
Eve Of The Dark

[STORY PAUSED FOR A FEW MONTHS DUE TO EXAMS!] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "I'm not the prince of your fairytale," he murmured. "I'm the monster of your nightmares." ——— Ezekiel Wei— the leader of the biggest gang in Asia. Money? Fame? Women? He has it all on the tips of his fingers. He fears nothing, doesn't give a shit about love, and does whatever he wants. Cursed to the bottom of his soul. Rumors surrounded him; people said he was the Devil of devils, a sinner worse than his father could ever be. Haven Lee— an undercover agent. An assassin who transformed nightmares into reality. Bullets, knives, a living hell. Freshly reincarnated and craving revenge for all the years she suffered under the hands of the Devil himself. The only person who could take on a legion of demons and still manage to survive. The sole problem: She met the right person, under the wrong circumstances. ——— 100 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 150 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters 200 Powerstones: 3 extra chapters 10 Golden Tickets: 1 extra chapter 30 Golden Tickets: 2 extra chapters Update Schedule: 2 chapters per day unless I end up falling sick ^^ In that case, only one chapter! I'll inform if something happens and I won't be able to upload. Instagram: ikigai_yugen7 facebook: Ikigai Yugen *The copyright to the cover belongs to the author; Please do not reuse.

ikigai_yugen · Urban
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94 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Launched into trouble (4)

They both were pushed unceremoniously inside the seemingly dark and disgusting corner of the massive warehouse, where the oppressive aura hung heavy in the air. The walls, painted in a foreboding shade of black, exuded an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down her spine.

As her gaze swept across the dimly lit space, she couldn't help but wonder if Kevin, her unfortunate companion, had already succumbed to fear and mortification, contemplating if he had managed to inadvertently wet himself not once but twice within the span of a single day.

Still, better than being alone!

"Shit, we're going to die," Kevin muttered to nobody in particular and Haven turned toward him with a small pout.

"Now, I don't wanna hear that negative attitude. Look on the bright side!"

His eyes shone. "Yay, we're gonna die! Woohoo!"


He looked away and continued mumbling to himself while Haven faced the men who seemed to be waiting for somebody themselves.

Kevin suddenly straightened and she flinched at the unexpected action. He better not risk both our lives by trying to make a run for it!

"Sir, I have Contouritis!" he fell to his knees, his eyes watering while Haven frowned. Was that even a real disease? "My organs are all useless and aren't worth a single yuan, I promise you, please let me go back to my Mommy!"

Her brow twitched and she patted his back half-heartedly. The guy got in this mess because of her so the least she could do was comfort him so that he wouldn't pee his pants the second time.


She glanced around and her brows narrowed down.


[Are you.]

Feeling her throat drying up, she whispered quietly, "In a warehouse somewhere. It seems abandoned."

The voice didn't return and she felt like smacking her head against a wall. First, she was hallucinating and now she had started talking to herself. Great, I'm on my way to a mental hospital. Just great!

The heavy wooden door groaned as it was forcefully pushed open, yielding to the insistent pressure from the outside world. In that fleeting moment, the ethereal rays of the full moon spilled into the dimly lit room, casting an enchanting glow that danced playfully across the worn floorboards.

Following the intrusion of moonlight, a commanding figure strode into the space, flanked by an entourage of formidable guards whose presence commanded both respect and fear.

Mostly fear.

This man, towering above the rest, possessed an imposing stature that seemed to scrape the roof itself. His well-built frame was accentuated by a classic buzz cut that accentuated the sharp angles of his face, hinting at a determined resolve etched within his very being.

The intricate tapestry of tattoos that adorned every inch of his exposed arms told stories of a life lived on the razor's edge, of battles fought and won, and of allegiances forged and betrayed.

With each step he took, a sense of authority permeated the air, intertwining with an aura of danger that surrounded him like an impenetrable cloak.

His piercing gaze, framed by eyes as cold and unyielding as steel, surveyed the room with a calculated intensity that left no detail unnoticed. It was evident that he was a man of action, unafraid to face the darkness head-on and to delve into its depths in pursuit of his objectives.

Yet to her eyes, he didn't seem like the Boss. Just a loyal as-hell underdog who was either working on somebody else's orders or was doing this just for the sake of his entertainment.

If it was the first, then she still had hope of striking a deal or forming a plan of escape.

If not...

Then they both were utterly doomed.

"So you're his infamous girlfriend, huh?" the man bent down to her height, surveying her from top to bottom with nothing but curiosity flashing in his eyes.

Internally, Haven narrowed her brows. Whose girlfriend? Also, it doesn't look like he kidnapped me just for having fun. Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought his entire entourage at the back of his head along with him.

"May I ask whose girlfriend I am?" her tone was mild, casual as if she didn't care that she was brought to this base against her will.

"I hope he's had the time to tell you that he's the Joker of the Underworld," Zixin said with a small smirk. "Or it'll be quite heart-wrenching to break the truth to you, sweetie."

"En. I'm aware." Instead of going around in circles, it would be a hundred times better if she sped up the process and got straight to the point. The reason why they had brought her here.

"You want to get information out of me, don't you? Or maybe you need me to lure him here so that you can kill him?"

His expression told her that she had hit the nail right on the head. "Quite a clever little girl we got here. After we torture your precious boyfriend, maybe you could join us?"

Haven shrugged. "If I feel like it, I guess. Anyways, I'm starving and so is my friend here. How about some chicken and beer?" she unconsciously licked her lips, her stomach grumbling in agreement at the tempting food fantasy going on in her head.

The guards looked at each other, feeling confused. Why wasn't this girl crying and shivering in fear? Why wasn't she begging to be released?

Why the hell was she so calm?!

And... hungry?

Zixin blinked before shaking his head. "Too bad darling, but you aren't in the position to be ordering us around here."

"And I also know that you can't kill me since that information is too important for you." she smiled at the scowl appearing on his face. "But how about we strike a deal between us? Win-win situation, no?"

He stared at her for a minute or two, surveying her expression before finally giving in as his shoulders fell down in surrender.

"Let's hear what you got to say then."



Contouritis is a fake, completely fictional disease guys, don't take it seriously and start searching all over the Internet o(〃^▽^〃)o

Happy reading >.<