
Eternal Wishes

In "Wish Odyssey," Hackerfield finds himself transported to a mysterious realm where he encounters the Overseer of the Universe. Offered seven wishes and the chance for reincarnation, Hackerfield crafts a master plan for his new life. With each wish carefully chosen, he navigates a world of limitless potential, armed with powers and abilities beyond imagination. As he embarks on his journey, Hackerfield must confront challenges, forge alliances, and unravel the secrets of his newfound abilities. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Hackerfield soon discovers that his wishes may have consequences beyond his wildest dreams. Will he use his gifts for good, or will he succumb to the temptations of ultimate power? "Wish Odyssey" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the eternal quest for purpose.

game_Hacker · Eastern
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chapter 3: Information

**MC POV:**

Finally, finished reading all the books in the archives. From all the information that I gathered, I have been reincarnated into the cultivation world. Here, we can see many kinds of sects and mythological creatures and monsters that reside. In this world, only strength matters; it's like a jungle law. The cultivation system of this world is vast and intricate:

1. **Vitality Fortification:**

 - **Level 1: Novice Fortifier**

 - **Level 2: Proficient Fortifier**

 - **Level 3: Master Fortifier**

2. **Qi Symphony:**

 - **Level 1: Qi Senser**

 - **Level 2: Harmonic Channeler**

 - **Level 3: Qi Maestro**

3. **Root Establishment:**

 - **Level 1: Essence Stabilizer**

 - **Level 2: Foundation Builder**

 - **Level 3: Root Master**

4. **Spiritual Core Integration:**

 - **Level 1: Core Initiator**

 - **Level 2: Core Integrator**

 - **Level 3: Core Sage**

5. **Awakening Eclipse:**

 - **Level 1: Soul Awakener**

 - **Level 2: Spiritual Illuminator**

 - **Level 3: Eclipse Enlightened**

6. **Soul Embodiment:**

 - **Level 1: Soul Refiner**

 - **Level 2: Essence Embodier**

 - **Level 3: Soul Ascendant**

7. **Transcendental Liberation:**

 - **Level 1: Transcendental Seeker**

 - **Level 2: Ascension Aspirant**

 - **Level 3: Liberation Master**

8. **Ethereal Confluence:**

 - **Level 1: Ethereal Conductor**

 - **Level 2: Celestial Harmonizer**

 - **Level 3: Confluence Ascendant**

9. **Heaven's Threshold:**

 - **Level 1: Threshold Guardian**

 - **Level 2: Celestial Aspirant**

 - **Level 3: Heavenly Transcender**

10. **Mahayana Apex:**

 - **Level 1: Mahayana Initiate**

 - **Level 2: Enlightened Sage**

 - **Level 3: Apex Ascendant**

These levels represent incremental progress within each cultivation rank, with cultivators advancing from novice to master within each stage. Each level brings greater understanding, mastery, and power within their respective cultivation ranks.

I wonder if other realms exist like heavenly realms where immortals exist and underworld realms where demons and other dangerous creatures reside.

[closing the eyes and delving deeper into the mind] System: 4 years, 3 months, 3 days.

Template system: 7 years, 3 months, 3 days. "Ugh..." Why is my system locked? I thought I would be overpowered with all of this. Now it's like... the only things that I can use among my wishes are perfected memory and intelligence and unlimited money. And my father said that I can only begin my cultivation when I reach 7 years old.

But my father doesn't know that I've memorized all the cultivation techniques and martial techniques. I've even combined and created my own cultivation and martial techniques that are perfect for my body. Even though I want to cultivate secretly, I can't. I don't even want to think about it. Was it a year ago when I secretly gathered energy for cultivation, that my father and mother noticed me? And they scolded me so much that I don't want to remember it. The only thing that I can do is cultivate my soul since my father can't sense it. Because he trains in weapon arts.

The soul cultivation levels that I know from my father's archives are:

**Soul Awakening:**

- **Level 1: Soul Perception** - Initiates learn to perceive the presence and essence of their soul, gaining awareness of its existence within their being.

- **Level 2: Soul Connection** - Cultivators establish a stronger connection with their soul, deepening their understanding of its nature and its role in their spiritual journey.

- **Level 3: Soul Illumination** - Practitioners achieve a state of soul illumination, where their soul radiates with inner light, symbolizing their heightened spiritual awareness.

**Soul Refinement:**

- **Level 1: Soul Cleansing** - Cultivators begin the process of purifying and cleansing their souls, removing impurities and negative energies that hinder spiritual progress.

- **Level 2: Soul Purification** - Practitioners deepen their soul cleansing practice, purifying their soul to a greater extent and enhancing its clarity and purity.

- **Level 3: Soul Sanctification** - Masters achieve a state of soul sanctification, where their soul becomes a vessel of divine purity and enlightenment, free from all impurities.

I wonder if there are realms above this. And I have not even reached the first realm because Father has only three basic training techniques for cultivation: The Soul Refinement Method, the Soul Connection Technique, and the Soul Projection Technique. I have combined these techniques into one with three levels, and it will be my foundation for my future since my soul strength has no flaws or mistakes.

I call this technique the 'Unified Soul Harmonization Method,' and its three levels are:

1. **Soul Purification and Alignment**

2. **Spiritual Res

onance and Empowerment**

3. **Astral Integration and Exploration**

Right now, I can only use Soul Purification and Alignment since my soul has not reached the first stage of cultivation. Ha... if only my system was awakened, the time to cultivate would have been shortened, and I could laze around all day.

[slapping his cheeks] No, I should be thankful that I can use perfect memory and intelligence to improve my technique, rather than being depressed about the system. I am sure the system will awaken, and my power will increase rapidly.

Right now, I am in the city called 'Talon's Edge,' which resides in the 'Feathered Empire.' The nearby sects are the Black Feather Sect, Divine Vulture Sect, and Frostbite Feather Sect, where my father works as a hunter for the Black Feather Sect.

The world is made up of 10 different continents, some also call them realms. They are:

1. Celestial Aviary Realm

2. Vulture's Domain

3. Feathered Empire

4. Plumage Realm

5. Avian Kingdom

6. Winged Dominion

7. Talonland

8. Beakhold Realm

9. Feathered Enclave

10. Skyborne Province

Each continent has at least one Mahayana apex realm cultivator, who is in seclusion. I am sure of it, even though the archives of Father only said the maximum realm reached in today's age is only the Transcendental Liberation Realm.

At least I have got all the basic information that I need in this world to survive and learned the languages [speak, write, and read] of the world.