
the house

the main characters are Evan wildcat minilad sark and nogla



Wildcat: AAAAOOOOHHH(it's a scream)

"they get in the house"

Evan: woah that was close

wildcat: let's set up base here

"they set up base"

Evan:they got beds for everybody in here man

sark:do you? alright I'll come upstairs

Evan:alright tell me where your gonna sleep

sark: alright I'll sleep right here

(right next to the stairs)

Evan:alright so your gonna die first

sark: yup yup

Evan:heres your pillow

(gives cardboard box)

sark:oh thanks. that's gonna be perfect for my lower back

"5 min later"

sark:oh my god I picked my pillow up and it collapsed. alright I'm gonna put that down cause sometimes I do pee the bed. this is gonna be so crowded with two 8 foot Italian plumbers

"everyone laughs"

wildcat: Italian plumbers with heads the size of volts wagon beetles that are as tall as Shaquille O'Neal

"20 min later"

Evan: here's a two week old post expired Chinese food beside your bed

sark: oh thank you. I'm gonna put it in the corner save it for later

Evan: here's the bathroom right here

sark: a bucket and some newspapers... nice

Evan: these are my weapons I'm gonna give you one weapon ok

sark: ok

Evan: here's a single hand grenade. use it wisely

sark: hopefully I don't wake up at night and eat the grenade

"few minutes later"

sark: finally my store is open

Evan: the worlds smallest and smelliest pawnshop

(continued in the next chapter)