
it was a dream

Cheng Muchen stood up and moved amidst the crowd. He did not noticed that his father and grandfather were among the crowd looking at him in astonishment. Of course it was because Muchen simply didn't care about crowd's gazes. All he needed was to become strong.

"Oh my gawd! such state of mind at such tender age, even I dont have this state of mind. I wonder what secrets you're hiding, my grandson" Cheng Mufeng sighed as he watched his distant grandson's back going further and further away, from the crowd's astonished gazes. It was at this moment he realized that his grandson which he thought to be the bane of his family turned out to be a very mysterious person.

On the other hand, Cheng Mu had his own thoughts.

"To think that my beloved son finally has the ability to open his eyes. So he isnt blind now..Ming'er will be too happy to know this news."

After sometime, Cheng Mu snapped out of his thoughts. He glanced at his father, Cheng Mufeng who had a wronged and regretful expression on his face. Cheng Mu said coldly "Look, I'd told you father, my Cheng Muchen is a monsterous genius, how can he be willing to be normal? But you never believed me and tried to make me separate my son from me and his mother's lives. You'll follow me and apologize to the grandson you never cared about."

Cheng Mufeng dumbly nodded his head. Right now, his expression was very pitiful. In his heart, he only wished that his grandson would forgive him for giving him such cold treatment.

"Hmm, you're right. I will apologize him and try my best to be a grandfather which I couldn't be all these years due to my selfish wishes."

Cheng Mu nodded, he saw the change in his father's perspective. From the look of his father's eyes, he now knows that his grandfather really changed.

Before they could follow Muchen to talk about this, they noticed that some clansmens of his age surrounded him just before his thatched hut, stopping him from going in.

Cheng Mufeng sighed as he saw this. He knew that today's cultivation world is too narrow minded due to unhindered killing. That's why he had personally made a rule that clansmens aren't allowed to fight inside the clan. Seeing the prudent expression on these clansmen's faces, he sighed as he said to Cheng Mu beside him.

"It looks like, Fen'er didn't train his children well.."

"Yes, these children bullied Muchen a lot but those methods weren't harmful and didn't break our clans rules. But today, they are just overdoing it. We must punish them now."

As soon as Cheng Mu said this he rushed ahead only to find himself unable to move. A pair of hands could be seen holding his shoulders to stop him.


"Calm yourself Mu'er, first analyze the situation. If we charge Fen'er's sons with this punishment, do you think he won't retaliate? Moreover when he will do this, other elders by his side would also partake. And what will it lead to?

Internal strife. Remember the last internal strife that was caused 10years ago? Because of the birth of your son who was blind and cripple at that time 2 factions were created in which one faction supported you while other supported Cheng Fen in patriarchal selection."

After listening to his father, Cheng Mu had a look of understanding. He nodded as he said "Yes father, I understand. I was too rash now. But don't you see that Muchen still can't cultivate."

"Yes I know that but didn't you see how indifferent he was towards the clansmens some moments before. Such state of mind can only be cultivated after a long years of sufferings and endurance."

"Father, you mean..?"

"Yes. This brat Muchen was simply pretending to be a cripple all these years around. As for how he cured his blindness, this..even I don't know."

"Alright father. Let's see if it's as you said."


After moving out of the crowd indifferently, Cheng Muchen was going back to his thatched hut which was his home where he lived since 3 years. At the age of 7, his mother and father had to shift him to this place because of the bullying he received in the palace from his cousins.

When Muchen reached his thatched hut which was very close to the local garden from where he was coming, he saw few clansmens who were around his age standing beside his thatched hut. When these clansmens saw Muchen, they soon surrounded him.

Cheng Leng and Meng were the heads of these lackeys. When they got the news that Muchen turned out to be not blind, they were surprised. But they still didn't believe why was he so indifferent when facing their ultimate bullying technique. So when they learned this, they decided to finally face Muchen in real battle and beat him to satisfy their mood.

Looking at the disciples who surrounded him, Muchen sneered "Ha! So you guys finally couldn't bear it and decided to break clan's rules in secret? Cheng Meng and Cheng Leng, if you got strength just come by yourself, your dogs aren't enough." He addressed them with their family names, making the faces of his father and grandfather ashen.

Cheng Leng huffed "Hmph! You're too arrogant Muchen. How dare you call ourselves by our names! Are you even worthy to be a disciple of our family? Kneel yourselves before me. I shall forgive you and give you some less beatings."

"I never had anything to do with you. You were always bothering me, I don't understand your intentions?You want me to kneel? Why should I? Alright since trouble knocks the door, I can only face it." Muchen said indifferently.

"It's as you said. You're a trash. And keeping trash as a member of our family is just too much of a trouble. Men, beat this madman to a pulp until he begs for forgiveness and acknowledges that he is a trash." Cheng Leng ordered his lackeys to beat Muchen.

Such treatments from the family made Cheng Mu who was secretly hiding with his father furious! but he endured it.

Cheng Mufeng was the same. He said "Looks like Cheng fen didn't teach his sons about how one should talk to his family. I must reprimand him for this. It's not the fault of Muchen. They were always behaving like this in front of him. So it's normal for him to not acknowledge them as his family."

Cheng Muchen wasn't good either. These people were some years older than him. Although most of their cultivation levels were at 3rd level of Body quenching realm. A minority of them had the cultivation level of 4th level of Body quenching realm.

When the first guy with a cultivation stage of 3rd layer of Body quenching realm, punched Muchen, he turned his head at a minimum degree barely enough to dodge his punch. In the process he kneed the man's stomach. The man painfully growled as he lost his consciousness soon.

This shocked everyone present at the scene. Everyone knew that Muchen was a cripple and a blind person at that. But the latest scenes unfolding before them made them believe it was a dream.