
Eternal Veins: Bound by Blood and Love

"Why all this darkness?" It has been haunting my mind for an eternity. I've treaded through its depths for a while now, yet I hold onto the conviction that there's always a glimmer of light at the end of every daunting tunnel. I keep moving forward until I finally come across an old castle, its darkness as impenetrable as ever. I recognize this place as the recurring backdrop of my dreams. This is where the vision always halts, the vision that's been with me since I was a 16-year-old girl. And now, as a mature woman, I've decided that today is the day I'll step inside that ancient castle, seeking answers to the mysteries that have plagued me. ..................................... "Now that you know who I am... do you still hold love for me?" His voice is calm, his expression unreadable. "Yes, I still love you," I respond, my heart unwavering. "No matter your identity, my heart remains bound to you. I yearn to spend the rest of my days wrapped in your embrace."

Goldenheart001 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

chapter 13-15 Our new plan

...side story...

In Mr. Felix's house...

All the family members wore worried expressions as a heavy silence enveloped the room. Mrs. Felix broke the silence, her voice tinged with desperation, "Sweetheart... I don't think I can take it anymore. What's going on?" Lucian moved closer and held her hand to offer comfort.

"Could it be that Mr. Lucas kidnapped her?" Mr. Alex interjected, his tone tense. "No, if he did, his life would be in danger too," Mr. Felix sighed, his expression pensive.

"Let's inform the police," Mrs. Felix suggested tearfully, but there was no immediate response. "No, Mom... if we involve the police, our enemies might target us. It could be seen as an opportunity to strike. Don't cry... I promise... I'll bring Jessy back," Lucian assured, determination in his voice.


... Jessy's POV...

I thought that was a good idea. It was another beautiful morning, and I headed downstairs, hoping to find Miss Kelly, who should have arrived from home by now. As I reached the lower floor, I spotted Mr. Lucas sitting comfortably. He appeared tired and stressed, with his shirt partially unbuttoned, revealing his chiseled chest. Despite the apparent stress, his face bore a calm demeanor.

Taking a deep breath, I approached him and took a seat across from him. "Good morning," I greeted him. He responded with a simple "morning," not looking up from the files in front of him. As he sipped his tea, I realized it was the right moment to ask him some questions. "Mr. Lucas," I called his name, and he acknowledged with a nod.

"I think I should head home now. Thank you for your hospitality," I began, trying to sound casual, but he interrupted, "Lady, I believe you heard me earlier." Oh no, I didn't want to come across as if I was forcing myself to stay, but...

"I want to stay here," I declared abruptly. I just wanted to stay because it was the only way I could help my family overcome this enemy.

"Okay," he replied simply. "Can I pour you some tea?" he offered, though he didn't wait for my response.

"But I don't understand why I have so many enemies after my life," I ventured, meeting his gaze. My heart raced as he looked into my eyes, and I felt an inexplicable flutter inside me.

"They want you dead because of me," he retorted, shocking me. I needed to remain composed, so I could gather more information. I knew he was trying to instill fear, but I refused to succumb. "I could help you with some of your paperwork," I suggested, changing the topic to subtly manipulate the information I had just learned.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. I approached the door to open it...