
Got Used of The Stares

At Orbit Skylar University, A white Maybach Landaulet enters the gate and made its way to the parking lot near the Business Management Department building.

The car external look might not too eye catching, but people who knows the brand are left with mix feelings of being impressed and envious at the same time.

When the driver got off the car, everyone's so dazzled by his faultless look that they almost held their breath for a moment.

"Holy mama…" One girl exclaimed.

"OMG, please don't let my eyes bulge any further out of my head." Said another one.

Others were speechless and left in trance with mouth wide open. Every girl is mesmerized with his almost perfect look.

Male students can't also stop looking at him feeling envious trying to find for any flaws on his appearance, but unluckily they can't find one.

Some who had seen him before, can't get used to it and still give him a stare. He seems to be a magnet that attracts gaze and left them hypnotized.

As always, Orion wore his expressionless face with an icy cold aura and slowly walk his way to the business management department building entrance. He already got used to the stares and all the attention so it doesn't affect him a bit.

Everyone in the university heard about him but most of them did not see him in person so they grab every opportunity to be close to him whenever he is around.

The meek ones choose to drool from a distance and contented to stare at his good-looking face but the bold ones try to get close and greet him and even try to engage him with a conversation.

He is not driving them away but he maintains his expressionless cold aura. All they can get from him will either be a nod, a yes or a no answer.

Orion is on his third year for Business Management, but he is rarely seen at the school. Only the school upper management knew that Orion's family is the owner of this most reputable University in S country.

His professors were instructed of his privilege so he just come to school to take exams or to submit his projects.

It's not that he does not like to attend school, but he is already being trained to manage their business empire. His father is very strict when it comes to their business so he was introduced to train to the company since high school and started to handle business decision matters when he started at the university.

Right now, he is directly the acting CEO especially that his father is always on a business trip to handle their business matters abroad.

Their company's board of directors felt insulted and were skeptical that the company is being handled by a college student, but Orion had proven his worth. A natural talent to run a business runs in his blood. Their business did not grow this big without a reason.

The board wanted to object, but they can never voice out their protest since they can't surpass the Lee's shares in the company even with all of their shares combined. They are just like flies riding on a bull's back.

Every business investment decision made by the Lee's had been very successful, so most investors in the country are desperate to get a hold even 1 percent share of the company. The board knew that they are just there for formality's sake. The Lee's are the ones in full control of management decisions.