
A family reunion

Cheng Leng was shocked. His brother, Cheng Meng was also shocked. Everyone who surrounded Muchen earlier, were also shocked. There was complete silence for a few seconds.

The first one to open the mouth was Cheng Meng who was smarter than his brother Cheng Leng.

"This..could it be that you, the family's trash can cultivate? Impossible!"

After hearing what his brother said, Cheng Leng also regained his composure.

"Yes, brother is right. Even if he could cultivate, he is atmost 3rd stage of quenching Body realm. Men, you don't need to worry, after all he's a trash. Beat him up together this time."

Everyone who surrounded Muchen nodded. This time, they all prepared to move and attack together.

Seeing this, Cheng Muchen curled up a smile. If one looked closely, he could see a sneer hidden in that smile.

The strongest one among the men was a strong muscle headed man. He seemed to signal the others. With this signal, all of them pounced at him.


A loud roar came out of Cheng Muchen's mouth. A seemingly soulforce swept out and everyone including the 4th stage of Body quenching realm were thrown to a distance at the same time.

This was the Azure Dragon roar. It was a strong move of Dragon race. Cheng Muchen knew this move, thanks to the previous life's inheritance. He was the inheritor of Dragon King of the ancient times in his previous life. He practiced this move to mastery and even beyond in that life so he was very familiar with it.

This was also the reason, he could unleash the move without practicing it for once, in this life.

"This..Master, how do you know the Azure Dragon roar? This move is a top secret spirit art of Dragon race."

Hongji's voice appeared in his consciousness. Muchen didn't respond him and just ignored it.

Hongji could only remain silent. He was helpless about it. In his heart he already thought of Cheng Muchen's identity as a reincarnator. He knew the importance of this secret. So, he didn't blame Muchen for not telling him.

Muchen looked at the fallen men on the ground and then looked at Cheng Leng and Meng.

"Are you both just going to stay there, dumbly?"

His words smashed Cheng Leng and Meng out of their thoughts.

"Impossible..! how can you have so strong combat power? You're only at 2nd stage of body quenching realm and can beat 4th stage of Body quenching realm. You must have cultivated evil techniques to raise your strength. I will beat you and take you to patriarch for punishment!"

Cheng Leng and Meng were just about 12-13 years old. Thus, their cultivation wasn't much higher than their lackeys. It was only the peak of 4th stage of Body quenching realm.

Seeing the previous move of Cheng Muchen, they both knew that even they couldn't do such martial art. But, they still wanted to fight Muchen. In their opinion, Muchen had humiliated them by beating their men.

Seeing that, these both brothers still had courage to fight him, Muchen laughed "Hmm, nice courage."

He signalled these 2 brothers to attack him. They both displayed the clan's low level yellow Martial art, 'the snake palm'.

Seeing their move, Cheng Muchen analyzed the move's trajectory, and the trick in using it. It only took him an instance to learn all of this. He then imitated their moves by both palm and photographed their palms.


2 figures could be seen flying in a similar posture. They were Cheng Leng and Meng.

With that, both of them collapsed on the ground and lost their consciousness.


When Cheng Mu and Mufeng, were watching the battle, they were shocked speechless. At first, they saw Cheng Muchen's battle instinct and combat power which he used to beat a 3rd stage, Body quenching cultivator. They both exclaimed how their clan has a genius capable of jumping level.

The next event caused them to almost scream loudly on these bullies who were planning to attack Muchen together. However, when they saw Muchen giving a loud roar which had the power to even make their scalp numb, they remained dumbfounded until the end.

They already saw the horrifying combat power and that strong spirit art's move. Spirit arts were too rare, even in the whole kingdom there may be none. In their mind, the next events wouldn't shock them anymore. However they were proved wrong, again.

They saw the two brothers, Cheng Leng and Meng using the snake palm of the advanced stage. They were curious to see how Muchen will face it. But then, their curiosity turned into extreme shock. They saw Muchen using snake palm by both hands at same time, moreover, it was at mastery stage. At this time, both of them had a burning gaze and excited look.

They were dumbfounded. At this time, Muchen suddenly turned around and looked at their hidden direction. They were hidden behind a tree. Moreover, with their cultivation level, it wasn't easy for a body quenching cultivator to find them.

"What are you two doing there? Eh, father and.....grandfather?'

Both of them looked at Muchen and nodded. Cheng Mufeng had a very nervous expression after all he was meeting his grandson after 10 years, but at that time it could be said he was a baby so considering this, they were meeting for the first time.

"Chen'er you really gave us this surprise today. We didn't expect you to be able to cultivate and open the eyes. Looks like you had a fortuitous adventure during this 3 years? Your mother would be happy to know about it."

"No Father, actually I'd a dream where an old man taught me martial arts and spirit arts."

Cheng Mu nodded. He said "Alright, actually you need not to tell me. These are you secrets. Don't tell others about it, this world is not as simple as you see."

Cheng Mufeng's heart warmed. Since he came to this world.The only family who loved him were his parents.

"Okay father, I know how to keep my secrets."

Cheng Mu, then introduced Muchen's grandfather.

Cheng Mufeng also nodded "Yes. Although I'm a patriarch of the clan, I'm your grandfather. I hope that you can forgive me for not being a grandfather. I was worried of clan's future that I took a decision that I would regret for my entire life."

Although Cheng Muchen never met his grandfather, he didn't had any negative thoughts about him. After all, he was a patriarch of the clan and needed to look at the bigger picture.

"It's okay, grandpa, I need you to know that although I was dissatisfied with your actions, I don't hate you for it, after all you're the patriarch of Cheng family.

Since we met with each other today, we will naturally get along."

"Haha, yes! thank you for forgiving me, dear. I will not disappoint you again."

Just like this, a triplet of father, son and grandfather talked all over the way to palace.

When Cheng Muchen saw his mother, he was touched. So he went and hugged her. When her mother saw and heard that Muchen isn't blind and had cultivated to 2nd level of Body quenching realm, she was very happy.

"A family reunited with grandfather. Such reunion is a happy thing." As Muchen saw his family talking, he said in his heart.