

This butterfly's sense of smell is supposedly strong enough that it can track death from strals away. It is in this way that they avoid danger, as each thing has its very own distinct scent but will love and thrills change the law of nature? All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief "quotations" in a book review. I did my own research for this book and I've been familiar with mythology since I've been a kid very less of the story will actually change; characters will only have lovers that they are meant to have and I'll try to describe their appearance as best as I can. Please don’t be timid and leave comments I really want to get to know you guys. Check my profile for more info!

MaeMyung · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Three

It's so easy to fall in love, how many times do eyes have to connect to have that certain ecstasy flowing through your veins; how many beats is the heart supposed to lose to call that feeling love?

How can you distinguish a little crush over true love? Also when a face isn't particularly remembered and it's been years the face is almost not recognisable the love remains like a young teenage tattoo done in the middle of a high school hallway, that is true love, that type of love that the mind tries to reach once it has blanked out.

A little crush it's falling in, deep, till the very bottom but not sinking, floating while looking at the sky you've fallen from and thinking i'll get over it, it's just a phase.

"Morning" I smiled warmly at Hades.

"Morning sunshine" he smiled back, I found myself unconsciously gazing at his eyes, they seemed to be lacking colour but his smile said the exact opposite.

The bad thing about not telling Hades I liked him, is that he proceeded on to find another person because he was so desperate for affection.

Then I was left hanging on what you call a little crush because that's all I had ever known, everything was just a phase, I couldn't think about it any better.

"I'm sorry if Athena made you really uncomfortable, she's very careless about people, I hope yesterday you had a goodnight sleep" He asked me lovingly passing me a cup of tea, he smiled and looked away.

I wasn't going to lie to my own self because the night before I was a total sobbing mess.

"Yes, I was just reading and eventually I fell asleep" I stumbled in my words, I tried to keep a dead stare straight towards him.

"There's really no need for you to be that serious" he laughed, that soft and angelic laugh made my heart melt, he then proceeded to lightly hit my forehead with his indices.

"Stop I get it, thank you for the morning tea" I laughed as well, I couldn't stop the smile that was growing on my lips, nothing didn't have to go wrong, I was hoping nothing would've gone wrong and for a matter of fact I was wishing time could have stopped when he filled the room with his lovely laughter.

"Hades" another voice barked into my house and I felt my heart literally rip apart, I had forced myself so hard to laugh and be happy just to enjoy Hades' soft laughter.

"Yes Minthe?" He cried out rolling his eyes, he glared at me quickly with a little bit of annoyance in his expression, did he really love her, but I was sure he didn't because whenever they were close I could feel his vibrations lower.

"I've missed you so much" she shouted directly into his face and Hades looked at her with an expression that would literally kill her if he used his powers.

"I would never treat you that way, nowhere close to the end of the world, not even in the afterlife," he said, taking her hand in his.

"Don't lie to yourself Hades" She walked of dramatically letting go rudely of Hades' hand.

She stopped right before me, her eyes raised to meet mine and I obviously was the only prey left for her to make the day miserable.

As our eyes locked I could hear the river cocytus rushing in my ears.

"Don't you have better to do little Kore, rather than inviting my boyfriend to leave with you?" She asked getting very close to me.

"Minthe, when did you get the keys to our apartment?" Hades asked her with a low husky voice, noticing the tension between me and his girlfriend, he held Minthe by her arm and pulled her closer to him instead of having her all over my face.

She turned around quickly and took a step backwards, looking dead into his eyes and look at his in disbelief like she was disgusted.

"You left it at the apartment you bought for me and don't you dare call this place your apartment as well!" she said with a granting voice, I stood up, I was totally prepared to slap her across her face, but not that day I wasn't going to hurt anybody.

I smiled at myself.

"Yes I do remember, how about you take a walk outside just to cool off your mind" he said as he pulled Minthe behind her and smiled at me a little nervous.

"I don't mind, go with her and just make sure she doesn't bark into my apartment again" I said crossing my arms unbothered.

"Excuse me Kore but I think you're one of the last people to tell my boyfriend whether he should take me out for a walk or not" she said in disbelief with a frown on her face.

"Out please" I calmly said pointing my finger towards the door on my left, I felt like my head was about to explode.

Hades smiled at me like he understood how Minthe was just a pain for me at that moment of time and I was so grateful of that.

"You know what Minthe?"- Hades asked looking down to his side at Minthe. -"Some fresh cold air would do you nothing but good to you right now" he laughed wrapping his arm around her fragile shoulder as he started to walk away and they both calmly walked out of my apartment.

"You're right but can we please talk about how Kore bosses you around like you're some type of puppet" she said loudly, like she wanted me to hear it.

"Are you sure?" Hades asked.

"Of course, you're way to kind with her that it surprises me and that makes me insanely jealous" she cried out with an annoying high pitched voice.

I looked around as soon as the door shut close, I brought my arms over my head as I held my braids up just to let my neck have some air, Minthe always have me headaches.

Maybe I was the one that need to go for a walk and not them two.

A little crush it's falling in, deep, till the very bottom but not sinking, floating while looking at the sky you've fallen from and thinking i'll get over it, it's just a phase.

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