
Every World Seems Not Quite Right (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Summary: For some reason, Shao Qian devoured half of the system. Because of that, he decided to return to the worlds that he has the coordinates of, and retaliate against them. But… Why is it that every world seems not quite right? Could it be the method he used to cross through the worlds was wrong? Total Chapters -189 Chapters Only till Chapter 52 had been translated . NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! Support the source --> https://thisantjustwannasleep.wordpress.com/ewsnqr/

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Meeting Vincent

Halfway to his destination, the steward wondered if it would be appropriate to lower the commission slightly? After all, nothing happened throughout the whole journey. Why did he still have to feed those mercenaries?

"Christine, is that a person walking in front of us?" Lucy pointed at a figure in the near distance to Christine. "This road isn't always this peaceful, how could he dare walk by himself?"

Looking towards where Lucy's finger was pointing, Christine saw a figure clade in a black robe and her brows creased. She stared at the figure, before saying to Lucy, "Tell our men to sharpen their vigilance."

"Okay." Lucy nodded her head carefully. That person was wearing a black robe that covered him from head to toe. At a glance, he didn't look to be a good person.

Shao Qian had been by Christine and Lucy's side all along. Turning his head towards the direction they spoke about and seeing that figure, he unknowingly felt that he actually looked somewhat familiar.

Christine's mercenary group was constantly alert and finally, when the caravan was quickly about to near that person, he suddenly stopped. That person stopping made both the merchants and mercenaries nervous.

The more Shao Qian continued looking, the more he felt that this person clad in a black robe seemed familiar. Wasn't it obvious that he couldn't see the person clearly due to the robe shrouding him though? Why would he keep feeling that he looked very familiar?

The person dressed in a black robe turned, the head that wore a wicker hat moving a few times. Perhaps he was measuring the strength of their caravan? Once they understood this, the merchants along with the mercenaries became even more wary.

The wicker hat didn't cover his entire face and when Shao Qian saw the man's lower jaw along with his lips, he felt that they were really familiar. But he definitely couldn't remember where exactly he had seen this man. This was really a kind of fraudulent feeling.

The moment that man's eyes swept over Shao Qian, he paused and immediately after that, Christine who had constantly been staring at the black-robed man, suddenly realised that the said person had actually disappeared.

Christine's pair of eyes immediately widened, a disbelieving expression on her face. Was that person actually a person or a spirit? Or was he a high leveled martial artist?

"Jesse." A sound not unlike someone sighing could be heard from beside Christine's ear. And when she turned, she was clearly able to see the black-robed man hugging the youth. Her pupils abruptly shrank. When… When on earth did he arrive next to her?

"Let go…" Shao Qian pushed a few times and upon not being able to break free, he couldn't endure. "Who are you?"

"How could you forget me?" Hearing his treasured boy asking this kind of question, the black-robed man was very annoyed and his body's imposing pressure was also released. Standing beside Shao Qian, Lucy and Christine merely felt an oppressing feeling in their chests, before a stream of blood leaked out from the corner of their mouths.

They had by no means even exchanged blows, yet they were injured by the person. Could this person be a Honourable martial artist? No, someone so young couldn't possibly be a Honourable martial artist.

That wasn't wrong. Looking at the smooth lower jaw that was exposed, they understood that the black-robed man's age wasn't large, but his strength was really terrifying.

"…" Shao Qian knitted his brows as he started to think, before probing, "Centvin?"

"Good boy." Vincent, upon seeing that Shao Qian recognised him, happily patted his back and retracted the imposing pressure that he had released.

Seeing that the two knew each other, furthermore after the man revealed a smile when Jesse called out his name, Christine and Lucy couldn't help but ridicule. Who didn't tie this ferocious beast up and let him out?

Shao Qian slandered in his heart. Good, your sister! No matter how much he thought of it, he couldn't understand. Why did Vincent come to this side of the Illusionary Mist Forest at this time? Right now, wasn't he supposed to recover the Vatican? Even getting heavily injured due to the Pope? Could it be that he suffered a severe injury and needed something from the Illusionary Mist Forest to treat it?

"What did you come here for?" Shao Qian still felt that directly asking him was better. If he said that he intended to harm the high-ranked magic beasts within the Illusionary Mist Forest, then don't blame him from taking action.

"To find you." Vincent pulled off the wicker hat on his head. "At that time when you chased me out, I was very sad."

'You're actually thinking of leaving again, I'm very sad.' Hearing Vincent's words, Shao Qian unknowingly thought of that rascal, Song Dao. Looking at Vincent's wronged expression, it caused him to feel even more as if Song Dao was standing in front of him.

He was definitely possessed by an evil spirit. If not, then why did he think of Song Dao again?

"Jesse, who are you thinking about?" Vincent looked at Jesse , whose face was revealing a look of yearning, in his embrace and whispered. Who are you thinking of? Say it, I'll kill him. The only one you can long for is only me.

"Nothing." Shao Qian shook his head and pushed himself away from Vincent's embrace." I need to go to the Illusionary Mist Garrison."

"I'll bring you." Vincent offered to undertake the difficult task." Walking on the road is too tiring, it'll be somewhat faster if I bring you."

"No. I want to go with Christine and the rest." Christine and the others weren't too bad. Shao Qian intended to take a trip to the auction house once they arrived at Red Tile City and give some presents to Christine and the others.

Vincent curled his lips, somewhat annoyed. Who was Christine? Why did Jesse want to go with her?

"Can we go or not?" After not getting a response for half a day, Lasey rebuked angrily, "I hired you guys to protect the caravan, not to let you guys chit-chat."

Vincent's eyelids twitched minutely and his right hand that concealed beneath his black robe was raised slightly. Just as he was intending to make this person, who had the audacity to raise a hue and cry, disappear, his hand was caught by someone. He looked down and saw Jesse slightly shaking his head at him.

Lifting up his left hand, he rubbed Jesse's head, feeling some remorse that he couldn't touch the furry animal ears. He shifted his hand to Jesse's earlobe and kneaded it, discovering that although the feeling wasn't as nice as the animal ears, the feeling was still just as good. In short, so long as it was Jesse, no matter where he rubbed, his hand would always feel that good.

Mm, of course, if he was able to rub the tail, that would be even better.

Currently, though Vincent looked very earnest, he had in fact, already placed Shao Qian into a sexual fantasy of his. Towards this, I want to ask. You're this perverse, does the other person know?

Ever since Vincent arrived, Lucy and Christine wasn't able to get close to the adorable Jesse. At the back, the two of them glanced at each other. Even if that blond man grew to look very nice, it didn't change the fact that he had snatched little Jesse away.

"Who are you?" Lasey looked at the man by Shao Qian's side and rebuked angrily, "Our caravan isn't something that anyone can just enter."

They already had one ordinary person, which was Jesse, and that was his bottom line. Don't even think about asking him to add another person in halfway. Do they think that he's here for charity? And whatever person could just enter his caravan?

"He's my friend. He doesn't need money." Shao Qian blinked at Lasey and smiled." And he has some ability.

Just now, Lasey didn't see how Vincent had got to Shao Qian's side in a mere instant. After all, when Christine had told her mercenary group to be vigilant, he had went to hide in the back. He waited for the wariness to disappear before he fraudulently came out, that's all. Therefore, when he saw that there was yet another stranger amongst their ranks, he got extremely angry.

"Tell him to leave." Lasey pointed at Vincent's nose and cursed furiously, "Damn it! These bastards that aren't magicians or martial artists, why do they always fix their sight on me? Is it because I'm easier to be persuaded?

Shao Qian was at a loss as he looked at Lasey, "But…"

"No buts! Just scram for me now." Lasey angrily rebuked, "You can stay behind, I already agreed to pay you. But that person, definitely not."

"Jesse, baby, he doesn't welcome me." With a face full of grievances, Vincent looked at Shao Qian. "You're willing to watch me be wronged?"

I am very willing, thank you. Shao Qian pressed his hand against his somewhat pained forehead, before he had no choice but to say to Lasey, "Vincent doesn't require the caravan to provide him with a place to stay nor food to eat. Furthermore, you don't need to give me my gold coin, is that fine?"

When Lasey heard Shao Qian's words, he considered it seriously, before grudgingly nodding his head. "That's fine then, we'll follow your idea."

Christine, who had been listening by the side, intended to argue with Lasey, but when she saw Shao Qian shake his head at her, she gave up on that idea. She glanced at Lasey before letting out a cold 'hmph!' and leaving.