
Eternal Wishes

In "Wish Odyssey," Hackerfield finds himself transported to a mysterious realm where he encounters the Overseer of the Universe. Offered seven wishes and the chance for reincarnation, Hackerfield crafts a master plan for his new life. With each wish carefully chosen, he navigates a world of limitless potential, armed with powers and abilities beyond imagination. As he embarks on his journey, Hackerfield must confront challenges, forge alliances, and unravel the secrets of his newfound abilities. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Hackerfield soon discovers that his wishes may have consequences beyond his wildest dreams. Will he use his gifts for good, or will he succumb to the temptations of ultimate power? "Wish Odyssey" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the eternal quest for purpose.

game_Hacker · Eastern
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

**MC POV:**

Opening my eyes, once again I'm surrounded by darkness. Wah! Ah! The light is too bright for my eyes, given that I've only seen darkness until now. But since there's light there, I should go there, no, I must go there; I can't endure darkness any longer. And I also want to know where I'm reincarnated. 

And why is my body so heavy? Is it because this is my new body or something? Haa... forget it.

**3rd POV:**

"Haaah! Haaaaaaa! Madam, hold on for a few seconds, the baby is coming out. Madam, just one more second. Yes! The baby is out, madam, and it's a healthy boy!" exclaimed the nurse, panting with exertion. "Let me see my child and call his father. Hah! Hah!"

The door burst open, and a middle-aged man rushed in, shouting, "Where is my child? Where is it!" until he heard his wife's voice.

"Dear, the child is here, look how cute he is. I'm sure in the future he will look handsome," said the wife.

"Honey, you're right. Not only will he be handsome, but he will also be the most powerful person in the world. Hahahaha!"

**MC POV:**

Haa.. finally out of the darkness. Now where am I... Hmm... why is there a large face in front of me? Wait!! Don't tell me I have reincarnated as a baby, no way! This shouldn't be. I thought I would be at least 5 years old. Now I have to go through all the hurdles that a baby has to go through, right? What a pain. I just don't want to think about it.

Well, whatever, for every disadvantage, there is an advantage. Since it's like this, I have to make maximum utilization of my wishes to make a perfect future for myself.

Now I should analyze my situation. Even though I don't understand their language, I should be able to understand basic things, especially since I have perfect intelligence. Hmm... from the looks of it, this handsome middle-aged man and beautiful woman should be my mother and father, and the others should be nannies.

I wonder what kind of world I reincarnated into. Whether it's about immortal cultivation, magic cultivation, or a murim world, etc., no matter what, with my wishes, I would be the strongest of all. Heheheeh!!! Hahahaha!!

**3rd POV:**

"Husband, why don't you hold the child and be careful of your strength, okay?"

"Okay, I will be careful about my strength." Finally, my son is in my hands. I'm so happy I don't know what to say since this is my first child. No matter whether he has talent for cultivation or not, I will give him all the security he needs.

"Waah! Waah! Waaaaah!" The child cries loudly. Wait, why is the child crying? Did I do something wrong? [Looking into Hu Huanxian's eyes] "Tell me what to do."

"Haha!! Haha! Husband, you don't know anything about a baby; all you know is how to fight. The baby is crying for food. Since a large amount of energy must have been used for his birth, return the child to me; let me breastfeed him."

**MC POV:**

Man, I only wanted to laugh, but to think my body would be crying rather than laughing. Now I'm hungry since my energy has been used up. Ha.. what a headache now it is.

I think I should look into my wishes after breastfeeding and waking up from the sleep.
