
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 19: Agah Village

"After my spiritual mind was opened, my inner sight should be an ability derived from it. I even have the texts recorded."

Wouldn't that mean that Nai can mass produce an accepter that can awaken this kind of ability? Maybe derived an ability from this?


If so, "then this would be one of the foundations for my future family." He clenched his palms into fists in excitement and joy.


On the other hand, while he was marveling at the happenings of his life, Accepter Garut and his group have finally successfully returned to their Agah village.


"Welcome back!" The village chief hugged Garut with indescribable emotions in his heart.

For them to witness the groups return, about whom they had been worried because they were carrying their hope for survival.


This was the return of the trust they had given them. "I know it."


"Thank you for coming back." The elders bowed as tears silently fell out of their eyes.


Accepter Garut nodded with a gentle smile, no matter what. This is the village he has been born into and grows up in.

He naturally won't leave his village behind if he can find a solution. "We've got the cure."


Garut nodded at the leader beside him, who immediately passed on a basket containing a bag full of miracle water. "Here."


Looking at their haggard faces and dirty clothes, the village chief and the elders felt pity and care for them. They immediately said, "Go and rest; well, do the rest.".


Accepter Garut and the others nodded, as they also knew their limit. Day and night, they had been traveling nonstop.

Only to rest when they really needed it. On top of that, they had been worried about their loved ones in the village.


Soon, the whole village welcomed good news in their dark months.


At this moment, many young villagers who can still run outside immediately left to return the good news to each of their homes.

Their smiles can't hide the happiness in their hearts.


The door swung open, and the villagers climbed the trees like veteran monkeys. All of them shouted at the same time, "We have the cure!".


It was as though the pent-up emotions in the despairing hearts of the sick suddenly found an outlet amidst their hope and joy.

Tears gushed out down their cheeks. If not for their extremely weakened state right now.


They would have joined their compatriots in jumping around like fools. "We're....saved."

An old man muttered dazedly towards the gaps in his ceiling.


"It's old man Garut and his team. They're the ones who brought back the cure!" Said by one of the young men among the houses.

His shout rang true around him, reaching the ears of his neighbors, who were dancing in joy.


Everyone felt immense gratitude for the old man Garut in their hearts: "After I recover, I'll make that old man have a taste of my barbecue!".


"Old man yourself, you can't even make fire now. And you're going to make barbecue already." Someone besides him joked around, feeling the heavy mood vanish like smoke.


"Hahahaha." There was soon laughter ringing around each house in the village.

The village chief, together with the elders, distributed the miracle water for everyone to drink. "With this, the village will be saved once more."


Everyone looked into each other's eyes, which seem to have long since seen through life. "Indeed. Old man Garut has made a meritorious contribution to the village this time. "How should we reward him?"


"Why don't we ask him instead?" The village chief suggested he was currently in a happy mood. The village won't end under his reign after all.


The elders nodded and said, "Alright."


A few hours later, all the villagers had recovered to their full health.

Even those with hidden injuries or other illnesses have been healed back to their best shapes.


All the villagers are praising and worshipping old man Garut and his groups as heroes.


That is when old man Garut announced, "I am now called Accepter Garut." "Please call me that in the future."


Although no one understands what "accepter" means, they didn't ask and just did as he said.


From then on, the word "accepter" was a synonym for power. A title for those who can find solutions or do miracles instead.


At the same time, Viridescent Nai's existence was known to the village chief and its many elders.


Inside one of the tree houses in the village, where the village higher-ups often meet for important meetings.

Accepted Garut, the village chief, and the elders sat around the wooden table.


"Are you sure he has already passed his acceptance phenomenon?" With a serious expression on his face, the village chief asked solemnly.

His eyes seemed to be thinking of another matter.


Accepter Garut nodded expressionlessly and said, "Indeed, I saw it on his neck." He pointed to his tribal necklace on his neck.


The village chief and the elders looked at the necklace on Garut's neck with envy for a bit before it disappeared. "Do you know where he lived? How many are there in his village?"


"That last question is unknown. While he told us and even pointed to his home. It seems he was eager for communication with us."

Accepter Garut thought back at that time as he said, "Though I can't believe such vast grassland actually has someone living in it."


An elder suddenly asked with bewilderment, "Did you see or ask where he got the miracle water from?". 


This is an important question that can save lives, the status it has can bring many benifits to those who holds it.

And it also shows how a person can change because of greed. "I don't." Accepter Garut shook his head.


"What about his ability? Did he have one?" Another elder asked another important question.


"That, I don't know. But there's a high chance." As I thought, I can't tell them that he may not have yet awakened an ability.

Accepter Garut thought in his heart that the reason for such a thought was because of his gut feelings.


And that gut feeling has saved him many times in the past. "I recommend continuing the exchange. I will also go again next time."


"Alright, it's better this way. Avoid trouble; it's best if we can communicate. After all, he's the first other person outside the village that we have met." The village chief nodded as he spoke.


"What if he was all alone? What should we do?" This question stumped everyone again. The elder continued, "Even if he had passed his acceptance, it doesn't mean he can defeat fifty men, right?"


Everyone looked at Accepter Garut, who was the sole one who passed his acceptance and gained the ability to see the future through a dream.

He himself knows the capabilities he can muster and his limits. Also the reason why no one feared him instead, because they can still outnumber him.


"Your correct, however, if it really came to that? He was alone in the wild with the miracle water. Are you sure we should make an enemy out of him?" Accepter Garut was, as always, expressionless.


"Why not? When that young man dies, we can have the miracle water ourselves. We don't need to waste our saliva communicating with a lone man at all." The elder replied with confidence. He didn't seem to care about killing anyone at all.


"How about it?" The elder asked the others to agree with his suggestions. However, they didn't reply to him. It seems they didn't like the idea or were afraid of trouble.

He immediately sneered at how cowardly they were as he took a step back, saying, "Alright, alright. Give me your suggestions then.".


The village chief nodded at Accepter Garut in affirmation, saying, "Go on.".


"Well then, let me get straight right now. I hope that we can establish long-term communication with that young man, even if he is alone." Accepter Garut suggested


The elders asked, "Can you tell us why?"


Accepter Garut answered, "There's no need for any explanation; the only thing I can say is my gut feeling. We can't make an enemy out of him.".


"What?! That's all?" The elder who suggested killing Nai back then stood up from his seat in anger, as he couldn't accept such a lousy explanation at all.


The village chief frowned and said, "Argar, you just became an elder a year ago, so you don't know about Garut. His gut feeling has saved us many times from disaster! So we have full trust in him.".


Sensing the displeasure in the village chief's voice, Argar shut his mouth. Although he was angry, he still had the rationality to make decisions. "Got it." 


However, in his heart, he was cursing Garut and the village chief madly.


No matter what, we will see it in the next exchange. If that young man called Nai is really alone, then it's not too late to devise a scheme to kill him. Argar thought darkly.


Thinking of this, he calmed down and smiled as he thought he accepted Accepter Garut's suggestion.


The village chief and the others saw that no one disagreed. The former finally said, "We'll go with your plan, Garut."


"Hmm."  Accepter Garut nodded as he corrected, "It's Accepter Garut."


The village chief and the elder were speechless. "A-alright."


"Meeting adjourned." Everyone then left one by one.