
Every World Seems Not Quite Right (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Summary: For some reason, Shao Qian devoured half of the system. Because of that, he decided to return to the worlds that he has the coordinates of, and retaliate against them. But… Why is it that every world seems not quite right? Could it be the method he used to cross through the worlds was wrong? Total Chapters -189 Chapters Only till Chapter 52 had been translated . NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! Support the source --> https://thisantjustwannasleep.wordpress.com/ewsnqr/

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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59 Chs


In the end, towards the male lead of this world, Shao Qian was still worried. The words of this person couldn't be believed. Since this person could wear a smile as he buried that old fox, the Pope, how could he be even a bit virtuous? He still had to be constantly wary of the male lead, so as to avoid being betrayed and dying in some unknown way.

Furthermore, how did Vincent actually manage to come to this place? He shouldn't know about this road, could it have really been coincidence?

"I went to where you live to search for you." Vincent looked at Shao Qian pursing his lips together and laughed, explaining, "Only, there was no one at there and when I was crossing through the forest, I lost my way. I just happened to come across this road."

When Vincent originally went to find Shao Qian, he almost didn't make it out from the forest. The high-ranked magic beasts wouldn't let him leave the forest that easily. After all, this human knew of the forest's secret. If they let him leave, it would be unknown whether he would do anything that could harm the cub.

Although he didn't fear these magic beasts now, hurting them would still upset Jesse and perhaps even give rise to him getting fed up. Therefore, Vincent took a oath in front of the forest's treants in the end. If he was disloyal to Jesse, then may he fall into the demons' dark abyss. It was only after he had taken the oath, did the Illusionary Mist Forest's magic beasts grudgingly allow him to leave.

As for him arriving on this road, it was by complete accident. At that time, in order to avoid injuring the magic beasts as much as possible, he had kept dodging. And in the midst of being chased, he couldn't possibly tell which direction from which. It was only when he came out of the forest, did he see this road in the near-distant. At that moment, the map finally had somewhat of a use, and once he affirmed that the road led to Red Tile City, he headed towards it.

He had originally intended to go to Red Tile City to search for Jesse's whereabouts. He didn't expect that on the way there, he would meet a person whose hair and eye colour were changed. This made Vincent beyond happy. This was definitely the guidance of the Light God that made him appear on Jesse's path.

"Vincent, we live in two different worlds." Even after Shao Qian thought for a bit, he still felt that he might as well have a chat with this person. "I don't know why you were there at that time. I also saved you only as a passing. So…"

"Jesse, you still want to chase me away?" Baby, right now I'm not that rubbish that only passively accepts. I have the ability to hold you down. So please don't say words that will make me unhappy.

"No, I just feel like you have other more urgent matters to do." Shao Qian felt that Vincent's tone wasn't good and fell silent for a while. "After I take care of my matters, I'll return."

"I'll accompany you." Once Vincent said that, he immediately spoke again, "Jesse, we haven't seen each other for ten years, I really missed you."

Every moment, I missed you. Every time he felt as if he couldn't go on any longer, he would always think of Jesse who was still waiting for him in the Illusionary Mist Forest. It was only after he becomes strong and gains influence, would he then be able let Jesse live a worry-free life.

Shao Qian turned and looked at Vincent's somewhat wronged expression. However, the expectation in Vincent's eyes could not be concealed. Furthermore, with his eyes filled with expectation, he looked really similar to Song Dao. He had obviously tried it out already though. Didn't this person not have the strand of his soul energy?

"Jesse?" When Vincent saw Shao Qian staring at him without any response, his heart became anxious. Cautiously, he took Shao Qian's hand into his own and rubbed it gently. "If you don't say anything, I'll take it that you agreed."

"Forget it. If you want to follow then follow." Shao Qian helplessly shook his head. When it turned night, he would secretly try again. What if he was really Song Dao?

They travelled until evening came, before finding a relatively flat place to set up camp, sprinkling powder that drove away beasts around their surroundings and appointing men to the night watch.

As Shao Qian was an ordinary person, he was naturally not assigned to the night watch. Furthermore, Lasey didn't allow Vincent to get too close to the merchants as well. Therefore, Shao Qian and Vincent stayed a little bit further away from the merchants.

The two men laid inside a succinct tent. Shao Qian secretly sprinkled an potion inside the tent and not a moment had passed before Vincent fell asleep. Shao Qian stealthily used his soul energy and explored Vincent's inner body. He wandered around in a full circle, yet he couldn't find anything. Somewhat disappointed, he shook his head. Looks like he wasn't Song Dao after all.

Just as he was about to withdraw his soul energy out of Vincent's inner body, something unexpected happened. Vincent's originally docile light magic suddenly rebelled, grabbing Shao Qian's soul energy that was being retracted and imprisoning it within Vincent's body, even steadily extracting Shao Qian's soul energy to replenish his own.

Shao Qian felt his soul spin, as if he was about to faint. He wanted the cut the connection he had with Vincent's soul energy, but he never expected that his own soul energy would not listen to him.

The weakness in his soul became more and more severe. After a moment, Shao Qian was no longer able to hold himself up and fell into Vincent's embrace. Vincent, who was supposed to be in a state of deep sleep, was right now hugging Shao Qian tightly. Placing him carefully onto the sleeping bag, he looked at the other's half-lidded eyes, which was due to the helplessness from his slowly diminishing energy, and his pale pink lips unconsciously parting slightly to faintly reveal the small tongue within.

Vincent couldn't control himself as he lowered his head and covered the slightly parted lips, lightly pecking it but feeling by no means satisfied. He wanted even more. He wanted Jesse to be crazy for him. Right now wasn't the time though. Right now wasn't acceptable. He still had to wait.

When Shao Qian was hugged by Vincent, he understood that he had been had. At this moment, he was furiously cursing in his heart. He was perfectly aware that Vincent had a suspicious nature, and yet, he still dared to do this. His IQ must have dropped down to negative levels.

Although he didn't know what method was being used to draw out his soul energy, he knew that if this continued, he wouldn't be able to endure for much longer. He really never expected that even though he wasn't devoured by the system at that time, he would die now in this small world instead.

"Good child, don't be scared." Vincent looked at the person below him, whose face was betraying his despair, and immediately kissed his forehead appeasingly. "You'll recover soon."

Saying this, he punctured his finger and placed the bleeding index onto Shao Qian's forehead. After that, he covered it in his power and moved it. In the time for a breath to be taken, a strange symbol was drawn.

"I, Vincent of Wright, establish a forced contract with the magic beast, Jesse. In life or death, we'll coexist." Saying that, the symbol Vincent was drawing was finished. Along with that, his words slowly permeated into Shao Qian's mind.

When Vincent finished this action, Shao Qian felt some sort of power invading his soul through his bod. As the meager amount of soul energy he had left in his body was incapable of stopping this invasion, he could only passively accept it, not being able to resist even by a bit.

After that, he seemed to be able to hear the two words 'Contract Established' in his haze, before all his soul energy that had been removed was returned to his body, even bringing back a little bit more?

Shao Qian hurriedly examined the extra bit of soul energy. Dumbfounded, he discovered that this was the strand of soul energy that he had originally given to Song Dao.

Vincent was Song Dao. This realisation made him somewhat glad. Previously though, his scheming against him hadn't been this clever. His courage became inflated, he actually learnt to scheme against him.

"Jesse, baby." Vincent threw himself onto Shao Qian and rubbed against him, his right hand caressing the animal ears, that had appeared due to his weak state from the drawing of his soul energy, as he laughed foolishly in satisfaction. Really good, he's able to touch Jesse's animal ears again.

"Scram for me." Animal ears were very sensitive. The ears that had been pinched for a period of time became limp and numb, feeling as if they had been hit by a small amount of electricity. This made Shao Qian's face instantly become red as he lifted a leg and kicked Vincent to one side.

Vincent laid at one side, tilting his head as he looked at Shao Qian's entirely red face. "Jesse, I like you."

"Mm. I know." I don't know how many times you said this sentence when you were still Song Dao. Furthermore, every time your face would turn red as you couldn't explain it clearly.

"Do you like me?" Vincent crawled over and sat by Shao Qian's side, his face full of expectation as he looked at the other. "I… I only didn't want to leave you just now, s-so I established this contract. D-Don't be angry."

"Okay, okay, okay. I like you." After being with Song Dao for so long, he already knew what would make this person happy. However, he had actually forgotten. Although Vincent was Song Dao, he still wasn't completely Song Dao. Saying this may have made Song Dao happy, but it wouldn't necessarily be the same for Vincent.

Hearing Shao Qian's seemingly perfunctory tone, Vincent felt abandoned. As expected, he still hated him. After all, there was no one who would be willing to be forced into a contract by someone, right? He didn't want Jesse to leave him though…

He felt as if he was lost in something, same like being in a cycle of death?

Following that, the two of them didn't talk to each other again. After two days of travelling, the caravan finally reached Red Tile City. As Shao Qian and Vincent wouldn't get any wage, they didn't intend on following Christine and the others.

The day they reached Red Tile City, Shao Qian looked for Christine and gave her a leather bag. "This is my gift to the mercenary group, everyone has a portion. In times of emergencies, it will be able to save your lives."

"Jesse?" Christine was confused as she received Shao Qian's gift."What's with this all of a sudden?"