
Eve Of The Dark

[STORY PAUSED FOR A FEW MONTHS DUE TO EXAMS!] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "I'm not the prince of your fairytale," he murmured. "I'm the monster of your nightmares." ——— Ezekiel Wei— the leader of the biggest gang in Asia. Money? Fame? Women? He has it all on the tips of his fingers. He fears nothing, doesn't give a shit about love, and does whatever he wants. Cursed to the bottom of his soul. Rumors surrounded him; people said he was the Devil of devils, a sinner worse than his father could ever be. Haven Lee— an undercover agent. An assassin who transformed nightmares into reality. Bullets, knives, a living hell. Freshly reincarnated and craving revenge for all the years she suffered under the hands of the Devil himself. The only person who could take on a legion of demons and still manage to survive. The sole problem: She met the right person, under the wrong circumstances. ——— 100 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 150 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters 200 Powerstones: 3 extra chapters 10 Golden Tickets: 1 extra chapter 30 Golden Tickets: 2 extra chapters Update Schedule: 2 chapters per day unless I end up falling sick ^^ In that case, only one chapter! I'll inform if something happens and I won't be able to upload. Instagram: ikigai_yugen7 facebook: Ikigai Yugen *The copyright to the cover belongs to the author; Please do not reuse.

ikigai_yugen · Urban
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94 Chs

Launched into trouble (5)

What did I do wrong in my past life to get stuck between these two, Lily sobbed.

The heavy, stifling aura in the car had almost succeeded in suffocating her. Two of the most scariest men she had ever had the bad luck to encounter in her life were the very reason she was suffering in silence, unable to say or ask anything.

No! I'm Lily Qian, I can't just let two thugs bully me into submission! Never!

For Ave, I shall risk my life!

Nodding furiously inside her head, she turned toward Theo and poked him softly in the shoulder.

Please don't blow up! I'm too young to die, I haven't even dated yet!

A pair of stone-cold electric blue eyes shifted toward her and she wondered if her heart had actually gone through a mild stroke at the sight of him. That handsome face with those manners was simply cruel to such beauty, she sobbed again.

Talking to Zei was too perilous, even for her. Thunderclouds were raging above his head, lightning crackling around and paralyzing anyone who tried to get close and try to talk to him.

After she had explained what had taken place right in front of the university, he hadn't wasted a single second rushing toward his car. Kicking the driver out without any mercy, Lily and Theodore had managed to get a last-second seat at the very moment the engine had roared to life.

If Zei had thunderclouds floating above his head, then Theo had hail falling everywhere, hitting her at brief intervals internally. Sitting between two big shots had never been in her life plan and now that it was happening, she wished she was anywhere but here in this car.

She would've gotten another taxi but with the speed Zei was driving the car, the driver would've lost him under 5 seconds. And if Haven was stuck between these two for comfort, Lily couldn't let that happen to her best friend!

These two meanies would probably make her cry! Hmph!

"How long?" she asked in a tiny whisper and pouted when he turned his head away toward the tinted window.

What was he even looking at?

Lily wondered how she could gain his attention. Maybe grab his phone and throw it out the window?

She wasn't suicidal.

Kick him in the leg?

She didn't want her dead body to end up in the dumpsters.

She sighed. Well, everything does come with consequences of their own...

While he was busy looking away and cursing Zei a million times in his head, he didn't fail to notice movement near him from behind.

What was this little chipmunk up to now?

Just as he was about to glance backward, his entire body stiffened up. What— What did she just do!?

He couldn't feel any pain at the small pinch but that didn't mean he let anybody touch his body like that. He saw her looking up at him, her wide doe eyes blinking up, brimmed to the top with pure innocence. At that moment, something inside him snapped.

He yanked his arm back, glaring at her yet she seemed unperturbed. Persistent. Unrelenting. Stubborn as hell.

Did she not know who he was?

Impossible! The entire China knew who he was! Maybe she just sprouted up into this world and was meeting human beings for the first time in her life. Makes much more sense.

"Are you deaf?"

His lips parted in disbelief. "Are you crazy?"

"A little."

Raising his brows at her answer, he shook his head and slowly breathed out. The best way to deal with crazy people was to ignore them.

So that's just what he did.

While they both were busy silently bickering in the backseat, a fierce storm was raging inside Zei's mind, soul, and heart. He had no clue why he was feeling this weird, tightening emotion in his chest. It felt as if somebody was clenching his heart, almost squeezing the life out of him slowly and painfully.

He wanted it to stop.

He needed it to stop.


The monster living inside him fought to take over but Zei struggled back to maintain his senses in contact. I'm in control, he repeated. I'm Ezekiel Wei. I'm in control.

His very own warehouse came in his sight and his brows narrowed down in confusion. Was his enemy stupid? Mental? Why would he kidnap her and make her stay so close to one of his main bases?

Slamming the brakes on, he didn't bother waiting for anyone to accompany him. All that was going on in his frozen mind was that he needed to get her by his side again. He had to see her or his body would give up. He needed to know that she was fine.

The encroaching dusk cast long, haunting shadows that stretched across the desolate streets, while the sinking Sun painted the horizon with a mesmerizing blend of soft pinks and shimmering golds, creating a surreal atmosphere.

A solemn silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional whisper of wind. Taking out his gun, Zei paid no attention to Theo who followed behind quietly and calmly. He needed to get her back. Why didn't she take a guard with her for her safety?

Not wasting another second, he swiftly lifted his leg, muscles tensing as he unleashed a powerful kick directly toward the massive wooden door.

The impact reverberated through the air, echoing with a resounding crack as the door succumbed to the force behind his strike. Splintering under the relentless power of his blow, the once formidable barrier shattered into a cascade of shattered wood, revealing a path forward into the now silent warehouse.

The scene that met his eyes was enough to make his eyeballs drop to the floor.




What do you all think he saw? (*^▽^*) Let me know in the comments!

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