface as a reserve. Persephone and Hosea's teams will take the other routes, is that clear?"

Everyone in the room nodded, except Eliza. She frantically nodded out of turn to 'catch up' with the conversation. Kazuki looked towards Lilly for a moment as Eliza caught a glimpse of their uplinks blinking. She always wanted to know what a mil-grade uplink felt like. Her father told her that from his experience fighting in the Anagoran siege, they felt crisp and smooth, unlike the civilian models.

Eliza caught glimpses of everyone in the room exchanging glances. Her curiosity was cut short as Lilly turned to her, saying, "We won't be bringing her down with us, right?"

Eliza shook her head, trying to make a light-hearted joke. "Ah, no, I'd be a goner if I went on the field. And fighting's not exactly my forte."

Lilly leaned closer towards her. Cold discipline snapped at her, "Oh really? Ya know, back in the Marines, most recruits lasted… five seconds? Eight if we're generous. Everyone here knows how to kill, except for you. If you ever get endangered, you'll be a burden."

Her words silenced Eliza. Kazuki remained still as he had both his hands on the command deck. She didn't have him to get her out of this.

"I—" Eliza thought hard, she wanted Lilly to understand that she meant no offence to her, if she even did offend her, "—am not good at fighting, nor am I well versed in this business; but Kaz gave me an opportunity for mutual benefit…"

Lilly shot a glance towards Kazuki as Sato was sleeping a log on in her chair. "What deal did you sign with her?"

"She provides logistical aid. We provide her with guns."

"Tch, this ain't even a fucking contract, if I'm working with her—"

"—The pay is coming out of my own pockets." interjected Kazuki, "Anyone assisting us will be compensated heavily for their extended services."

Lilly grumbled, looking back towards Eliza. She had no idea what she did wrong, maybe it was her attitude? No… she tried to be nice to all of them. Was it the fact that she had no experience? It was the most likely reason.

"Fine! Fine," Lilly shouted, pointing at Eliza's brooch, "You, me, training sim. If I'm gonna work with you, I want to make sure that you ain't some upper-class echelon boot-licker."

"I'm not even upper class…" Eliza muttered.

Lilly was half-right, she thought. She was fortunate enough to be in the upstart aristocracy, but she was far from the upper class. Eliza shivered… What did Lilly just demand exactly? Her eyes widened as Lilly pointed towards her, holding onto a water canteen.