
Everchosen Journey Of Heroes

In A world of modern society monsters from another dimension or even realm appear out of unknown reason. But with there appearence the new power's emerge in humans. These people become strikers who defend the humankind from the evils of these beasts.And with this a new era begins..an era of strive and continuous conflict between humans and monsters. The story follows one of these individuals.Genji Yamamoto a man who has been a victim of the first invasion. But his Power has more secrets then anyone else knows...

KaiserIvandrierch · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 14 The Void sindicate

As the individual finished his speech the monsters began to advance towards the students and the strikers. Aoi was the first one to speak up:

- So we got monsters.. as we expected they would come after feeling so confident..

Enforcer immediately spoke out:

- It's not just monsters. They are cultists. Seems they are here for a good reason. I think so.

Haruto was the one to give a interesting answer:

- They had came for an object..item..a person... doesn't matter. We gonna do what we do always. Kill them al without mercy.

Aoi was silent but agreed on the plan . She spoke to Anya:

- Get your sister and the students to the Main entrance..we will hold them off. And defeat them as quickly as it is possible.

Anya quickly responded in anger:

- I won't leave you all behind!! We are a team and a family! I won't-

Before Anya could finish..Aoi immediately screamed at her in anger:


Anya just silently stood as aoi commented again:

- All these students have families! You have a sister! I have no one! So you have a reason to live. Me for example no. So for fuck sake go and safe these kids!

Anya looked at her giant hammer as she grabbed her sister and yelled to the students:

- Everyone to the entrance right now!

All the students immediately began to run. Anya herself carried her sister and lead the students as the three omega class strikers stayed behind to fight Againts the monsters. The cultist leader aimed his finger towards Ayaka who was running up the stairs. He spoke:

- Void shredder. Voldi

Suddenly a bolt of void energy came in flying right through Ayaka's chest..barely missing her heart. Chin-Sun yelled:

- AYAKA!!!

Both Hisashi and Takashi quickly grabbed Ayaka helping her up to Anya.. the striker knelt down and checked on her. Genji was next to them looking back at the cultists. He thought:

- "They aren't here for the omega class..they are here for us.."

Suddenly the monsters rushed towards Aoi,enforcer and Haruto . Aoi commented it:

- Seems they don't exceed Void and Dragon. What is the plan?

Enforcer took out a giant spear as he spoke:

- The same as always. We just go and kill those bastards. About the cultists... I leave that to you Aoi.

Haruto took out his sword as Aoi cracked her knuckles. Before Enforcer could say anything else Aoi rushed towards the monsters showing no fear whatsoever. One of the cultists spoke:

- It's Aoi of the omega class!

A monster that looked like a bear jumped at Aoi ready to slash. Aoi pulled her foot backwards as she threw a kick Right into the gut absolutely destroying the monster into smithereens. The cultists froze at just the image of this shocked to see Aoi's strength. Suddenly one of the monsters shoot out a nova ray right at Aoi. This attack has the power of a super nova but aoi was able to block it with ease without receiving any sort of damage. She just laughed like a maniac and instantly jumped towards the beast yelling:


Her leg enveloped in black flames and became black as her foot and leg was bare because the flames burned her jeans she had. She stroke at the monster absolutely destroying the monster with a single kick. Enforcer and Haruto rushed onward to immediately join Aoi's onslaught. The leader of the cultists seemed not even worried. As he spoke to one of the other cultists next to him:

- Go and get the kids...spread them. I want that..Girl alive.

The women cultist suddenly jumped through the air and speed up right through all three omega class heroes. Aoi noticed that but it was too late for them to stop her. Enforcer used his advanced armor to be able to block most of the attacks. One od the monsters tried to attack him from behind. But Enforcer spinned his spear slashing the monsters guts open making the blood splatter everywhere. Aoi yelled:


Haruto spoke up as he cut another monster head off:

- On it.

As he finished he already dissapeared in a flash running after the cultist. His speed was breaking reality due to its concentration on his feet. The cultist showed similar speed as she turned around and threw blades towards the striker. Haruto counter by using one of his attacks:

- Tenfold Blade. Reality cutter.

Tenfold Blade one of the normal techniques of the Omega class Haruto. An ability able to cut through reality itself and cut objects far faster then any form of speed or weapons. Haruto slashed his blade as all the blades crumbled into dust. The cultist whistled as giant earthquake could be felt and Gianormous serpent rose from the ground. It immediately went at Haruto trying to devour him. He only stared at the monster with menacing eyes. He clashes with the worm holding back his strength to not destroy the whole facility. Meanwhile the cultist leader held up his hand and spoke:

- Arise! The Hammer of judgment!!

As the students lead by Anya were heading towards the main gate of the facility. Suddenly a portal opened right in front of the group. Anya immediately yelled towards The students at the front:


Suddenly there humanoid looking monsters emerged from the portal. The students up front immediately stopped and backed away. Genji was the first one to roll up his sleeves. He knew these monsters didn't came there for a peaceful reason. Anya immediately gritted her teeth and yelled:


One of humanoids grinned and answered her question:

- We just want to kill them all.

Anya was a bit shocked but knew the monster was lying..she thought to herself:

- "They came for something or someone.. I need to stay on guard. These kids lives are on the line. I can't let them get any of them.. I have swore i would protect everyone. Because I am a hero i won't fail that promise!!!"

One of humanoids revealed gianormous blades and launched at Anya. Anya instantly countered by holding her hammer with both hands. As the Humanoid got close suddenly it got punched right in the face. The Humanoid went flying into a nearby building to Anya's shock. She looked at who did it and saw Genji standing with his fist engulfed in purple energy. He commented:

-I can't let My own teacher get hurt. Although I know you want to protect us. We mus-

Before Genji could finish he was punched across the SUOF and the Humanoid who he punched before giving chase after Genji. Anya seeing this got absolutely enraged as she spoke to Takashi:

- Get Everyone to the building near our right.. stay there and wait until I come. Understand?!

Takashi shocked immediately responded:

- Hai! Anya sensei!

Anya put on her helmet and immediately yelled getting into a battle stance:


One humanoid grew tons of sharp tentacles as the other one took out a giant sword and both rushes at Anya. Our heroine smirked as she grabbed her weapon and transformed it into a hammer. She pulls the hammer backwards as she prepares for a strike. The tentacle humanoid goes to attack her from behind. Anya laughs and yells:


She swung her hammer right into the Humanoid's face sending it flying through the whole of SUOF. The other Humanoid rushes at her with its sword. Before Anya could react the other Humanoid came back and attack her at the same time as the other one. She only smirked as said:


Anya engaged the two Humanoid's.. clashing with them. But we skip to the students who just arrived to the building that Anya ordered them to go to. Also Anya's sister came with them. Takashi spoke out:

- Shit shit shit! This is a catastrophe!! We are surrounded! They are everywhere!!

Every student almost panicked..some were terrified. Some were just shocked. Genji was nowhere to be seen. Other classes were also with them. There was only one hero with them as others engaged the monsters. Chin-Sun,Hisashi,Kyo and Ayaka were thinking of this situation.. Hisashi spoke out:

- This is fucking bad! Ugh! Where is Yamamoto! We need him now!

Kyo smacked him as he yelled:


She was quick to respond:

- Shut up idiot. Genji is doing his best I am sure..after all he isn't all mighty or something. We should stay sharp and be ready for anything. Besides it's Genji he can handle himself.

Chin-Sun tho didn't seemed so sure..she clearly was worried as others were. The heroine who was guarding the students walked up to Ayaka and asked:

- Hey kids. Does anyone here know any way out? Or anyone of you has a special hiding quirk?

Chin-Sun instantly asked:

-Why we should hide? We should help them not run.

The hero looked at her with a stare and answered:

- Listen Mid. We can't really do much about this..it's either you hide or they gonna focus on you and try to kill you. These are fanatics! They won't stop at nothing.

Suddenly Emi Miyasato stood up to everyone's suprised and answered:

- W...what if we fight!

All the students some older,younger looked a ther suprised. As she continued:

- W..we saw how brave Genji was! H..he went to fight that thing by himself! B.. but we can't even bring ourselves to run!! H..how can be called even students to be come strikers?!

The heroine who was guarding them heard a sound and immediately turned around but to her horror a monster was there with a gianormous set of claws and teeth. All the students seeing this screamed and backed away..the older ones backed off shocked and in horror. The heroine took out her weapon and got into the stance yelling:


She rushed at the beast immediately screaming. But Takashi realised something.. he screamed to the heroine as he pulled onward in front of everyone:


Before the heroine could react the monster stabbed her through the chest with its giant claws. The girl coughed blood as the monster launched at her. She only could scream as the monster began to eat her alive..and rip her body to shreds. Takashi terrified fell on his ass in pure horror. Other students didn't knew what to do but. Hisashi with Kyo used there joined technique's. Hisashi used his Void Armament. He was able to make any form of Weapons using his void power. Kyo was able to enchant these weapons anyone in the distance of her sight. Hisashi summoned swords and yelle:


The swords launched at the monster as Kyo followed soon after:

- Enchantment. Ignis.

The swords ignited with flames as they dives right through and even into the monster. It roared in agony as Ayaka rushed pass them and held a small knife. The monster slashed at her instantly but. Ayaka not only dodged in a second . The knife transformed into a Whip and she wraps it around the monsters neck. Everyone was amazed and Hisashi yelled while summoning more swords:

- Hold it in place for a moment!

Ayaka uses all her strength to strangle the monster . Kyo used her enchant:

- Muscle Strength!

She increased Ayaka's strength to the maximum. But the monster was struggling and was very persistent even with swords in its chest and a few holes from the blades. The monster was slowly gaining the upper hand.. Chin-Sun was just watching. She didn't knew what to do or what next move she shall commence. Hisashi was yelling for her help but she didn't answer. Finally the one to help was no one else the Emi Miyasato. She immediately pointed both hands at the Creature. She then yelled:


Suddenly all the swords in the monster exploded into giant spike balls effectively making the monster stuck. The damage was tremendous and Hisashi used this opportunity. He aimed all his swords and spears he summoned and spoke:

- Accelerate Times two.

All the weapons began to spin to others suprise. He then looked through two fingers and said:

- Release.

The Swords went flying and shred the monster into pieces. Ayaka managed to jump off. All four signed a sign of relief.. but. Takashi immediately runned to heroine and shook her. He yelled:

- Get a medic! Anyone here can heal?! She needs help goddamit!!

He was then slapped by someone from the class. It was another student named Ichiyo Nagamine:

- Name:Ichiyo Nagamine

- Age:31

- Family:None

- Abilities:Super Human,Aurola manipulation

She immediately spoke out to him with angered voice:

- She is dead you fucking moron! SHE IS A FUCKING CORPSE! YOU DONT SEE IT OR SOMETHING?!

The heroine was literally ripped into by the beast.. Hisashi quickly agreed:

- She is right. There is nothing we can do. We can only hope Genji and others won't suffer the same fate.

Takashi spoke out again holding his cheek:

- But...why?! W..we can't just!!

Chin-Sun finally had enough. Something awoke in her heart. Something that her clan though she didn't had. It was the real coldness every member of the clan had.. She spoke to takashi in cold voice:

- She died. So what.

Takashi shocked looked at Chin-Sun who had disgusted face. She said:

- She was just weak . Not strong enough to kill it. She got killed because of her own actions. You should get that. Or you want to be mauled down by the next one? I would be happy to see that happen.

Kyo herself was surprised. Every other student looked in shock towards Chin-Sun words..but suddenly.. Enforcer Came in flying onto the street in front of the building they were in. A cultist with A blindfold and heavy armor was facing him. The cultist yelled with excitement in his voice:


Enforcer took out his massive email staff and activated spikes on it and spoke taking a battle Stance:

- Filthy traitor...how can one of our own become a monster? You have broken every single degree of humanity..

The cultist took out two massive blades and answered while grinning:

- Who says that! Someone who these pathetic weaklings call a hero! YOU THINK YOU STAND A CHANCE!!

The blinfolded cultist launched at enforcer with both blades. Enforcer aimed his staff shooting out a beam of lighting. The blast send cultist flying through multiple buildings vaporising many of them and causing a giant dust cloud. He noticed the kids and quickly rushed inside. Seeing the dead hero he asked:

- How did she died?

Asking in rather serious voice.. Takashi answered:

- A..monster ki..killed her sir..

Enforcer looked at the other students. But his eyes immediately turned towards Ayaka,Hisashi,Kyo and Emi. Ichiyo and Chin-Sun were behind. He asked:

- You four. Were you there ones to kill it?

Hisashi walked forward in his rather Heavy suit. He answered to enforcer:

- Affirmative Sir. We killed it.

Enforcer looked at the monster. He did a scan using his cybernetics and spoke:

- That's second Threat level Monster. Monarch level. I am impressed.

He looked at Hisashi again and spoke out:

- Seems I have to trust you students..I want you guys to separate into two teams..in this case I mean class of Aoi.

The students thought it was weird but Enforcer quickly answered:

- I am saying this because I believe in Aoi's decision. She always choose the best ones. So I believe they can fair the best. The rest of you stay here.

Kyo quickly asked:

- But what will be our task? We can't really do much can we Sir?

Enforcer then spoke out something that surprised the group:

- Your task is to try and intercept as many cultists and monsters as you can. There is only 6 A class, 20 Beta class heroes here. Not counting us. We can't use our full strength because it would be devastating. I have to rely on you.

Hisashi was shocked to hear it but Ichiyo stepped forward and spoke:

- You really are so desperate you need us? Students to fight for you?

Enforcer quickly responded:

- If you think you are just so useless..why not I just end your life right here and end your pathetic existence?

Every student went silent as even Izara was shocked by Enforcer's words. He the commented:

- That is the truth. Sometimes some things.. require actions not everyone likes.. especially when it comes to a fight.

As the rumbling was heard enforcer quickly spoke to them as he was heading outside:

- I wish you a good fight..young heroes. Good luck.

As he left the blind cultist came flying at him as he punches the cultist in the gut using the cultists physical force againts him. This punch caused a powerful shockwave and shattered sound barrier as enforcer followed the cultist who flew across many buildings..or just the remains of them. The students tho..

The students were in shock..no one knew what to do.. Expect.. Chin-Sun who stood up and spoke out:

- We should get going. After all we got a mission we have fulfill.

She became cold..Why you may ask? The brutality of the monsters did awake her coldness just to explain. The whole class of Aoi stood up and looked at one another. Hisashi said out loud:

- Everyone We split into two teams! One will be lead by me and Ichiyo! Second will be lead by Chin-Sun and Kyo! Is that fine with everyone!?

All the other students yelled:

- Hai!

Hisashi opened the door and peaked out. Enforcer and the cultist were fighting in the distance. He saw a perfect opportunity. He rose up his hand and sprinted out yelling:


The class separated into two teams or groups. Both went separate ways towards the center. Hisashi and Ichiyo took more safer approach knowing about the cultists having void powers. Chin-Sun and Kyo were death staring one another as they took a route through a giant industry complex replica. As the two teams spread out, the strikers were fighting off the monsters.

At the center Haruto with Aoi and most of the strikers were fighting off multiple Dragon level monsters and monarch. Aoi was not even sweating with Haruto. She yelled towards one of the alpha class as she ripped a monster into two:


The Alpha Striker replied as he blasted the monster with his blasters:


The Alpha class strikers are clashing and defending there positions. Haruto was mostly killing cultists. When he found a chance he knocked them out. Aoi looked onward and saw the leader of the cultist just watching. Three more cultists were waiting next to him. They seemed like his bodyguards. Aoi began to get abit worried for her own students. She didn't care about her own safety.. her students came in first. She thought to herself as she punched Monsters away:

- "This is not good.. goddamit! Every single second wasted on these monsters! I can't even use 3%!! If I did I could clean this place I a instance! But I have to focus right now. I need to make sure every student stays safe! I can't let them get hurt!I won't ever allow that!!!"

Haruto was more pissed then you think. Turns out his sister was in one of the classes. And it was Aoi's. He didn't wanted to see her hurt.. that's why he was killing monsters with brutality. He thought to himself:

- "She must be fine...she just must be.. Aoi's class.. they are the best.. the best. She must be safe with them!!! RIGHT?!"

He suddenly screamed in rage as he cut down 50 Monarch level Monsters with ease and bloodlust in his eyes. Aoi saw it and was worried obviously for him. In a instance one of the Beta strikers got hit by a spear to his neck. His throat and his veins exploded with blood flowing down his body. The other strikers looked at him in horror and confusion. The striker felt down his eyes turning white ... signaling he has passed away. Aoi looks towards the direction of the throw and noticed one of the Cultists Leader bodyguards threw the spear. She got enraged and instantly rushed through killing at least 75 monarch threat monsters,130 cultists and even 3 dragon level monsters with a single blow each time. She rushed towards the cultist in anger yelling:


The cultist bodyguard instantly flew away causing Aoi to follow. One of the alpha who was there was in top 10 he commented to himself:

- "Aoi-San just flew away with the cultist... Will we be able to hold the rest off?! We need to strategize.. if not we will all die."

The commando looking striker clenched his fist as he used his wrist blade to kill another monster. But even with that there was more. He thought to himself again holding his gun and his giant knife in the same hand he had his wrist blade:

- "Goddamit..we have to hold them off..it all depends on the safety of the students! We are strikers! We can't loose this!"

The cultist Leader looked unamused. He was scratching his arm in anger and no satisfaction.. He whispered to himself with his angered voice seemingly like an adult but also sounding like a teenager:

- Ugh... These strikers always come into my way of killing.. the great ones want blood! Not resistance!

One of the cultists with purple hair and evil warlock like appearance spoke to the leader:

- I am sorry to inform you Master but I don't think we gonna have big of a effect in here. We should retreat for our own sake.

The leader grunted at the answer and quickly responded:

- No.. we won't run like Weaklings. I came here for that thing. I came for the key I came to kill all of them. Enough blood spilled will mean the new world will be closer to making!

He lifted both of his hands up as a a pair of dark arms emerged from the Hole they came. He yelled in insanity and also I'm high pitched voice:


A red pair of eyes appeared from the Hole. A figure similar to a human emerged. It suddenly became a naked man. And he spoke:

- Those who oppose us..shall fall.