
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Queen Elva

An hour passed and neither did Sarah nor Cheng appeared. Did he do something wrong and Sarah killed him out of anger. She was starting to get worried but she still remained calm.

After waiting for another 25 minutes, they finally appeared, "What were you both discussing that took you more than an hour?"

Sarah looked at her with a look that says, 'You don't need to know" and she sat opposite Ling Yao while Cheng sat beside Ling Yao.

Ling Yao didn't ask anything about the private discussion they had. Instead she asked for the solution she originally came to ask Sarah, "So what do I have to do to stop the eye changing color issue"

Sarah took a sip of her juice and said honestly, "nothing"

"Okay, then how do I…"

Right now she had thought Sarah would say she should not come in contact so she didn't even listen to what Sarah said. "Wait what?"

She looked at Sarah with a look of confusion, and Sarah looked at her with a smile plastered on her face. She looked at Cheng, maybe he'd have something to say but he just looked at her calmly, which meant he didn't know.

Sarah continued, "My advice to you is, you should just give in. And I have a feeling you might have a problem with that so I'll just say, be with this young man for a month. The thing is, unless you get that bite to control your new powers it'd just continue to be a distraction to you."

"So you want me to be with him for a month" she had a cold and scary look in her eyes but she looked calm, yet unapproachable.

Sarah didn't care though, she had to help this little queen.

"I have been trying to keep this in, because I thought you would do the right thing before it's too late. It may not be late now but you are running out of time. If you don't take care of your new powers it will continue to affect you as the last guardian. Most times you won't be able to use the powers you were born with because of the new ones. The powers can also easily make you weak. The strength you need to carry out your duties as the last guardian won't be in you. And lastly, you might become like the first witch queen, she had gone astray and all she wanted was to be above everyone else"

Ling Yao never thought about this carefully. She knew it was affecting her as the guardian but who knew it was more than affecting her.

She asked angrily, "but why is mine a damn hickey. It could have been something else but it just had to be the hickey. Did the witch who had these powers first have a werewolf boyfriend?"

"Exactly" Sarah answered honestly.

Now this was unexpected.

She contined, "I saw everything when I got the powers. And I guess other people who had possessed the powers had seen everything also. The First Lady who was gifted the powers, Elva, she fell in love with a Lycan before she became a witch queen. The lycan also loved her as Elva was his mate even after she had become a witch queen. But when people found out she become a witch queen, people started naming the Lycan as irresponsible. They criticized their love and most people wanted both of them dead, and this made the witch queen leave the Lycan. She wanted him to be safe, so she left him thinking the people would stop all their plots against him. Elva left before he could even mark her as his"

"Later on, Elva found out her witch powers were getting out of control and it started when she left her Lycan lover. She also found out after consulting an old witch that she would loose herself to her powers if she didn't get marked by the Lycan. Elva had the same half moon and crown mark as yours. Only you have the same mark as Elva"

"She had to be marked by someone powerful and he had to be chosen. The Lycan was chosen and she was his mate. They naturally had feelings for each other. Elva didn't want to be marked at first but when she started becoming weak she couldn't take it. At some point Elva could barely move and luckily her lover could feel whatever she felt. He tracked her and he found her, she told him what he had to do and he marked her to save her"

"Later on they lived a happy life. Elva gave birth to a boy but when the kid was born, he was poisoned by maid that was sent by the other other witch queen, Mei Li. She didn't stop there, she destroyed the baby's soul so he wouldn't be reincarnated and she did the same to the the Lycan. She wanted to do the same to Elva but Elva already knew and planned ahead. She had transferred her powers a little witch girl she knew. The little girl was the old witch's granddaughter. The old witch had been the one guiding everyone who had the powers but right now no one knows where she is presently".

Ling Yao and Cheng listened patiently. She asked after Sarah finished her story, "Did other people who got the powers see this from Elva's life or it's just you?"

"Everyone who had her powers saw it" Sarah knew what Ling Yao wanted to ask and she answered before she could ask, "You will see everything after you get marked by him", indicating the him is Cheng.

Ling Yao's case is more complicated compared to Elva's and Sarah believed if she told Ling Yao about Elva she'd take her powers more seriously.

Without the story of Elva, Ling Yao was already considering the idea of being with Cheng mostly because she couldn't let her new powers affect her as the the Last guardian. She was born with the responsibility of the Last guardian.

Her first set of parents believed their daughter would continue the work of the guardians successfully. She couldn't let them down especially now that they're not with her anymore.

She was determined on continuing the work her parents left for her, and she wanted to finish it.

If Ling Yao was determined to do something, she'd do it even if her life was on the line, she'd make sure she did it.

Sarah had stopped talking ever since she saw Ling Yao wasn't paying attention. She had a serious look on her face and she was lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Sarah's and Cheng staring at her.

Especially Cheng, he was looking at her and it could be visibly seen that he had a worried look on his face, but no one knew what he was thinking.

After a few minutes, Ling Yao spoke, "So your advice is to stay with him for a month to build my relationship with him right?"

Sarah answered, "exactly"

"I'm sure you're fully aware why I wanted nothing to do with him but, I guess he was fated to be involved" Ling Yao was feeling so many things right now. She felt like beating up someone, if she couldn't then she wanted chocolate.

"Do you have any chocolate in this house, like snickers or dairy milk" she looked around and didn't spot any.

Sarah smiled and replied, "no, my kids finished all the chocolates I bought last week. There's only candy left and I know you don't like candy".

Ling Yao was frustrated, "Then do you have a punching bag here"

Of course she didn't have. Then Cheng brought our three snickers out from his pocket, "here you go"

She didn't care why he had it with him, she collected it and opened it. When the taste of nuts, Carmel hit her tongue she felt better.

"Thank you"

He didn't reply and for about ten minutes no one said anything.

When Ling Yao got up to leave Sarah didn't stop her, "Thank you for today grand aunt. We have to leave now, I'll come visit you some other time"

"Okay dear. Please take care of her" Sarah was referring to Cheng.

She stood at the door at watched them leave but then Ling Yao turned and said, "I'll tell mike to have chocolates delivered to your house in India. Some will be mine, keep it away from your kids cause he'll deliver theirs also"

Sarah couldn't help but laugh, "okay"

Cheng and Ling Yao both materialized in Ling Yao's house again. "Let's talk"

I’ll soon start posting pictures of the main characters on my instagram page. And hopefully I’ll get the book cover done before the year ends. (^ν^)

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