
Every mirror is the mirror of erised

Ella_Jeuriens · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A vague appearance

George was in Fred's room. He was looking through his stuff, pictures, books and all kinds of stuff from the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He got goosebumps when he thought about it. The shop was Fred´s idea. He saw skiving snackboxes. We had used it so many times to get out of Snape´s lessons, he thought to himself, grinning. There were so many more things in the box, extendable ears, love potions, headless hats. George became sad when he looked at it. He heard his mother shout that dinner was ready, but he didn't go downstairs, he sat in Fred's room, staring at the things on the floor. George began to sob softly, thinking about all the good times he had with Fred. He started to cry louder and louder until it made him furious. He picked up a book and threw it against the window. The glass broke and fell to the floor, George collapsed with his knees in the glass, but he didn't realize it at all, it didn't hurt, he just felt sadness. He looked at the glass and saw Fred in the reflection. He started screaming so loudly that Molly and Arthur came upstairs. They both sat next to him and gave him a hug. "Everything will be fine Georgie", said Molly, "everything will be fine."

A while later George, Molly and Arthur went downstairs. George's eyes were red, but he could tell that everybody had cried today. Harry got up, he wanted to say something. "George I want to give you something,'' he said. Everyone looked up and Harry pulled something out of his bag. it was the marauders map. "You can have it George", he said. "I know, you won't see the name Fred on it, but maybe it will remind you that we're all still here, we're all there for you." George nodded sadly.

After dinner they all went to the fireplace. It has been a tradition since the battle to honor the dead after eating. Percy lit a candle and that was when the family broke. Ginny ran away, and Harry went after her. Arthur finally started to cry after two weeks, one day it had to come out. "I'm sorry Fred", he said. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Sorry!" Hermione watched and got watery eyes herself. George and Molly were already huddled together, and Ron looked away. He moved a little closer to Hermione and put his arm around her.

Harry found Ginny in the yard, she was crying and Harry didn't know what to say, it was all his fault. He walked over to Ginny and brought her in. Once inside, he gave her a hug. "The pain will go away on its own", said Harry, "believe me, I know what it is like."

It was already nine o'clock. George took his wand and pointed at the map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good", he said and the map came to life. When he looked at the map he didn't see Professor Dumbledore or Professor Snape, but Professor Mcgonagall sitting in the office. George knew she was going to do well.

When George took another good look at the map, he saw something very special. Someone was standing at Mcgonagall's office. And not just anyone. Draco Malfoy was at hogwarts. George thought it was very suspicious. He went to Ron's room, and there were Harry, Ginny and Hermione. "Guys", said George. "Draco Malfoy is at Hogwarts." Harry immediately jumped to his feet. "What?" he said, startled. "Calm Harry", said Ron, "he must have forgotten something." No, that can't be true, George thought, he's in Mcgonagall's room. "No", he finally said aloud, showing the map to the rest. "Maybe he just had to arrange some things, I wouldn't worry too much about it", said Hermione. "George, it must be nothing. We were just about to go to sleep, maybe you should do that too", said Ginny, "we'll talk about it tomorrow."

George finally decided to go to bed after talking for another half hour. He saw Harry and Ginny go to their room too. George felt something was not right. What was Draco doing at Hogwarts? He crossed a really big line, he stood on the side of you-know-who. How dare he show himself after his father's friends had murdered so many people and after they killed his brother.