
Everlasting Moonlight Thief

A mostly ordinary young man from a regular small town in a peaceful country has always had a penchant for pinching other people’s pendants. Other valuables, too, of course. When he finally receives his Blessing, that interest, a quick revenge, and a mysterious necklace propels Lu inte a world much wider than he could have ever thought. But that only means there's that much more for him to lay his hands on. *** ”What's yours is mine. What's mine is - obviously - mine. What belongs to no one, belongs to me. Oh, and that watch looks nice. Hand it over.”

armordillo · Eastern
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51 Chs

To Match

"Mom, couldn't you have just cooked up a reason to visit Count Yennet whenever? This guy worships the floor you walk on. Was there really a need for me to get friendly with Victor? The guy's a creep."

'Okay, so not any of the Yennets.'

"If I had stopped by when he didn't have two hundred guests, I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to sneak away. You said it yourself. He worships even the lingering smell of my feet. Do you think he would let me out of his sight if he didn't have to?"

"Ugh, fine. But I don't have to pretend to be close to Victor anymore, right?"

"Aww, and here I was hoping you were finally making your first—"

Raiva opened the door to Count Yennet's bedroom to the accompaniment of a significant scraping sound. She raised an eyebrow and peered inside to see a bed lodged behind the door.

"What kind of strange layout—?"

Raiva's question was interrupted by the opening of the balcony door. Her gaze locked onto the two figures that were hurriedly trying to flee. She didn't hesitate.

Raiva stepped forward and, with a speed that, just like always, shocked her daughter, grabbed the necks of the two obvious intruders. She pulled them back inside and took a look before closing the door and dumping the two shady figures on the floor while she took a seat on the bed's edge.


"You can come in now. It wasn't anything serious."

Mieve, Raiva's daughter, stopped hiding behind the door and took a seat next to her mother on the bed.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see!"

Lu smiled and retrieved his necklace from a pocket. He held up the necklace, showing the symbol to the beautifully dangerous woman.

"You don't happen to know what this symbol means, do you?"

Raiva crossed her arms and legs as she looked down her nose at Lu.

"No. Who are you?"

'Shit. She didn't even react. Who are these people?'

"I'm Leo. I work here. The count asked us to clean his bedroom real quick. Oh, and this is—"


Mieve interrupted Lu before he could finish. She tilted her head in confusion, her dark red bangs swaying like curtains.

Lu glared at Baryt. What kind of idiot gets recognized?

However, Baryt sat on his knees with his hands in his lap and his head bowed. He didn't even look up when Mieve said his name. Obviously, Baryt recognized them before they recognized him.

"You know them, dear?"

Mieve pointed at Baryt.

"That guy is Mencer's attendant and Lito's future. No idea who that is, though."

Raiva nodded in understanding as she looked at Baryt for a moment before shifting her gaze to Lu. Although Baryt and his presence in the Count's bedroom were intriguing, the other person, who was calm even in her presence, was at least as intriguing.


The fine-featured thief with padded clothes looked a little clueless.

Raiva smiled and leaned forward, resting her arms on her knee.

"You don't know who I am, do you?"

Lu's eyes widened before he nodded assertively after a brief pause.

"I do. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Lu met Raiva's eyes with a clear gaze. There wasn't a hint of deception on his face. He hadn't needed to lie.

Raiva's blood-red hair was a little unorthodox. But Lu had seen people grow bright green or even pink hair when they received their Blessings. The black and white spots in it, like stars in a blood-red sky, only made it stand out a little more.

However, compared to her face, her glossy and beautiful hair that draped over her back was barely worth mentioning. Perfectly sculpted features surrounded her clear, dark eyes. A cute nose, supported by a pair of rich lips and clearly defined cheekbones, gave Raiva an enchanting appearance. But the rigidity of her expression and the slight width of her face gave her a stoic impression.

Raiva wasn't necessarily someone everyone would be attracted to. But she was undoubtedly someone everyone could agree was attractive, especially when looking at her incredible body as well.

Lu hadn't lied when he said Raiva was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

But Raiva just chuckled as if she didn't believe it.

"Heh. You really don't know who I am."

Lu shrugged.

"Not knowing who you are only gives me the chance to personally ask you for your name now."

Lu looked at Raiva with an expectant expression, as if he was waiting for her to tell him who she was.

Raiva smiled.


Baryt trembled so hard his knees knocked against the floor. Mieve was the only one who bothered with that since she couldn't bear to look at whatever her mother was doing.

"My name is Raiva Bahsi. Duchess of the Bahsi Duchess. I've also affectionately been called the Bahsi Butcherer."

"Incredible! A name as beautiful as the person."

Raiva's chin slipped out of her hand, and she ended up resting her forehead against her palm.

Did this guy really not know who she was? It came as a shock to Raiva, who could barely walk on the street without someone recognizing her and shying away in fear.

Raiva sighed.

"Alright. Whatever. You know my name, but I don't know yours. This isn't exactly a formal setting. But I'm still a duchess. Where's your manners?"

Lu bowed in apology.

"My apologies, Miss—"

"Don't call me that. I have a daughter, dammit."

"Right. Manners. My twofold apologies, Your Grace. My humble name is Lu."

Lu didn't mind revealing his real name to Raiva. It wasn't like she would be able to track his origins back to Bika. Besides, it was better to take that chance than to lie, which she could probably tell if he did.

Raiva didn't give off the same unfathomable impression that his Master did, but Lu could tell that Raiva was powerful.

"'Lu', huh? Cute. So, Lu, what are you doing with Baryt in the Count's bedroom?"

"If I say we were just looking around and got lost…?"

"Then that will be the last thing you say."

"Phew. Good thing I wasn't going to say that then. I can't speak for this guy," Lu pointed at Baryt. "...but I was looking for something that would match your eyes."

Lu winked. Raiva sighed. Mieve cringed. Baryt stopped trembling. He might have fainted.