
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · Action
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15 Chs

4: Night has arrive

Ember do his work with utmost concentration that he do not know the flow of time and the sun was setting in the earths embrace, but he was becoming proficient in his work.

When the sun was at its horizon he was going to swing his axe but he notice that he cannot move his axe like it is stuck in a rock, he applied force but axe do not move.

When he look back to see the manager was staring towards his in shock.

The manager come back to his sense and tell Ember that the work time is over and his can have meal

Ember got to know that he can have to bowl of rice and vegetables meat soup and ask "manager why I can have two bowls when others can only have one"

Manager " Kid you have miss your afternoon meal since we cannot give it to other because of strict rule hence you will get two bowls"

Ember "Ok"

When the manager go to his tent then Ember try to remember the feeling that he had while cutting trees

'The feel was like the axe is a part of my body and if do step by step and apply right pressure at right angle my strength become bouble, it was like a natural flow which should be like this only to get the better results, I will try this technique again'

'Let that feeling go, today happy thing is that i am going to have two meal, lets go"

Ember make his way to a bigger tent which is bigger then the manager tent where food was distributed

When he make his way to the tent there was only one person left in the line

When ember turn was he was handed two plates without saying anything.

'They know their jobs perfectly'

'Let's see what is there to eat'

'What is this I can only identity rice, soup, vegetables and fruits, can it be the meat. I never think that I can get meat for free'

After eating to the full ember return the plates and ask someone where to sleep and make his way to the sleeping house'

When he look at the house he was amaze at its size, inside the house blankets where spread with people sleeping but there was much more space remaining and at one corner there was blackets stack neatly keep on one side.

He take one blanket and spread it and sleep on it covering himself with one of the sheets kept beside the stack blankets

The blanket is soft therefore Ember fall sleep and wake up in the early morning.

When he see his surrounding he find that everyone is sleeping.

Folding the sheet and blanket and keeping it in it's place, open the door and go outside to see a guard was patrolling.

When the guard see Gold he tells him that there are still 2 hours before the start of the work, so Ember start roaming around, where he pick up a broken stick and climb a tall tree and sit on the branch where the sunlight was warm to make his body warm.