
Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy

Ever wonder what it would be like if a saiyan was suddenly put into the world of Fairy Tail, Join Time Patrol Saiyan, Tato, in this grand adventure where he finds himself in another world. A world filled with magic and wonder, a place with crazy strong people, and equally crazy magic wizard guilds, this world, is the world of Fairy Tail. With his memory wiped of his home world and his powers reset to 0, Tato will have to train and fight his way back to the top. Tato will also face rising emotions to some of the beautiful yet powerful ladies of this world, will his heart be won over by their love? Is there only one spot open in his heart for one special person, or will there be room made for more? But peace doesn’t always last, evil lurks behind the scenes and people in high places will stand in Tato’s way, and he will have to befriend some strang people from a powerful wizard guild to get where he needs to go. Will Tato be able to transcend back into the realm of the gods? Come and see why Fairy Tail is number 1! ——— Hey everyone CountrySaiyan here, and just wanted to let everyone know that this series is going to now be my secondary work. I will still post chapters but it’ll be slower now due to my new original, “Iglecion- I Hate My Life!” I ask that you all check it out and I’m even getting a book cover custom made for it so please support it if you don’t mind! Thanks!

CountrySaiyan_30 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The Power of Plot

*Meanwhile, right before Tato sees the bright light*

"Sires, would you like me to summon Tato to play with you?" The Grand Minister humbly bows to the two Zenos.

"Yes! Yes! Please do!" "Come on already why isn't he here?" The two Zenos are jumping around happily in await for their new found friend to be.

The Grand Minister concentrates on Tato, slaps his hands together and then slowly pulls them apart. A little white light is seen in between his palms. As each moment passes the light grows bigger and bigger.

"Tato, you are hereby summoned to be in the presence of the almighty Omni King!"

The light then grew very bright and started to grow beyond what the Grand Mister could handle, so he tossed the light into the middle of the throne room to let it continue to grow.

"Here he comes sires." "Ouuuu!" "Ouuuuuuuu!" The Zenos' excitement couldn't be contained.

The light suddenly faded with a kaput sound.

"Hey, what happened?" "Yeah where is he?"

The Grand Minister is also confused. "I don't know sires, I am quite perplexed about this myself. Allow me to try again."

He concentrates again on Tato. A few moments pass and he comes out from meditation.

"It seems I can't find the saiyan anymore." "WHAT!" "Can't find him?" "Explain! Explain!"

The two Zenos start shouting and shaking their fists in the air. "It seems like the saiyan doesn't exist anymore. I've checked the realm of the dead, even other universes and dimensions and he's nowhere to be found."

"Can't be found?" "That doesn't make any sense." Zeno 1 narrows his eyes at the Grand Minister. "If you're tricking us, I'll erase you." Zeno 2 then narrowed his eyes. "Yeah no funny business or it's bye bye."

The Grand Minister began to sweat bullets. "I assure you sires I would never do anything like this."

'If I don't find this saiyan and now, my existence will be no more!'

"He's right you know."

The Zenos and the Grand Minister snap their heads to sound of the voice that just spoke. There before them was a young man and he is holding a notebook.

"You dare enter this place unannounced! How dare you! I shall remove you from this place at once!" The Grand Minister shot from the thrones and towards the young man.

"Yeah, you can stop right there."

The Grand Minister stops dead in his tracks, right before he could touch the young man.

"H-How is this possible?"

"I'll get to that."

The young man walks up close to the Zenos

"Your advisor is right, you can't find Tato anywhere anymore."

"What?" "Explain yourself!" "Yeah! Explain! Explain!"

"Yes I would like to know myself," the Grand Minister said, "And your identity."

"Well I'm the one who removed him from this world."

"W-What!" Everyone's jaws just hit the floor.

"Nobody has that kind of power to remove someone from existence except the Lord Zenos themselves.

The young man chuckles. "Well, I can also but I didn't delete him like Zeno does I completely moved him from this moment of time, universe, omniverse, dimension, and even reality. You won't be able to find him because I made it so you can't. And as my identity, well, you can just call me, the Author."

'What does he even mean? How is that possible?'

The Grand Minister struggles to move but he can't.

"You're not going to be able to move unless I say so, so you might as well stop."

The Zenos stare in amazement at this man's power.

"What kind of power do you have?" "Tell us! Tell us! You're very strong."

"Power? Well it's not really a super power but I guess if I had to name it…"

The young man things for a moment. He snaps his fingers when he finds his answer.

"It's the power of plot."

The Zenos looked at each other, confused.

"Well I got to go. If you're still bored then why not hold another tournament? Anyways you're free to move."

The young man looks towards the Grand Minister and he fully regains mobility.

"Welp, addios," the young man says waving.

The young man completely disappears from the Zenos and the Grand Minister.

"Aww, he's gone." "Yeah, he was interesting. I'm sad now."

The Grand Minister couldn't believe what all just transpired. "The Author," he whispered to himself.

"Hey! Hey! Other me!" "What is it other me?" "Let's do what that man said and have another tournament!" Zeno 2 eyes sparkled at this. "Yes! Yes! Let's have another one! I can't wait to see Goku again!"

The Grand Minister sighed, dusted himself, smiled, and bowed humbly to the Zenos.

"I shall start making preparations."